Gingrich Exposed

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is a Ron Paul ad, but it exposes the Gingrich hypocrisy pretty well.

Boltfan's Avatar

The video didn't really show him saying two things that would contridict one another.

And 1.3 million over a few years for a consulting job. Sorry, but I think we are using a bit of class warfare to consider that a huge payoff somehow. That is a top end salary of $450K or so over that time period? Hardly a huge payment considering other jobs that could be had or "speaking" engagements that pay $50K per pop. Hell Clinton has raked in the dough with speaking, do we outlaw that too?

Gingrich is a middle of the road guy. Sorry, but I would rather have two middle of the road guys like Clinton and Gingrich than this sorry crop of shit we currently have in the Exceutive and Legislative branches of the government.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
This is a Ron Paul ad, but it exposes the Gingrich hypocrisy pretty well.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Newt is getting all the support Cain is losing. Apparently Cain is too monogamous for them.
budman33's Avatar
Bad title, I thought he was caught sending pictures of his junk.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In your dreams.