I'd just like to take this opportunity

To thank the assclown who attempted to out me. Thanks to you, I may be looking at a delay in my plans, if not a total change of plans.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
I'm sorry this happened to you. Do what you need to protect yourself, your family, and your dream.
Some idiot actually tried to out you? One of the nicest people anywhere? What happened and who was the jerk? If he's a member, please pm me.
What happened?! Handle, please!!
At this point, I'm not even sure if it was a MALE. There are some things going on backchannel and another lovely lady and I are trying to play connect the dots to see whats really the story.

It looks like I may be spending the next year doing nothing but working, applying during the next TMDSAS cycle to another city (which sucks, because I own my house here free and clear) and not telling a soul where I am going. At this moment, that seems the most viable and likely course of action. Regardless of anything, I will likely be sitting this year out-- thank God I have the GPA and the MCAT scores to switch out.
That sucks. That's one of the worst things anyone can do in this hobby outside of being physical with another person.
DustyHands's Avatar
I'd say this is worse. I'm so sorry this happened to you. That's truly awful.
It'll be ok--

I'm going to stick around for the next year here, working and squirreling away money so that I can survive when I get to wherever I end up going.

This wasn't part of the plan, but when is anything really? If I get better information about who and what triggered this snowball, I'll fill you ladies in on the flip side.
So I take it this person did make known to people outside the hobby your activities? I am so sorry. Having spent several hours with you in person, I cannot understand why someone would want to hurt such a sweet person. There cannot be that many folks who know enough about your personal life to be able to do that. I hope you find out who it was so we can all be sure to shoot this person on sight.

Best of luck to you and thank goodness you are a strong person.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Sorry to hear you were outted. Why don't people who do things of this nature realize that most of us are strong women who are more than capable of achieving our goals, no matter what? Best of Luck and hang 'em high when you find out who it is!
Soooooooooooo sorry. I just don't get it, a very Dear Friend of mine in Houston walked into her real life work and all the pics from her web page were printed out and posted. She never showed her face but she is hard to miss. She changed her board name, web, p411 and everything. The good news is a lot of her co-workers supported her and SHE IS STILL THERE! Good Luck to you.
What, did they actually yank your spot in a med school class AFTER you'd been accepted? Given the timing, that's all it could be. Sadly, if the information in question was presented to the right entities (or wrong ones), time and applying to different schools will NOT fade this. You need to fight it right now unless you wanna find yourself in Puerto Rico this time next year.
Sorry this happened to you. There are people on this board who take great pride in being assholes and treating others in harmful and disrespectful ways. Some of the Providers on here likely have had similar experiences and will hopefully be able to offer support. I believe in fate, so take some solace that the person that outted you likely leads an empty, angry life without friends or any kind of love.
WTF, that is so messed up. Hang in there.

Could I ask that this thread please be closed? I need to take care of this issue in a more private manner.