Shifa Hospital Gaza

VitaMan's Avatar
Israeli completed a 2nd raid on Shifta Hospital. Reports of damage and casualties vary widely. Some reports say 900 militants were arrested. Additional reports advise the scenes look like they are out a horror movie.

Israeli forces believed Hamas established a central command at the hospital, with a network of underground tunnels. Because of that, it lost special protection it had under international law.

This is their 2nd raid on the hospital since October.

Regardless of the facts, who is to blame for the bloodshed ? Gaza is incapable of stopping Hamas organizing in their territory, and launching attacks from it. The tactics of Hamas will always end in terrible damage to neutral sites such as this. Are they to be the focus of the tragedy ?

Or was it too foolish from the beginning to think that there could be an Israeli state established, and that Israelis and the Arab work could coexist peacefully ?

More death from religion.
That first paragraph should say…..”900 militants killed”.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I stand with the Israeli people against the Hamas terrorists. I think that the Palestinian people’s embrace of Hamas is going to be their downfall.

Hamas leadership’s refusal to release the hostages and their insistence on using the Palestinian civilians as cover is unconscionable. That being said at some point the Israeli government is going to have to come to the realization that starvation and destruction as a side effect of their actions against Hamas will not be the solution they want.

I’m not sure what the solution will end up being but the scars left on both sides will haunt the region for decades to come.