Dam GPS... LIES! But have to laugh!!

  • Sami
  • 06-29-2010, 07:12 AM
Ok I am heading out for my first outcall and first fs, to see a well known gentleman on the board. Well I was pretty nervous as most of you lady's would know. I'm driving and calming down as I know this gentleman had many take a stand for him not so long ago. I am downtown Dallas. So that little voice on gps says "You have arrived at your destination. So I see Valet pull in give them my keys,off I go. So I send him a text that I am there and heading up. I get to the door and knock lightly.. Then I knock again and wait nothing, so I text him and say where are you? He replies back 7.. I send back I'm knocking.and your not answering, so I call him he says I'm standing here.Are you at right hotel? I start to think well Shit I must be at wrong place. So I go back down and go to the valet guy and ask what hotel this is? And YES it was the wrong one. I needed to go 1 more block how embarrassing . So I made it and it was a wonderful visit and we had a good laugh.
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Ya, your gps will get you close but the last 1/4 mile is really on your own.

Few weeks ago I went and saw a girl (repeat visit) and her roommate double booked the room without telling her until I got there, so she got a room off hotwire she put the address into my gps and off we went.

Worked fine until the last half mile where it had me do all kinds of weird turns, anyway we arrived at a remote gated back entrance of the hotel and there was a cop car and a tow truck sitting around wasting time talking to each other.

She was pretty freaked out, I played it off (were both in our 20's) and try to get the hotel to open the gate thru the intercom but nobody answered, then found the real way to the hotel.