deeply dissapointed

giasanto38ddd's Avatar
first i am going to try to make this as short as possible... I am only a part time provider and only concider myself semi active on here as i hav a day job... Once i became a member it took me quite some time figure out the site but the onlyn reason i was able was through the help of male and female member on here... now i had not had a review in awhile and with things being hot during super bowl weekend i told one of my regular clients of bp to become a member 1 for him to be safe and 2 to give me a review. Well that back fired since im a honest chick and didnt sit over his shoulder and help him he tried it out his self.. well he did not do a great job with the structure and specifics and all he has gotten was negative feedback for the way he reviewed me when he was doin his best but rather than maybe give advice and tips from one hobbiest to another you gentelemen where very rude!!! why cant you just help a new member!!
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Gia, I did not comment on that link but he missed the two things we all want the most. A working link and a phone number. If either one is missing it is difficult, but he skipped both. From then on it becomes a comedy show of sorts. Nobody knew who he was talking about. Your name is Giasanto by he put Giovanna. There is another Giovanna here as well. I am just saying. Those first three or four lines in the review are really important.
a, I did not comment on that link but he missed the two things we all want the most. A working link and a phone number. If either one is missing it is difficult, but he skipped. Those first three or four lines in the review are really important. Originally Posted by Nitwitboy
+1, exactly...
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
I for one feel bad that things are tough for you giasanto.I know you are probably not the only one having a tough time.As far as your review that wrobinzine did, I can explain that very easily.
He joined ECCIE in the last month.He has 3 reviews, and all are of you.That raises a big red flag. The reviews are in a spahn of 4 days.In his first review there was no ROS.He also stated that the session was a FBSM and the price he paid. In his second session he tried to get cute and called you a Stallion.Then he says he paid the same price for a GFE session that he did for a FBSM. All of his sessions with you were for an hour.What he stated he paid for was not the price you advertise in your showcase.He says he paid just a little more then your 1/2 rate.This also raises a big red flag.Is he getting a special deal. Hobbiest got onto him for not giving enough information in his reviews.That is what we go by.He never came back and said he was sorry or asked for help or said he was new to the board.If a new hobbiest ask for help most of us will do it.
All of this leads us to believe that the reviews are fake or done by someone you know for you.I am not saying they are, just letting you know what we the hobbiest think when we see reviews like this.
I also went and tried to look up your adds.The last one I found was from like 2 weeks ago.You can put out 2 adds a week.You have to promote yourself.Get on chat and meet some of the hobbiest and ladies on here.Most are very friendly and helpfull. Dont be afraid to ask for help.I say all of this with no ill intentions.You asked why things were slow so I am trying to help you out.I myself find you to be very attractive. But if I cant find an add or the only reviews are done by one individual it will tend to make me stay away untill I get more info.
Like I said I am only trying to help you out. Feel free to ask for help, that is what this board is about.
Well that back fired since im a honest chick and didnt sit over his shoulder and help him he tried it out his self.. well he did not do a great job with the structure and specifics and all he has gotten was negative feedback for the way he reviewed me when he was doin his best but rather than maybe give advice and tips from one hobbiest to another you gentelemen where very rude!!! why cant you just help a new member!! Originally Posted by giasanto38dd
Hang in there. Almost sound like he was drunk when he reviewed U.
But Hobbiest should have asked questions and not get rude to him for not giving enough information in his reviews.
Hobbiest have always buried new member's alive because they are not good writers!

Reference an old review is best.
dodger's Avatar
(I'm taking the time to respond and be constructive. Gia, if you read this, please keep an open mind ... this is intended to be helpful)

I really appreciate ladies who step up and become competent providers. I hope you can participate and become a valued member of the community. I do think you should take a moment to look on the other side of the coin. The people reading the reviews.

Reviews are the meat of the board. Reviews pay a key role in the selection process. So, you expect guys to value good reviews and criticize reviews which fall short.

