Why has the alert section become a joke?

Nitwitboy's Avatar
Alerts used to have meaning here. Now they are used as a vendetta forum. I think it sucks.
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 06-29-2010, 06:50 PM
....me thinks the same NWBoy

hwygnome's Avatar
Why has the alert section become a joke?
Because its funny making fun of others misfortune. Or causing trouble for others fits the bill also.

But really; the street corner intimidation and messing with other peoples business has moved to our board. It is sad folks are acting like this is the hood.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Well Gosh I hadn't noticed. LOL
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 06-29-2010, 08:22 PM
So it's not the Coed Discussion Forum under a different name?
It's now called "The Sub-Dallas-post-alert-inclusive-and-superceding-alternate-co-ed-into-which-actual-alerts-were-previously-posted-fracus-forward forum.

(Yes, I can say this three times, really fast. I have a very limber tongue!)
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Dharma, I'm really getting into girls... care to show me how nimble?
yaddayadda's Avatar
Dharma and Kayla, Me toooo........and Dharma that was Fing funny.

Kayla, You know where to find me! You were looking for a massage recently, weren't you?