Tea Terrorists

The market just had the second worst point drop in history 633 points on Monday compared to the 684 points lost when the market opened for the first time four business days after the 9-11 Terrorist attacks. Add the 512 points it lost last Friday and you see just what is creating havoc, gridlock and contentiousness just to hurt the President is what Standard and Poors called it..

Nice job, Tea Terrorists and orchestrators of the fake debt crisis.

Isn't it surprising that Tea Terrorists are willing to hurt the country this badly just to try to beat Obama in 2012?

Racist morons!

Crawl back into your fact- starved cave Whirlaway, ringleader of the idiots!

You come in here and defecate by quoting an oxycontin addict who rolled over on the maid he used to get the painkillers he abused to ruin his hearing and YOU are QUOTING him with your poor grammar? LMFAO!

We have a Level 10 Moron Alert!
Blame it on the Tea Baggers all you want, but blaming a few junior congressmen is like saying the last three games the Yankees lost in the race for the playoffs are the only games that counted. It’s stupid. Every congressman, just like every game over a season, counts. ALL of them are to blame, and if everyone in the House, Senate and the White House is to blame, then well, that means We the People of the United States of America are to blame.

The ridiculous Tea Baggers wouldn’t even be in office if it weren’t for backlash against status quo in Washington. CNN, one of Obama’s staunchest supporters and one of the reasons he is POTUS is now saying we need a Churchillesk leader now. The perfect man / candidate has failed to deliver because he was not qualified in the first place. He’s a professional me-too’er, not a professional anything, and Congress has become a body of dissension. Our leaders have failed us in our time of need. Which means we have failed ourselves unless we are willing to admit that we no longer live in a republic.

On an aside: Please stop reducing everything to race. It’s unbecoming and detracts the statement overall. It is inaccurate and therefore brings the balance of the argument into question. And lastly, it is delineating and creates a rift amongst the people for no reason. Obama wasn’t / isn't qualified to serve and is overall is a bad leader. It has nothing to do with race.
OH: Playing the race card is a sign of how weak their position is. And the left almost always plays it when they are losing the arguement.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Hi Olivia,
You've always seemed pretty level headed in these threads, why so down on the TEA party movement? Do you really not think the government has grown too big and spends too much? Name calling just seems completely out of character for you. I hope all is well.
tttalinky's Avatar
How can anyone with half a brain blame the Tea Party for the stock market melt down we went thru yesterday. The Tea Party is the only voice I have heard in the last few years that are actually taking actions to reduce government spending and waste! America has a huge debt crisis and a daily dose of the "blame game" from President Obama and his political cronies is not going to repair our spending problem. Until last week our elected officials were spending money like a drunk sailor, the Tea Party help bring this problem to light and forced us to deal with this issue. Allowing congress to spend, spend, spend, without accountability and checks/balances is crazy.
Hi Olivia,
You've always seemed pretty level headed in these threads, why so down on the TEA party movement? Do you really not think the government has grown too big and spends too much? Name calling just seems completely out of character for you. I hope all is well. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I really just don't like them anymore. My turn off came when they started to infuse a grassroots movement - that I COMPLETELY agree with by the way - with the Religious Right stuff that turns my stomach. You're right. I shouldn't call names though.

I agree what Congress and the POTUS's feet should have been held to the fire. It's just unfortunate that it wasn't enough. I think more people would be inclined to jump on board with the Tea Movement if they would just leave the religions stuff out of the equation. What the Religious Right doesn't understand, in part because they surround themselves with like thinkers, is that the nation is becoming increasingly secular. The world is passing religion as an explanation and comfort food by. I am not an atheist or even agnostic, but I'm definitely not Christian. I don't want other peoples morals force fed to me. THIS is my turnoff not their resolve about our future outside of Moral Correctness.
Who is the "they" you reference who infused religious right stuff??????

I really just don't like them anymore. My turn off came when they started to infuse a grassroots movement - that I COMPLETELY agree with by the way - with the Religious Right stuff that turns my stomach. You're right. I shouldn't call names though.

. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Iaintliein's Avatar
I really just don't like them anymore. My turn off came when they started to infuse a grassroots movement - that I COMPLETELY agree with by the way - with the Religious Right stuff that turns my stomach. You're right. I shouldn't call names though.

I agree what Congress and the POTUS's feet should have been held to the fire. It's just unfortunate that it wasn't enough. I think more people would be inclined to jump on board with the Tea Movement if they would just leave the religions stuff out of the equation. What the Religious Right doesn't understand, in part because they surround themselves with like thinkers, is that the nation is becoming increasingly secular. The world is passing religion as an explanation and comfort food by. I am not an atheist or even agnostic, but I'm definitely not Christian. I don't want other peoples morals force fed to me. THIS is my turnoff not their resolve about our future outside of Moral Correctness.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I think most here, and most in the TEA party agree with your assessment of the religious right. There is absolutely no difference between them and the socialist left, zero, both see government as a club to beat others into accepting their world view, both are driven by emotion rather than reason, and both are held in check by the Constitution (if properly followed). They are trying hard to co-opt the movement, and the MSM is trying hard to perpetrate the myth that they are one in the same. The place to prevent that is on the inside, IMHO. I get into more heated debates with the RR folks on civilian blogs than the leftests (whom, I largely ignore as irrelevant anymore).

