Celebrities Urging Electors To Stop Trump

It seems the virus of denial is spreading to the Pop Culture and Entertainment Industry. They simply cannot come to grips with reality.


I suggest more concerts from the likes of Katy Perry, Lady GaGa, The "Boss", Beyoncé, JayZ, and their ilk. Preach on.

Have Chris's Mathews look into the camera with all of his "concern". Have Rachel Maddow "smirk" some more.

After all, there are still Counties and Parishes scattered throughout the Country's Electorial Map that are still not Red. We need all of the elephant we can get to turn them.
As James Cromwell states about 30 seconds into the video ..... the electoral college was created specifically "to prevent an unfit candidate from becoming president>" ..... well excuuuussseee me, but didn't we do that exact thing by defeating Hillary on election night? .....oh and don't give me that hoeseshit that she won the popular vote ..... study your American history and actually take the time to decipher the Electoral College and exactly why it was created ..... and the safeguards it implemented to make sure the voters of all the STATES were represented ..... these liberals are going to have to figure that one out .....
It seems the virus of denial is spreading to the Pop Culture and Entertainment Industry. They simply cannot come to grips with reality.


I suggest more concerts from the likes of Katy Perry, Lady GaGa, The "Boss", Beyoncé, JayZ, and their ilk. Preach on.

Have Chris's Mathews look into the camera with all of his "concern". Have Rachel Maddow "smirk" some more.

After all, there are still Counties and Parishes scattered throughout the Country's Electorial Map that are still not Red. We need all of the elephant we can get to turn them. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Gets a thrill up his ass Chris Mathews fucking whiners
As James Cromwell states about 30 seconds into the video ..... the electoral college was created specifically "to prevent an unfit candidate from becoming president>" ..... well excuuuussseee me, but didn't we do that exact thing by defeating Hillary on election night? .....oh and don't give me that hoeseshit that she won the popular vote ..... study your American history and actually take the time to decipher the Electoral College and exactly why it was created ..... and the safeguards it implemented to make sure the voters of all the STATES were represented ..... these liberals are going to have to figure that one out ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Well said.

For decades, we were fed that tripe about Hillary Clinton being "the smartest woman in the World", how "experienced" she was, how "qualified" she was, when the real truth was she was a shrill, condescending, lying, despicable, money grubbing carpet bagging hag whose only claim to any fame was a result of her being "Mrs. Bill Clinton".
a few more celebrities coming out to urge for a renegade electoral college and trump will get maybe 500 votes

don't these idiots know they are idiots without any sway?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
As James Cromwell states about 30 seconds into the video ..... the electoral college was created specifically "to prevent an unfit candidate from becoming president>" ..... well excuuuussseee me, but didn't we do that exact thing by defeating Hillary on election night? .....oh and don't give me that hoeseshit that she won the popular vote ..... study your American history and actually take the time to decipher the Electoral College and exactly why it was created ..... and the safeguards it implemented to make sure the voters of all the STATES were represented ..... these liberals are going to have to figure that one out ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
far as i see it the Electoral College worked exactly as the founders intended. it's main purpose was to give the smaller states a more equal voice with the older larger original 13 colonies.

today, there is still a disparity between urban and rural. the College might be more valid now than it was when it was created

this will only increase as the Inauguration gets closer. there will be repeated calls to stop Trump, in any way possible. i wonder if all those washed up old bums realize that Congress can and will completely invalidate the College's votes if they en mass shirk their duty? not one of them i'm sure! they didn't think that far ahead before they opened their idiot yaps.

besides trying to turn the electors, i've seen reports calling for Trump to be impeached on Jan 20th, as soon as he puts his hand on his wife's boobs .. er the Bible his wife is holding .. hahahaa if he hasn't sold his DC hotel by that day.

their lame argument is course that if Sheik Fiazel El Shitass stays at his hotel that somehow buys influence? direct enrichment will come up too .. because Trump .. or rather Trump's company will profit from some foreign fuckhead renting a room. bajhhaaaa

get ready for more sore loser tactics from the libtard left. they'll fail of course. but they will try anything they can to stop Trump.
goodman0422's Avatar
Liberals will not wake up unless they find themselves in the real world and this is unlikely considering the insulated information bubbles they all live in.

