Susan Rice to Serve as Obama’s National Security Advisor

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This woman is a disgrace, and she gets promoted? What kind of bizarro administration is this?

Despite her role in administration’s blatantly false narrative after last year’s terrorist attack in Benghazi, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice will serve as the next National Secrutiy Advisor to President Barack Obama. And because the post is not a cabinet-level position, Rice will not be subject to confirmation or hearings by the Senate.

The White House acknowledged that Rice would be appointed to the post after Tom Donilon, who has held the role since 2010, announced his resignation this morning. Rice was nominated by President Obama to serve as Secretary of State late last year, but she was forced to withdraw due to the backlash from Senators over her role in the false Benghazi narrative.

In the aftermath of incident at American outpost in Benghazi that claimed the lives of four Americans, Rice appeared on Sunday talk shows and toed the Obama Administration’s line that it was a “spontaneous” protest against an anti-Muslim YouTube that spiraled out-of-control. It was later revealed that Benghazi was, in fact, a pre-planned terrorist attack.

The talking points Rice used on those shows have turned out to be controversial because references to terrorism and al-Qaeda were removed. The Obama Administration almost immediately knew that it was a terrorist attack carried out by an al-Qaeda-connected group, but doctored the talking points to reflect a manufactured narrative nearly two months before an election.

Rice’s appointment is incredibly disappointing and a slap in the face to the families of victims who died in the attack and to the American public, who still haven’t received a straight answer from the White House about Benghazi. It also shows that there is no measure of accountability or reality in this administration.

This is not right. She should have been forced to resign in disgrace. If she had any integrity, she would have resigned voluntarily. Instead, she is appointed to a position of high responsibility. Outrageous.

Yeah. Hope and change. What bullshit.
flghtr65's Avatar
This woman is a disgrace, and she gets promoted? What kind of bizarro administration is this?

Despite her role in administration’s blatantly false narrative after last year’s terrorist attack in Benghazi, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice will serve as the next National Secrutiy Advisor to President Barack Obama. And because the post is not a cabinet-level position, Rice will not be subject to confirmation or hearings by the Senate.

The White House acknowledged that Rice would be appointed to the post after Tom Donilon, who has held the role since 2010, announced his resignation this morning. Rice was nominated by President Obama to serve as Secretary of State late last year, but she was forced to withdraw due to the backlash from Senators over her role in the false Benghazi narrative.

In the aftermath of incident at American outpost in Benghazi that claimed the lives of four Americans, Rice appeared on Sunday talk shows and toed the Obama Administration’s line that it was a “spontaneous” protest against an anti-Muslim YouTube that spiraled out-of-control. It was later revealed that Benghazi was, in fact, a pre-planned terrorist attack.

The talking points Rice used on those shows have turned out to be controversial because references to terrorism and al-Qaeda were removed. The Obama Administration almost immediately knew that it was a terrorist attack carried out by an al-Qaeda-connected group, but doctored the talking points to reflect a manufactured narrative nearly two months before an election.

Rice’s appointment is incredibly disappointing and a slap in the face to the families of victims who died in the attack and to the American public, who still haven’t received a straight answer from the White House about Benghazi. It also shows that there is no measure of accountability or reality in this administration.

This is not right. She should have been forced to resign in disgrace. If she had any integrity, she would have resigned voluntarily. Instead, she is appointed to a position of high responsibility. Outrageous.

Yeah. Hope and change. What bullshit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The original CIA talking points had "the attack evolved from a demonstration in Cairo, Egypt" The state department changed this around a little bit and gave it to her use on the talk shows. Do you want to fire the CIA? That was their original analysis. You are looking for Scandal like the republicans. It was investigated by a former Ambassador and General. They did not find any cover up. Leon Panetta did not send a jet because he felt it would not get there in time. What you have is a case of poor intelligence, just like Bush and Cheney with the WMD's. Several embassy's were attacked during the term of Bush, congress had three hearings and nothing came out of them. The republicans want to bring scandal to Hillary because she is ahead in all the polls. They don't want to face her after getting hammered two times by Obama. That's what this is about. Bengazi is not the first attack on an embassy (in this case a CIA undercover location). COF, keep looking you have nothing here!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Complete and quick response from the Obamatron. They are working late in Chicago.
flghtr65's Avatar
Complete and quick response from the Obamatron. They are working late in Chicago. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COF, you have no dispute at all. You being a former lawyer, I thought you would try to spin it again. You can't defend a defenseless position can you? There is no "there there". This is nothing but partisan politics. You think Senators Lindsey Grahm and Mitch McConnell are after the truth?
Uncle Han's Avatar
If one believes the reelection of obama is more important than the lives of the Americans in Benghazi then there is no there there. LOL!

Of course Benghazi has motivated the terrorists to attack more. LOL!

More radical wacko policies destroying America. The world laughs at you. LOL!
Complete and quick response from the Obamatron. They are working late in Chicago. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

The troll from Wichita (Hanoi Jane) is spreading more of his anti American spam.
Uncle Han's Avatar
Susan Rice as national security advisor!!! You Americans are safer now!!! LOL! LOL! LOL!
The Rice appointment is nothing more than Obama protecting Obama.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-06-2013, 11:40 AM
and not one of you sob's can do a damn thing about it

+1 and a snick
I think the President just said, "Fuck All You"
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-06-2013, 04:34 PM
I think the President just said, "Fuck All You" Originally Posted by Jackie S
considering all the bs he's put up with, can you blame him?
It's likely she will do more harm than good in that least that is what her prior track record has been. But she will be loyal and protect Obama on Benghazi to the end.
and not one of you sob's can do a damn thing about it

hahahahahahahahahahahha Originally Posted by CJ7
Funny. Susan Rice's performance during the US Embassy bombings in Africa and as UN Ambassador have been less than stellar. But you WANT Obama to surround himself with incompetent sycophants and bus undercarriage fodder.

No, I don't want to do a damn thing about it!

Shakin' the tree boss! Shakin' the tree!
Odrama likes YES imbeciles.