I really just don't like them anymore. My turn off came when they started to infuse a grassroots movement - that I COMPLETELY agree with by the way - with the Religious Right stuff that turns my stomach. You're right. I shouldn't call names though.

I agree what Congress and the POTUS's feet should have been held to the fire. It's just unfortunate that it wasn't enough. I think more people would be inclined to jump on board with the Tea Movement if they would just leave the religions stuff out of the equation. What the Religious Right doesn't understand, in part because they surround themselves with like thinkers, is that the nation is becoming increasingly secular. The world is passing religion as an explanation and comfort food by. I am not an atheist or even agnostic, but I'm definitely not Christian. I don't want other peoples morals force fed to me. THIS is my turnoff not their resolve about our future outside of Moral Correctness.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
The hard core tea party people don't care about '' the Religious Right''

They just want a smaller government that's less intrusive in there life's !!!!!!!! I do not want the government telling me what kind of toilet,shower head,light bulb,car to drive etc,etc etc.stay out of my life and let me keep more of MY hard earned money.If you on the government tit get off it! The have's are getting sick and tired of supporting the have nots.........btw i do not care if your white,black,yellow,or brown its time for EVERYONE to get on the team and pull there own weight.
akito237's Avatar
Look, if it is anyone's fault, it is everyone's fault. If you read the press release by Standard & Poors on why they downgraded our credit score it comes down to two reasons. First, and this was proven to be in error, the agency felt that the debt agreement didn't cut spending enough. They later admitted that their calculations were off by $2tr. The more serious justification was that the agency did not have confidence in the American government to effectively come to ANY agreement. That means that even if we agreed to a BAD plan three months ago, we wouldn't have suffered a credit downgrade because we at least acted in unison. Instead, BOTH parties in Congress used default as a bargaining chip and played a game of chicken with OUR ECONOMY.

Look, the President has no say in the budget. The best he can do is make suggestions. This is in no way his fault. It DOES reflect the gross lack of respect the rest of Congress has for him. I am a Kennedy Democrat, and I say to Congress and EVERYONE in this country: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." We are in big trouble, financially, and everyone is going to have to take one for the team. Yes, government programs need to be carefully looked at, and some of them are going to have to take some budget cuts. That being said, people are going to have to accept that maybe some of the tax loopholes like the Bush Tax Cuts might have to be closed.... which will result in a raise in taxes. DEAL WITH IT. We are in the shit, people. Time to be more open minded about what we are willing to do to put everyone back to work and get the money flowing again.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Look, if it is anyone's fault, it is everyone's fault. If you read the press release by Standard & Poors on why they downgraded our credit score it comes down to two reasons. First, and this was proven to be in error, the agency felt that the debt agreement didn't cut spending enough. They later admitted that their calculations were off by $2tr. The more serious justification was that the agency did not have confidence in the American government to effectively come to ANY agreement. That means that even if we agreed to a BAD plan three months ago, we wouldn't have suffered a credit downgrade because we at least acted in unison. Instead, BOTH parties in Congress used default as a bargaining chip and played a game of chicken with OUR ECONOMY.

Look, the President has no say in the budget. The best he can do is make suggestions. This is in no way his fault. It DOES reflect the gross lack of respect the rest of Congress has for him. I am a Kennedy Democrat, and I say to Congress and EVERYONE in this country: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." We are in big trouble, financially, and everyone is going to have to take one for the team. Yes, government programs need to be carefully looked at, and some of them are going to have to take some budget cuts. That being said, people are going to have to accept that maybe some of the tax loopholes like the Bush Tax Cuts might have to be closed.... which will result in a raise in taxes. DEAL WITH IT. We are in the shit, people. Time to be more open minded about what we are willing to do to put everyone back to work and get the money flowing again. Originally Posted by akito237
LOL, so the threat to Veto has no bearing on the budget process? As leader of his party (the one that didn't even bother to propose a budget the last two years they held the House) he has no influence? Pushing huge government spending programs isn't Obama's fault? A Kennedy democrat who has forgotten that a rising tide lift's all boats (the first, best description of Reaganomics)? Or are you a "Ted" Kennedy democrat?

The way to put people back to work is to put government on a severe diet. There were NO spending cuts in this deal, only a decrease in the amount of proposed spending INCREASES.

On second thought, don't bother to answer, in one paragraph you say it's "everyone's fault" in the next that it's everyone's except the chief architect of the biggest peacetime escalation of government spending in history.