They will never consider the opinions of those who disagree as valid. They will continue to move further left and continue to blame conservatives for all their woes.

They will not compromise and there is no limit on how far they will take things. They will continue their attempts at brainwashing the average American and continue to fuel discord. Conservatives need to recognize that no middle ground can be had and no compromise will appease them.
LexusLover's Avatar
a few more celebrities coming out to urge for a renegade electoral college and trump will get maybe 500 votes

don't these idiots know they are idiots without any sway? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Hopefully someone is developing a list of "entertainers" who are advocating the disregard for the U.S. Constitution and the State laws facilitating the application of the mandates of the U.S. Constitution, so that those of us who care about "the law" can boycott their performances .. on and off the screen .. and bankrupt the little fuckers into leaving the country and hiding in a cave somewhere.

They remind me of Jane Fonda....oh, and John Kerry.

Hopefully someone is developing a list of "entertainers" who are advocating the disregard for the U.S. Constitution and the State laws facilitating the application of the mandates of the U.S. Constitution, so that those of us who care about "the law" can boycott their performances .. on and off the screen .. and bankrupt the little fuckers into leaving the country and hiding in a cave somewhere.

They remind me of Jane Fonda....oh, and John Kerry.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
the "celebrities" in that loop have to be d listers

the only one I recognize is sheen
Well said.

For decades, we were fed that tripe about Hillary Clinton being "the smartest woman in the World", how "experienced" she was, how "qualified" she was, when the real truth was she was a shrill, condescending, lying, despicable, money grubbing carpet bagging hag whose only claim to any fame was a result of her being "Mrs. Bill Clinton". Originally Posted by Jackie S
And CBS went " all in " with a not-so-subtle " drama / advertisement " for shrilLIARy with their show Madam Secretary. Guess they figured that they could take a good looking lead actress and make it not so subtle that they were stumping for the BE-YOTCH !
goodman0422's Avatar
They want 37 electors to change their vote. They say they are not "asking" them to vote for Hillary. If they don't vote for Hillary, she still loses.

Message: Vote your conscience.
Translation: Vote for Hillary.

Notice that it is not a request. It is a command.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do they know the Constitution? Obviously not. If no candidate gets 270 votes then the House has to choose from the top two vote getters in the election; either Trump or Hillary.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do they know the Constitution? Obviously not. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actors/Actresses ... the only "constitution" with which they are familiar has to do with consistency of their turds.
Well it's done ..... there were ten renegade defectors ..... sorry but I feel that if you can't or won't vote for the candidate who won the state you were chosen to vote in, you don't deserve to be called an "elector" ..... and you should be kicked out and replaced by someone who swears under oath that they will or face severe penalties .... but hey it's over ..... Trump has 304 electoral votes and the Hillabitch got 227 ..... so what's the next move of the liberal media/actors and actresses now ..... hopefully the reality of what is happening will finally sink in .....
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Liberals will not wake up unless they find themselves in the real world and this is unlikely considering the insulated information bubbles they all live in.

They will never consider the opinions of those who disagree as valid. They will continue to move further left and continue to blame conservatives for all their woes.

They will not compromise and there is no limit on how far they will take things. They will continue their attempts at brainwashing the average American and continue to fuel discord. Conservatives need to recognize that no middle ground can be had and no compromise will appease them. Originally Posted by goodman0422
WOW!! That is exactly the opposite of what I've seen on this forum in my maybe 2 years of participation. I have read nothing but contempt shown towards Obama and other Democrats. I have seen those same people disregard the opinions of others simply because they disagree with their own opinions. No compromise at all. And I have seen nothing but stereotyping of "Liberals" by Conservatives. Most people on this forum are completely clueless when it comes to classifying others politically. They just throw out the name "liberal" anytime another person has the audacity to disagree with them.