Before going on ... you look like a wonderful lady. That's part one or step one. Then we come to services offered, fees, and reviews. Informative reviews can provide all of that. But the reviews attached to your showcase seem to be written to promote. They don't provide much information about what being with you is like.

For example. He joins on 10/5 .. puts up a review about you on 10/6 with two lines in the ROS. That's it, that's all. So, it's pretty clear to readers that he was only joining to post your review. The only other posting the guy made was to your WW post saying he is having trouble posting a review about you.

wrobinzine has posted three reviews, all of you. That would be enough to make most readers dismissive .. that he is only interested in promoting you .. but in he doesn't even identify you so readers can do a little research of their own.

This week, CodyBear put up a review. OK .. he joined recently and his review is a little lacking in the ROS area and he cites a web site for you which has expired but he did put up a phone number.

Here's my view (not that you asked), these reviews are not very helpful.
They do establish that you are out there. And even if they wrote these reviews to help you .. there's nothing wrong with that. Just means that a review like that falls a little short on credibility. A bigger issue is, although the reviews are positive ... they aren't very helpful. They don't help a guy understand the sort of session and experience he should expect. This isn't about a list of acronyms. It's about two people having intimate fun together.

I would suggest making sure your showcase is helpful and putting together a web site which shows your physical appeal (you certainly seem pretty and hawt), services, rates ... and maybe a little insight into what a session would be like ... a little about your "provider personality".

When an attractive, willing, fun lady becomes a provider .. the entire community benefits. So, no one wants to give you or your clients a difficult time. But if the objective was to get some reviews which would influence other members of the board ... those reviews will have little impact.

btw .. someone describing a provider as a stallion .. a male horse .. not attractive.
ShysterJon's Avatar
This is a new one. A provider starting a thread not to complain about the content of a review (which seems to be more and more common), but that a few guys good-naturedly teased the reviewer about his lack of information. Are you sure, Gia, that your client WANTED you to defend him? I sure wouldn't, were I in his shoes.
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
Alright guys I guess I was not looking at things from the other side of the fence.. He only ment to post 1 review the 2nd and 3rd where repeats of the same visit trying to rectify his errors... You are right that he should have asked for help and maybe should have directed him to lOk at other reviews to get a general idea of the info needed ... He is new to being a hobbiest and really likes me so I am sure he was just rushing to try to make me happy by having it done... Anyways gentlemen I appreciate your continued kindness ...and patience with this part time gal! And the reason I don't regularly advertise on here and not to sound upity is I work 40 hours a week and am not always accepting new clients..but I am open to meeting new friends from here

I would say most of us just aren't hip enough to have known a stallion can be a woman.

In some sectors of society a muscular "thick" woman can be referred to as a stallion.

I did a google search on "woman called a stallion" (in quotes like that) and got this hit:

You can search on other such phrases and find more references ~ like "a woman a stallion" brings up a lady known as "Elke the Stallion" with lots of discussion of the word:
I don't care what some website says, to the huge majority of people out there a stallion is a male horse. For a lady to be compared to a male horse is, well, bizarre!
Iaintliein's Avatar
I wish I had posted something to warrant "deeply disappointing" a young lady, I'm usually more of a "shallow disappointment".
ShysterJon's Avatar
I wish I had posted something to warrant "deeply disappointing" a young lady, I'm usually more of a "shallow disappointment". Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Would it make you feel better, I-Man, if I said your posts are always deeply disappointing to me? Haha.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Would it make you feel better, I-Man, if I said your posts are always deeply disappointing to me? Haha. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
dodger's Avatar

I would say most of us just aren't hip enough to have known a stallion can be a woman.
Originally Posted by HoneyRose
So can "bull" .. as in "bull dyke" ... still not attractive (to me). Calling a woman "stallion" in that sense is to imply she is "man like" ... again, not attractive to me. And, finally, you can cite multiple incorrect uses of a term. That will not change the incorrect to correct. Only when the majority, clear majority, adopt the usage ... does it become correct.

As William Safire said, regarding language usage, "when enough of us are wrong, we are right".
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Location: Arlington

That's when I lost interest.