When will the media start asking democrats if they will accept the outcome of the 2024 election when Trump wins?

berryberry's Avatar
The last time leftists accepted a presidential election they lost was many, many decades ago. Their failure to accept 2016 is the cause of much of our problems in this country.


bambino's Avatar
This time, they won’t have a choice.
winn dixie's Avatar
There's a difference between not liking outcomes and not accepting!
berryberry's Avatar
This time, they won’t have a choice. Originally Posted by bambino
Agreed Bam - but it is all about the hypocrisy and straight out lies of the leftists
... Hillary Clinton never accepted the 2016 outcome.
Still complains to this day... Marco Rubio was saying that
on Meet The Press....

Maxine Waters brought those "Fake Electors" to President Trump's Certification! ... Where was the media outrage then??

#### Salty

Maybe because they don’t have a history of storming the capital after a loss?? Maybe that part?
By the way, I thought you found “other things to do”?
eyecu2's Avatar
They will answer with the same answer as the REPUBLICANs response.

"I will accept the outcome of the fair election as "insert party name" wins."

It's become the go-to answer for anyone who kisses the ring and bends at the knee. I just cannot believe how sheeplike team RED has become when it comes to lock-step replies and responses. Kinda like they practiced it at the clubhouse before they came out.

"Thank you sir- may I have another".

berryberry's Avatar
... Hillary Clinton never accepted the 2016 outcome.
Still complains to this day... Marco Rubio was saying that
on Meet The Press....

Maxine Waters brought those "Fake Electors" to President Trump's Certification! ... Where was the media outrage then??

#### Salty

... Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah Salty but it goes far beyond that. The leftists have refused to accept any Republican win in the last several decades

And the evidence is all there caught on camera in the initial post

Yet some here still want to try and deny that fact
eyecu2's Avatar
... Hillary Clinton never accepted the 2016 outcome.
Still complains to this day... Marco Rubio was saying that
on Meet The Press....

Maxine Waters brought those "Fake Electors" to President Trump's Certification! ... Where was the media outrage then??

#### Salty

... Originally Posted by Salty Again

Again wrong. From politico -

Hillary Clinton delivered an emotional address Wednesday, channeling a devastating loss to encourage her supporters to give President-elect Donald Trump a chance to lead and to inspire them to never give up in what likely marked the sunset of her political career.

Clinton privately conceded the election to Trump in a phone call early Wednesday morning but held off formally doing so before the thousands of supporters who were gathered inside the glass-ceiling Jacob K. Javits Convention Center awaiting election results in the wee hours into Wednesday.

“Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country,” Clinton said later Wednesday in her concession.

Conceded...unlike the orange turd.
... HEE HEE! ... ...

... Hillary Clinton STILL complains that "Russia interfered"
and that she didn't get a fair chance because Men didn't
vote for her....

... But no matter... Next year just may be "Hillary's Year" ...

... Anything from you concerning Maxie Waters and her
Fake Electors at Trump's Certification??

#### Salty
Knute's Avatar
  • Knute
  • 05-30-2024, 01:24 PM
... HEE HEE! ... ...

... Hillary Clinton STILL complains that "Russia interfered"
and that she didn't get a fair chance because Men didn't
vote for her....

... But no matter... Next year just may be "Hillary's Year" ...

... Anything from you concerning Maxie Waters and her
Fake Electors at Trump's Certification??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I don't know about the part about men not voting for her, but there is no question that Russia interfered.
I don't know about the part about men not voting for her, but there is no question that Russia interfered. Originally Posted by Knute
Of course there's no question of Russias interference, everybody
that has a TV saw him "trump" commit treason by openly asking
Russia to interfere in our elections, and to attack his political opponent.
Right out of the wanna be dictators handbook!
I wouldn't say she's complaining as the orange turd dose on a daily basis, but more as to her being conserned as any reasonable non-Maga American would be and should be
eyecu2's Avatar
I recall him asking Russia to "get her emails"
berryberry's Avatar
I don't know about the part about men not voting for her, but there is no question that Russia interfered. Originally Posted by Knute
OMG - the whole Russia farce has been debunked even by the leftist DNC media