This is why I put all such posters on ignore, pure idolatry of "The One". Answer if you will, but I have no interest in reading it.

Rest assured Sir, we started "dealing" with it last November and will finish "dealing with it" next year.
Who is the "they" you reference who infused religious right stuff?????? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Michele Bachmann

This Rolling Stone article is telling about her religious beliefs. She even attended a law school that taught the laws of the United States, a country where separation of Church and State are mandated, from a biblical view. She believes that she was chosen by God himself to be an IRS attorney and to enter politics. Of course the they also call her a poser when it comes to Tea Party beliefs.


This article from the Washington Post goes into a little more detail about her beliefs and actions regarding government and religion. She home schools her children, is willing to make a stance on abortion that is a deal killer for supreme court justices or federal spending.


Rick Perry

Below is a Huffington Post article about last Perry’s prayer rally last weekend and Perry’s Tea Party speech a couple of years ago. I don’t think really I need say more.


I could go on, but why?

I think most here, and most in the TEA party agree with your assessment of the religious right. There is absolutely no difference between them and the socialist left, zero, both see government as a club to beat others into accepting their world view, both are driven by emotion rather than reason, and both are held in check by the Constitution (if properly followed). They are trying hard to co-opt the movement, and the MSM is trying hard to perpetrate the myth that they are one in the same. The place to prevent that is on the inside, IMHO. I get into more heated debates with the RR folks on civilian blogs than the leftests (whom, I largely ignore as irrelevant anymore).

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=267816&page=2 Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I absolutely believe this statement. The religious right believe they are morally superior and the liberal left believe they are intellectually superior. The thing that binds these two groups is that they both would feel better about themselves if we would agree with them.

I just think that at the core, many Tea Party Movement people are just as one with their religion as they are with Libertarian ideas. Just my opinion though.

We need to reduce spending and raise revenues period. Why for the love of God and money do half the wage earners in the US not pay taxes and some of them get money back they didn’t put in? That’s bullshit. Everybody should pay. Everybody should have skin in the game.
yaddayadda's Avatar
First of all tttalinky I take offense to the comparison of the Government spending money like a Drunk Sailor. As a Drunk Sailor I can tell you not even on my best day could I spend THAT much money....even on pussy and booze.....

Little Stevie, I am NOT a member of the Tea party but I have been some of their events. Most are older than 40, blue collar, a lot of retired folks, but I did not hear anyone overtly racist I even saw several Black and Hispanic folks walking around. I did NOT see any bible thumpers either....just a bunch of people worried that their government (democrats and republicans) has SOLD THEM OUT. I think that the tea party will elect more conservative candidates who believe as I do that Limited Government is the intent of the Constitution. We are trying to provide services to the underachieving by taxing the productive.
One thing I would like to point out: In 1968 14.2% of the people in the USA were living in poverty, after all the government spending (Trillions since '68) in 2010 14.7% of people STILL live in poverty.
The department of education (since its inception) has actually increased the illiteracy rate in the USA, once again after much money is spent. I could go on and on but you get the idea

When will people realize that government, even at its best, is bloated, inefficient and incapable. Starve the beast, limit the money elected officials (at all levels) can spend.

I do not think Obama is a bad president because he is black, he is a bad President because he is a poor leader.
Would one of you BRAINLESS MORONS simply READ the content of the S&P report and then comment. Shooting off your mouths with theories proposed by an AM radio oxycontin addict and a party whose only power was created by BLOCKING an agreement that would have prevented this latest crash proves your idiocy.

Cutting taxes has NEVER produced anything but an insignificant number minimum wage jobs.

Look at that religious zealot Perry bragging about Texas which has the LOWEST average wage in the ENTIRE country.

You guys are long on rhetoric and short on brains and have virtually no understanding of the economic forces at work, either.

Maybe you can convince me with more VOLUME! Have Whirlaway start a dozen more stupid threads and maybe that will cancel the questions I've posed and the statements I've made!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-09-2011, 02:35 PM
How can anyone with half a brain blame the Tea Party for the stock market melt down we went thru yesterday. Originally Posted by tttalinky

Oh, i don't know....perhaps because they were the ones running around claiming to be perfectly ok with the idea of a government default? Or perhaps it was because a running theme of S&P's explanation for the downgrade centered around an extremist refusal to increase revenues?

Why for the love of God and money do half the wage earners in the US not pay taxes and some of them get money back they didn’t put in? That’s bullshit. Everybody should pay. Everybody should have skin in the game. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
First off, this statement is simply not true. Everyone who spends money is going to be paying federal taxes somewhere along the line. It may not be in the form of income taxes, but they do pay taxes.

Secondly, to answer your question anyway, because they're on a fixed income? Or scraping by on minimum wage?

Third, I have a better question for you. If capitalism is so great, then why for the love of God do half the wage earners in the US not rise above the minimum threshold of income for paying income taxes?