HIV self tests reliable

As I hasn't had sex in quite a while, I decided to get one of those HIV tests at CVS out of curiosity. As I expected it came back negative but are they reliable? Should I get a regular one done at the Dr? Not sure why I'm concerned as not in a high risk group but it was on my mind then started doubting the reliability of the test
Savannah Moon's Avatar
What I do if I have questions about any product coming out of the pharmaceutical area in any store is talk to the staff behind the counter
97.3% the time I will have a one on one with the pharmacist that is working that shift
Any product
Supplements _ vitamins
Cough medicine
First aid
Lubes condoms
Ductape LOL JK 😃

& they are very knowledgeable & HELPFUL
Alluring_Amber's Avatar
Same here! Lol. I go to them about everything!
What I do if I have questions about any product coming out of the pharmaceutical area in any store is talk to the staff behind the counter
97.3% the time I will have a one on one with the pharmacist that is working that shift
Any product
Supplements _ vitamins
Cough medicine
First aid
Lubes condoms
Ductape LOL JK 😃

& they are very knowledgeable & HELPFUL Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
Thanks, I'll remember that in the future. I have a DR appointment tomorrow for an unrelated issue, if I think of it, I'll ask him.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I get my blood drawn a few times a year just as a matter of course for the various cardiac meds I am on. About once a year just tell the doctor to add a full STD panel on there too. Never been asked why a single time. In fact, I get more questions out of the request for the yearly chest X-ray than anything.
dumars's Avatar
I don't think a pharmacist has all the answers any more than a doctor has all the answers. I can be real wordy with this reply by listing specific examples but just say if it's important to you look around, i.e. google it! Especially when it comes to supplements or even medications. Same amount of doubt should be given to ANY STD test kit. Some are better than others.

Same here! Lol. I go to them about everything! Originally Posted by Alluring_Amber
As I hasn't had sex in quite a while, I decided to get one of those HIV tests at CVS out of curiosity. As I expected it came back negative but are they reliable? Should I get a regular one done at the Dr? Not sure why I'm concerned as not in a high risk group but it was on my mind then started doubting the reliability of the test Originally Posted by Dondo7
go give blood or plasma or go get a free test at the good samaritan project
3030 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO 64108Phone816) 561-8784

If you are at a "risk" of gettnig stds, just give blood/plasma
then you are doing GOOD while getting a free test.
MuffLuver's Avatar
$50 gets you a HIV/STD/HEP test at JOCO health department. Small investment for peace of mind.
$50 gets you a HIV/STD/HEP test at JOCO health department. Small investment for peace of mind. Originally Posted by MuffLuver
$50 small investment?
you keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means
"an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth"
so you are BUYING piece of mind, not investing

why not do the testing for free AND help others at the same time and save yourself $50?
or just go to the GSP and get it for free?
Ductape LOL JK 😃
Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
Dont forget the Whips and chains
You'd be better off if you just go to a clinic and get tested.
You'd be better off if you just go to a clinic and get tested. Originally Posted by Simon Riley
test is a test
youd be better off having a test, yes you would
dumars's Avatar
Believe it or not Amazon! I am always flabergasted on what I can buy on Amazon.

P.S. If you go to your doctor or a public clinic and come up positive (for any STD) they are required by law to report you to the gubment, that is Public Health Service. Then you're on a list. So, think hard.

You'd be better off if you just go to a clinic and get tested. Originally Posted by Simon Riley
I went ahead and did both, all clean. I read somewhere that a totally heterosexual (no experimenting) white male has a very remote chance of becoming infected. Statistically I think it was close to zero. Years ago, I told a Doctor I would like to get tested, he said it was a waste of money and refused to do so stating I'm not in any risk group ,..guess that's why
dumars's Avatar
Are you talking garden variety STD or HIV or both?

I presume your "no experimenting" is referring to "experimenting" with homosexuality? If so, maybe. If not, don't count your chickens.

I went ahead and did both, all clean. I read somewhere that a totally heterosexual (no experimenting) white male has a very remote chance of becoming infected. Statistically I think it was close to zero. Years ago, I told a Doctor I would like to get tested, he said it was a waste of money and refused to do so stating I'm not in any risk group ,..guess that's why Originally Posted by Dondo7