$47,000 Penis Enlarger

5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 08-12-2009, 12:33 PM
Recently a Saudi Businessman bought himself a $47,000 solid gold-penis enlarger http://www.gizmodo.com/5332416/who-o...penis-enlarger

This raises two questions for me.
- Is it true then that the more money a man makes the smaller his penis is?

- Ladies would you prefer a man with a penis that grew a few centimeters at
a cost of $47,000 or a new car, solid gold vibrator, diamond ring, first class
trip to Monaco, or your closet filled with designer clothes, ok maybe 7 -10
dresses and shoes to match, since $47,000 doesn’t go that far when it
comes to designer clothes.

What would you buy with $47,000?
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Isn't SP Hunter the spokesman for this product?
Isn't SP Hunter the spokesman for this product? Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
That looks PAINFUL
Introuble's Avatar

Here is one almost identical for $299 or $249 depending whether you want the standard model or "luxury" model.
guest83109's Avatar
Introuble, I've heard about that device and it is supposed to actually work. But you have to wear it several hours per day for several months. I'll stick with my average hardware and leave donkey dong to SP. I guess our Saudi needed a gold plated one with diamonds. I just hope the story is Internet fiction, otherwise what a waste. The Arabs have practiced jelking for centuries, so I guess this takes it to a new level.
Introuble's Avatar
I'm with you. I think it is stupid to even attempt what these devices will do....if they actually work. I am happy with what I have.
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 08-13-2009, 07:06 AM
I have found it much more economical to simply continue to pay escorts to lie to me and tell me my teeny tiny little pecker is a fine and robust specimen. They also tell me what a good looking stud I am. And they do it all with a straight face, and are very convincing. They are professionals after all.

So, for just a few hundred dollars every week, I live in a world were I am both handsome and hung without any painful surgery.
Yes, he could obtain the same result for under $5.00. There was a tribe in Africa that elongated their necks by adding rings, also men inproved their length by useing a length of rope or vine tyed around the private parts and adding weight (rocks/bricks) of various sizes over a period of time to increase
size. Hell on walking around or other activity I would think.