Legalization / decriminilization

Recent events of the last 3 to 6 months have me waxing philosophical a lot.

If all sexual activities between consenting adults were made legal how would that change things?

Nevada for example prostitution is legal in certain lesser populated counties but only in brothels. As I understand still illegal to sell on streets. And illegal in any form around the more densely populated tourist attractions like Vegas and Reno.

Think this through. With the stigma partially gone and legal penalties gone would that entice more ladies to take the plunge or more men to venture in to the hobby?

And no doubt there would be restrictions/regulations. For example in Nevada ladies must take and receive 100% passing grades every time they leave the brother for any length of time and return. And must periodically also get exams periodically while they are on site. Any positives for any health issue gets them suspended from activity in the brothels. Getting caught working outside the brothel gets you in trouble and suspended pending a fresh set of medical exams.

As a result of these strict health safety rules the ladies working there are very strict about their activities. Last time I was there you had to use a dental dam to go down on the lady and CBJ was the only way anyone was taking you in their mouth. Kissing was rare. And of course no bareback anything. I suspect that would become the norm if it were legalized here. I cannot see legalization happening without some form of regulation and control which would help prevent trafficking. But side effects would be many. Not sure everyone has thought through all the possibible side effects of legalization. But we should.

Because sooner or later if you want to get back to the old days where a place like this could be a free for all where information flowed freely the laws will have to reflect some decriminalization. So how would you envision the side effects and the world after?

Would it bring in more ladies who are not totally under the radar or completely staying away come out of the closet. Would that influx of ladies increase supply to the point of driving prices down? And what of the hobbyist. How many possible hobbyist are out there avoiding the hobby for fear of getting caught and get a jail record would now jump in.

Would the resulting market forces of supply and demand drastically alter prices? Full legalization might lead to some form of advertising being legal. How would that affect bottom line and charges. If and where you can site existing countries states and countries and local laws that you think might be used as models for new less restrictive laws what changes might they bring about.

I think workers in legal brothels would become very rigid in what activities they will engage in and with the ability to create legal dossiers on customers and freely share even more restrictive and comfortable with telling clients no to things they do not want to do. After all with a legal brothel could say "Alexa, get help" and in comes a couple of bouncers. LOL.

Then there would be those who failed a medical but would still need work. They could not work in the regulated brothels so would head to the streets. So a guy shopping on the streets would have higher risk of catching something than ever before.

What side effects or unintended consequences can you think of would eventually need dealt with post legalization / decriminalization.

I am sure there would be zoning laws similar to the game room and alcohol stores that would crop up. Sure, we believe brothels and consentual adults exchanging money should be legal but only as long as it is not directly in my neighborhood.

And my final question for those who have thought all or most of these side effects what are you doing politically to work toward sex work being legalized at the federal level? What political pressure are you trying to apply to counter the opponents and convince the powers that be the laws on books now do not work and steer them to laws you believe will work. While on that topic what laws you believe will work and result in the least amount of blowback and opposition?

Any systems in other countries you think are doing it right we should be modeling our laws after? What PACs have you formed or are member of? What advice would you have for the political novice to get in to the debate/fight to get this industry/hobby going in the right direction. What advice do you have for steering It all in the right direction to bring fairness and safety to providers and hobbyists alike? What existing legal systems should we use as models for our more enlightened approach?

I will shut up now and listen to all the great ideas I know some of you will come up with.
I will even listen to some of the bad ideas that inevitably arise when you get more than 3 people in a room talking.

What do you worry about happening if there was a ground root swell of support for legaliazation. You know things that might sound good but would lead to matters going downhill fast. Feel free to discuss any angle of this you can think of.

And last but now least given the stigma what means might we have at our disposal to rally around reps friendly to our cause?