Thank You!!!

Laura Lynn's Avatar
Just a quick note to thank all the friends that helped get me packed for my cruise.

I'll be gone until the 26th of May.

After my week long cruise with a bunch of girls and apparently no private access to modern technology for self lovin,
this cougar will be on the prowl for sure......

Hope your ready for my return!!!!!!

Enjoy the cruise Laura. Maybe I should be a stow away on this cruise.
flanker1017's Avatar
Laura, you are going to have a blast. Get prepared to eat, eat, eat. LOL With drinks and naps in between.
Papacorn's Avatar
No, thank you for wearing me out in advance of your trip!
Enjoy yourself fully, I will be at the head of the line to welcome you back! :-)
Laura Lynn's Avatar
The pleasure was all mine and You can count on that PapaC.