"I'll take 'Geological Facts and Myths' for $1000, Alex."

.....everytime we flew into Guam for a TDY ===> we were always warned about bad booze, bad gangs that didn't like "round eyes" on their island; watch out for street walkers and if you fucked one be sure and blouse your boots in case your dick fell off because the medics would try to save it ===> but honestly ==> never this concern....


Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) was on both the Judiciary and Armed Services committees and was Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy. Rep. Johnson even after this got a seat seat on powerful House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee.

It is sooo good to finally see the best and brightest bubbling to the top in the governmental power structure.
That is too funny and so sad at the same time.
oshins's Avatar
One way to look at it is that he is a good representative sample of many US citizens.

U.S. Constitution vs. Pop Culture Survey

Key findings from the survey include:
  • 25.5% of respondents know that Philadelphia is the city where the Constitution was written compared to 75.2% who know what city the zip code 90210 is attributed to.
  • 21.2% of respondents know how many senators served in the U.S. Senate compared to 81.2% who know how many members there are in the music group "Hanson."
  • 35.5% of respondents know the first three words of the Constitution compared to 71.2% who know that www is the first three letters of most Web site addresses.
  • 1.8% of respondents know that James Madison is considered the father of the U.S. Constitution compared to 58.3% who know that Bill Gates is the father of Microsoft.
  • 25% of respondents know that the Fifth Amendment protects against double jeopardy/self incrimination/right to a grand jury/due process/compensation for private property taken for public use compared to 63.7% who know that "The Club" protects against car theft.
  • 41.2% of respondents know the names of the three branches of government compared to 59.2% who know the names of the three stooges.
Meaning that for most, he would also be an excellent jury member.
I must admit -- the Admiral did very well throughout the ordeal.....

he had to be thinking Johnson was wearing these:
oshins's Avatar
I thought the Admiral was going to lose it a couple of times... I would have.

You know he wanted to say something like, 'WTF, saying shit like that out loud should be grounds for your immediate dismissal from congress, and if you have a college degree, the school from which you received it should lose their accreditation'.
Not sure what happened to the graphic above now shown as an X, but here is one similar:

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