LADIES ONLY! Let's See Where This One Goes

dumars's Avatar

Lots of you ladies use one or even both, and modify either, of the famous and certainly overused acronyms in your advertising or boasts as a service or level of service. Yet, so far as I know there is no posted or published definition on what defines either, that is, sets a standard and both have been used for years and years! If there is one, nobody uses or refers to it.

So, in hopes, not a lofty goal let's try to set a standard or level of expectation, a mind set if you will on what a client can expect when GFE, PSE is used in advertising. What can a client expect when he knocks on the door or opens the door . . . service wise? "Activities" and ROS is helpful, to be sure but, frankly, a lot of work. Afterall, both only state what happened that one time.

Case in point for all this? How about "Services Offered Escort (GFE)" And what the fuck is "(Limited GFE)"? Sometimes used along side "(GFE)" . . . ? No question in my mind the lady has a standard in her mind on what that means but it's in her mind, nowhere else!!

So ladies, what is GFE? What is PSE?

Let's all hope we can make a standard for KC. Too lofty for nationwide? Maybe too lofty for KC! Time will tell! What's it gonna be?

dumars's Avatar
Just saw this one . . . "EROTIC GFE"!

See what I mean?

Whispers's Avatar
It's all marketing Sir.... Making promises that they hope generates business before delivering less in many cases.

Most guys learn there is more truth in the body of a review than an ad.
dumars's Avatar
How'd I know that was coming?

Whispers's Avatar
It's called "CoEd" for a reason sir! My response was on topic and my personal experience with the variety of GFE classifications is demonstrated in my response....

I will add that Limited GFE is a very good indication of "Pimped" as well....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-22-2016, 05:40 PM
I will agree with the first part of W's reply: "GFE" is this business' version of "World Famous" or "New and Improved". It is an undefined term--though some guys think they have copywrited what they believe it means.

But then he had to toss in a gratuitous slap just for good measure.
dumars's Avatar
Thank you but the idea here is to have an interaction with what women think the acronyms means or includes. It is the women's use that attracts clients, so, they have something in their minds. Or, are they using the acronyms in a way they think their clients mean? In which case, the question might be what do you think your clients are thinking or looking for or expecting by using "GFE" and/or "PSE"?

As for us men? How many of us have read "total GFE" in "activities"? Sometimes you ask about it and the come back is something like "to me it means . . . "!

I approve this message!

I will agree with the first part of W's reply: "GFE" is this business' version of "World Famous" or "New and Improved". It is an undefined term--though some guys think they have copywrited what they believe it means.

But then he had to toss in a gratuitous slap just for good measure.
Originally Posted by Old-T
dumars's Avatar
Eccie link to Megan .

Click "Enter" to get through disclaimer. 4th line down it says "My Skills are PSE and GFE"

Sarah Renee's Avatar
When I came into this industry 31 years ago, there was no GFE. It was pretty much an open menu with donations attached.

In this day and age, (you know where everyone wants everything for a little of nothing), it is implied that GFE is everything you could do with a GF (covered) but without the commitment and drama.

In my mind a true GFE is a hobbyist and provider who have a connection and see each other repeatedly to have a relationship without the ties of a commitment. It is an on going service. Not a one time stop and go.

In other words, as a provider I get to have all the fun without having to put up with a hobbyist's BS so to speak and he doesn't have to ever hear me nag and whine. He gets to come see me and have me be extremely happy to see him each and every time. Maybe even a little pout when he has been away to long.

I enjoy being the girlfriend he would love to show off, but doesn't because he doesn't want to share. Plus it gives me the freedom to do whatever I want without having to answer to anyone.
When I came into this industry 31 years ago, there was no GFE. It was pretty much an open menu with donations attached.

In this day and age, (you know where everyone wants everything for a little of nothing), it is implied that GFE is everything you could do with a GF (covered) but without the commitment and drama.

In my mind a true GFE is a hobbyist and provider who have a connection and see each other repeatedly to have a relationship without the ties of a commitment. It is an on going service. Not a one time stop and go.

In other words, as a provider I get to have all the fun without having to put up with a hobbyist's BS so to speak and he doesn't have to ever hear me nag and whine. He gets to come see me and have me be extremely happy to see him each and every time. Maybe even a little pout when he has been away to long.

I enjoy being the girlfriend he would love to show off, but doesn't because he doesn't want to share. Plus it gives me the freedom to do whatever I want without having to answer to anyone. Originally Posted by Sarah Renee

This is pretty much the same way I think of it. You get all the perks of a girlfriend with none of the clinging, drama, or complaining that comes with a girl you pick up from It's basically a NSA relationship without the potential of your girl on the side demanding marriage or getting jealous that you're seeing another girl. Hell, most GFE girls I know would be more interested in working out a duo date if you spill the beans on having another favorite than they would be in throwing a fit.

I personally prefer being an hourly girlfriend over having a real world boyfriend. Dudes my age (in general) are morons and clingy as hell. Mature guys have their shit together and that is honestly hot as hell.
dumars's Avatar
Well said, but wouldn't the truth or implication be closer to or relative to what you think "everything we could do with a GF" or porn star? Gonna meet somebody at a favorite fishing hole, for example? Been there, done that! Car dates reminiscing high school? Been there, done that too (looooong time ago!). I could give other personal experiences but TMI.

I'd bet MOST if not EVERY guy reading this string and your response(s) are thinking of and hoping for a LIST of acronyms. We all know how and when to apply them. I'd also bet we guys would like to have the GF we can't have. Interpret that anyway you want.

I could certainly type more, that's enough.

9:10? Late!

it is implied that GFE is everything you could do with a GF (covered) but without the commitment and drama. Originally Posted by Sarah Renee
If the gfe is indeed an expeeience and not an act, wouldnt you prefer the element of surprise and unique to you?

In terms of honesty it could be risky to post an answer just to satisfy a rogue and largely unquenchable curiosity. if there were any question as to how those with these acronyms in their ads ducked the radar of LE, they might as well be called roasted duck now.

Carry on.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
... In my mind a true GFE is a hobbyist and provider who have a connection and see each other repeatedly to have a relationship without the ties of a commitment ... Originally Posted by Sarah Renee
Sarah understands it.
Sarah Renee's Avatar
Sarah understands it. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I am also a hopeless romantic, that goes into every date looking to make him a prince charming and shower him with the kind of fun erotic romance novels are written about.

Wonder if I will find any in KC when I visit the end of the week. I need a new chapter for my book. Who will be the anonymous star behind it this time?

For example:

He never knew his nerve endings could become so stimulated with something as simple as an orchid flower. As she grazed his body with it, first at his nipples, then in places only a wife should know. She showed no shame, only shameful lust. A lust created by the look in his eyes as he gazed across her body. She was determined to drive him to a leave of desire beyond anything he had ever known.

She knew she shouldn't be here. He was a dangerous man. The things he brought to her mind were as sinful, as they were evil. She couldn't help herself. In all her church upbringing, she had never knew a desire like this. She had to explore and find what she had been missing. She was tired of only reading about it in books.


Sarah Renee
KCQuestor's Avatar
In my mind a true GFE is a hobbyist and provider who have a connection and see each other repeatedly to have a relationship without the ties of a commitment. It is an on going service. Not a one time stop and go. Originally Posted by Sarah Renee
And yet you advertise GFE for a set price, presumably for guys who you will see one time on your travels. Sure you may HOPE to see them again, and you may very well be so amazing that they hope to see you again. But that first date may not be repeated and there may be no connection.

So how do you advertise GFE? What exactly makes it a GFE session?