Possible to get laid at the casinos?

Just a fantasy to be sitting their playing some slots, then pick up a nasty girl, and take her upstairs. Is this possible?
With the right donation anything is possible.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Of course it's possible. Shit, just start hitting on women there.
With the right donation anything is possible. Originally Posted by bilbobaggin
Iid start by putting coins in her slot
Sarah Renee's Avatar
If there is any coins going into my slots they better be of the larger variety and be heavy enough not even keigel can prep those muscles. Anything small and silver and it will just get you a piece of bubble gum or a sticker. LOL

Roll play fantasies are fun. I love doing them and it is even more fun to set it up in advance and watch the other guys faces when you use some cheesy pick up line and I actually leave with you.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I recall one evening several years ago when a gal walked up behind me, her perfume gave her away, she reached into ...
The whole table came to a standstill.
The two guys to my left had big smiles.
The guy on the far side said something to his gal and she stalked off.

The gal behind me went off to play slots.
The Northland guys know who I'm talking about.
And yes we talked later.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I sure it happens every day in Vegas