911 & Today

The founding Functionaries of the current world order

Zollner's Avatar
Ronald Reagan technically caused 9/11 when he funded the Mujahideen in the 80s, led by Bin Laden which became Al Qaeda.

Incorrect. The globalist presidents Bush 41 followed by Clinton torture of the middle east lit the fire.

The point was how 911 was used to further the globalist agenda and shape the world into what we have today (A covert to overt disregard for humanity and truth). Like the JFK assassination the truth of 911 will never be known. 911 families for truth asked Biden(another globalist) to not to attend memorial events unless he declassifies documents on Saudis. He attended but did not release.
rooster's Avatar
Jeezis. And I thought the stoopid meme post 'bout pants-shitting wuz tiresome.....

The larping as a tv cowboy with the broken engrish and all doesn't offer much support for your opinions. Just saying the pompous jimmie make believe cowboy persona doesn't work for your credibility on most subjects. Maybe stick to what you know or You will need to work a little harder.
rooster's Avatar
My engrish maybe not so gud. But you might wanna consider a bit of punctuation. And maybe a shorter sentence or two, interspersed with the semi-maniacal rants. Just ta break things up. And maybe not make you seem so....whew..

"Larping"? Good gawd. Use your real words, pleeze. This be a sophistimicated hooker board and we have standards.

"Globalist"? Twice in one post? Again, tiresome. And does not add to...credibility. Quite the opposite. Just makes you seem alarmist.

Thanks fer "sticking to what you know" though. Which seems to be everything you talk about.

My very fav part be the one about "covert to overt disregard for humanity and truth" and how ya masterfully tie in a comment about the JFK assassination. Can't make that up! Oh...wait....

Ya did got one more "like" than me though, so...nice job. You win. I'll be sure ta STF goin forward.

trojantide's Avatar
You tell ‘em Roo. Roo may be more Dirty Harry than the man with no name but this avatar still suites him well. He shows up to every date with a six pack of beer. The ultimate antihero regardless.
Ok, I’m done larping now, see you in about 14 months. Off to frolic with the global elites…whew!
rooster's Avatar
... He shows up to every date with a six pack of beer.... Originally Posted by trojantide
That's cuz every time I brought wine...you ended up drinkin it!

Hit me, cock. I'd love to catch up. I know you still got my digits...
