
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Ladies, how are you screening your clients? Do you research them as some mongers do research on a lady they want to see. Is posting habits, frequency and style something you look at. Do you look at reviews to see who they are seeing and what price point, session duration, and activities they are partaking in.

Does a particular ladies referral give you the green light with no other screening needed?

I'm curious if ladies are really looking into the clients as much as one would think to avoid the bad ones, especially the deceptive ones that are working around the process.

It has been said to not see guys with less then 10 reviews and have not been a member for at least one year. And requiring PM first. I see a lot of adds that say "I don't check PM's" really?

Seems like screening is a lot of work but necessary on both ends.

Mongers, how do you screen? Is there something that gives you a green, or red light at first sight?

El Comegente's Avatar
Ladies, please tell me how to circumvent your screening.
Obviously some people don't think before posting.
The lameness quotient is high here.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I definitely look at posting history, who the guy has reviewed.
There are some ladies that I trust more than others. If I don't know anything about the lady given as a reference, I may ask for multiple references or ask the ladies that have been reviewed. I try to answer reference requests in a timely fashion so the guy can set that appt quicker.
I am also newbie friendly and have alternate screening which I won't get into.
There is one lady that asks the guys to send her a photo of themselves taken that day with something specific that lets her know it was that day.
It does seem like there are a few guys that like to find a way around screening. They will email ladies claiming to be a prominent hobbyist and some ladies just accept that. They may also say they are someone that we have seen before. But with the 3 major threats in this area, we all have to be more diligent to remain safe. (I'm sure there are more than 3, though)
Let me put it this way: I'm thinking about getting a PI license just to make it official.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
For me no matter hobby site I'm using at the time a hobbyist must pm first, be a member of the site for a year, or have to reviews from providers i trust. To be honest I really don't have the time to pm a bunch of providers for a reference.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-13-2015, 06:44 PM

Mongers, how do you screen? Is there something that gives you a green, or red light at first sight?

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Nothing at first sight... there are a handful of mongers I trust their recommendations. If someone perks my attention I might reach out to a monger who has reviewed her & ask a few questions. I'll watch review history & watch for certain keys, but there are some mongers I wont follow in for reasons not discussed here.

Many times the first meeting might not be a BCD meeting, just a meet & greet. Gauge energies, interest, compatibility.

One I recently saw we've exchanged emails sporadically for 2 years & just recently had the first consummation...and it was great!
Let me put it this way: I'm thinking about getting a PI license just to make it official. Originally Posted by BiancaBonVivant
No shit! Or strictly p411 soon.
I normally will not see a lady who I have not met at a social, or a meet and greet. Although, sometimes I will see a lady who was recommended to me by one of my LTF ATX providers.

I also depend heavily upon the review of several trusted members; but frankly, I will not normally see a visiting providers--just too risky, unless we have met before.

I will spend considerable time looking at past reviews and digging in to see by somebody might have given the provider a NO. Not big on ladies who smoke or who have other strange habits that we don't discuss here.

Not normally looking for 19-year old spinners who don't have a hobby history or experience. I will let others show them the ropes. I am looking for ATX Soccer Moms and MILFs who are well-reviewed and know their way around the hobby.

Finally, if any sign of "management" it is a no-no, though I understand how some need help with scheduling. I also will not chase after providers who have flaky TCB and a history of NCNSs.
Still Looking's Avatar
Reviews, P411 & how they conduct themselves at first contact.