asking for sex

I gotta ?

I would like advice from the women here.

I am a bit shy and do not hit on women, but would like too hit on one at the present time. What is a tell tell phrase that I can use? What can I say that she will understand, I can't just ask her if she would like to fuck. How do you approach this if you are not in a bar setting?

Advize ladies, or come satisfy my lustfull desires so I don't fuck up. LOL
Cash69, You will get more responses if you post this in the Dallas Co-ed forum.
I gotta ?

I would like advice from the women here.

I am a bit shy and do not hit on women, but would like too hit on one at the present time. What is a tell tell phrase that I can use? What can I say that she will understand, I can't just ask her if she would like to fuck. How do you approach this if you are not in a bar setting?

Advize ladies, or come satisfy my lustfull desires so I don't fuck up. LOL Originally Posted by cash69

Did I read this right?...Cash is shy ..never. Lol I know this to be otherwise but redirecting your question, could you give a bit more info on the scenario. You mentioned it's not someone you know from a bar, so what is the situation?? Has she in any way reciprocated having those (fuck me) same physical feelings whether openly or in a coy manner as most of us tend to do even when our hormones might be screaming..TAKE ME HOME and

Sorry you're not getting more feedback from the ladies here, we seem to be less than a handfull

Good luck and hope you get your lady


Ashley I second that.....when I read you saying your shy cash I literally lol'd! One of the things I like so much about you!

I know personally I enjoy an aggressive person when it comes to something like that. But then there are all different kinds of women and not all of them are like me in the fact that I am "woo'd" more by aggression than the sweet nothings whispered in my ear. Also I agree with Ashley I would like to hear more about the situation as well. Maybe we could help more then.
the sweet nothings whispered in my ear.
Originally Posted by thatgirlbailey

+1...Lol, so true Bailey. More often than not, those "sweet nothings" turn out to be nothing but ...cough cough..Bullshit

Personally, I would rather us not beat around the bush and let's lay the cards on the table and just be open on what each other wants. Maybe you'll get the desired outcome and maybe you won't but at least you won'tbe wondering or wasting time anymore.
Ashley and Baily, I am not shy if I know the answer is yes. What I mean is I do not flirt and do not go to bars. This is someone I see in public on a regular basis that may or may not be up to the deal. That is what I have trouble reading about a lady.
So...........why don't you come over to for a few (drinks) and see what pops up?

You can replace drinks with anything- popcorn, movies, yathzee, etc.

Not direct but not very subtle either.
So...........why don't you come over to for a few (drinks) and see what pops up?

You can replace drinks with anything- popcorn, movies, yathzee, etc.

Not direct but not very subtle either. Originally Posted by ObyDATY

That might freak out the SO.
That might freak out the SO. Originally Posted by cash69

Nah! Surely she would love the company lol =)

Like I said I can't speak for her personally but I know I enjoy aggressive behavior when being "flirted" with but it all varies. It would all depend on the environment you are around this lady and the nature of you guys relationship.