so how would one handle a no connnection apt?

Id like to hear from others how would you handle a no connection apt and what discoverie would make you think there was no connection between you 2?
skbinks's Avatar
Id like to hear from others how would you handle a no connection apt and what discoverie would make you think there was no connection between you 2? Originally Posted by OLindsay
Stupid question from a newbie. Do you mean where one is a no show or where they just don't feel it and go their own ways?

I have had a few no shows but I am new so something might have spooked them about me and I understand that in this business. Would have been nice for a call or text though instead of just never hearing from them again. Not much gets me actually mad. This would make me little disappointed though but I would just move on and try to meet someone else.

If it is the latter, I am someone that actually has to feel something or it just doesn't work for me and I probably would not go back and probably couldn't preform anyway. I can't get excited about a hole in the wall. If I could, my place would look like swiss cheese and I'd save a lot of money in the long run. I at least need to see a human with a nice personality or its just a turn off.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Id like to hear from others how would you handle a no connection apt and what discoverie would make you think there was no connection between you 2? Originally Posted by OLindsay
booze Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
nope unfortunately alcohol isnt the anwser for me cause if i dont feel a connection with my friend after 30 minutes than i politely tell him im sorry, but this isnt the kind of connection i was expecting for us than I tell him my 30 minute fee even after he booked a 60 minute session and politely ask him not to review me because we both know the connection was not there.
all the alcohol in the world can not make me fake a connection my body's actions will tell you different and his will too...
skbinks's Avatar
nope unfortunately alcohol isnt the anwser for me cause if i dont feel a connection with my friend after 30 minutes than i politely tell him im sorry, but this isnt the kind of connection i was expecting for us than I tell him my 30 minute fee even after he booked a 60 minute session and politely ask him not to review me because we both know the connection was not there.
all the alcohol in the world can not make me fake a connection my body's actions will tell you different and his will too... Originally Posted by OLindsay
Geez, you word it so much better that I could. I have friends that used to be lovers but it just wasn't there for that but we are still friends.
Sweetie...Good question
I would simply say I dont think this is working for me...especially if you cant stomach going on...and end it

But I would think a refund or partial is in order
if i dont feel a connection with my friend after 30 minutes than i politely tell him im sorry, but this isnt the kind of connection i was expecting for us than I tell him my 30 minute fee even after he booked a 60 minute session and politely ask him not to review me because we both know the connection was not there. Originally Posted by OLindsay
That seems like an appropriate, well thought out resolution if your half hour rate is deemed fair by the client, since you are asking him not to write a review.

Just my thoughts....
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Seems fairly simple to me. If you stop the appointment for "no connection" only (not hygiene of safety) you offer a full refund. If the client stops if for simply no connection, no refund should be expected.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
For Lindsey, I think her proposal is fair. When you pay for an hour, you get an hour. So if you sit there for 30 minutes and nothing happens, then that's on you. But if you're witha woman where she says you're getting an hour for the money, but if you finish in 15 min you're gone, then you're really paying for an act. And if the act doesn't happen you should get a full refund.
If there isn't a connection then you are just going through the motions. You can't have any fun if both people aren't into it. If the provider and client can agree on a donation that is fair to both of you, settle up and part ways.
Good topic - and one I'm sure we all have pondered at some point hobbying...

That is a lousy position to find yourself. And it happens. Since the hobby industry has yet to build the picture referee department, i can't count the number of times i walked in and thought this is no where near the woman i thought i was going to see. On some occasions it was so bad i pointed that out and i left. No fee exchanged - no guilt whatsoever - no sleep lost - start calling the back up list...

However, IMO we do pay for time and companionship. On some occasions I have had a provider's phone ring and then ask me if it is ok to cut our time short and refund me proportionally for the time spent. Ok. Sucks, but happened. On some occasions i finished and there was time left but not enough for another go and the connection to sit and 'hang out' was far from there. At that point i thank the provider and leave my whole donation - as Captain Chaos points out, the act was done and for that i feel IMO i owed all of said arrangement...

Hasn't happened to me so I'm speculating on what i think is fair here: If i didn't 'tick the box' that i 'came' there for and we agreed my time was half the allotted time after the provider pulled the rip cord for 'no connection', i would simply ask the provider to offer me what she thinks is fair, i would counter if i thought it unfair. Then compromise and walk away.

Per your question on how do you know - lordy - where to start:

1. Provider's room looks like I'm 15th in a line of18 cumming through the stable that day - immediately i feel like connection is sacrificed on a cross made of benjamins

2. Provider's phone is non stop and she stops each time to check - connection gone

3. If there is anyone else in the room, good bye - seriously its 30-60 minutes - go the lobby or bar - take your phone, play a game - if you have to stay in the bathroom, connection lost...

4. If there's a boyfriend upstairs, downstairs or some manager with a gun, connection lost...

5. If i notice a provider has a lot of bruises, or yellow teeth, or there are signs of rampant drug use, or anything that would make me feel like my health is in jeopardy, NO connection, good bye...

Life happens, there is no guarantee that you can even read a review and will have the same experience as another client. You simply roll the dice and hope for the best, make good decisions and be safe. If it isn't there, then compromise amicably and walk away...
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
For Lindsey, I think her proposal is fair. When you pay for an hour, you get an hour. So if you sit there for 30 minutes and nothing happens, then that's on you. But if you're witha woman where she says you're getting an hour for the money, but if you finish in 15 min you're gone, then you're really paying for an act. And if the act doesn't happen you should get a full refund. Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
and if the women doesnt want to do the act? she rebuffs the male advances, but is willing to spend with him.. so he says, ok I'm leaving and she demands money for her time... then what?
CaptainKaos's Avatar
and if the women doesnt want to do the act? she rebuffs the male advances, but is willing to spend with him.. so he says, ok I'm leaving and she demands money for her time... then what? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Offer a small donation. If she balks, Stiff her. Hope you've got a good enough rep so that it doesn't hurt you.
I know that donations are for your time and companionship, but the guy who you did not connect with is there to have sex with you. You certainly don't have to have sex with anyone you don't want to. If you don't want to FS with him, you should give him all his $ back. JMHO
nope unfortunately alcohol isnt the anwser for me cause if i dont feel a connection with my friend after 30 minutes than i politely tell him im sorry, but this isnt the kind of connection i was expecting for us than I tell him my 30 minute fee even after he booked a 60 minute session and politely ask him not to review me because we both know the connection was not there.
all the alcohol in the world can not make me fake a connection my body's actions will tell you different and his will too... Originally Posted by OLindsay
I hate to say it, but I probably would have been upset at your offer. Between shortening the agreed upon time, dropping the rate to the half hour rate which I assume is more than half your hour rate, and asking him to be quite about it that is a bit much in my opinion.

You shouldnt have to do anything you dont want to, but you make it sound like he would have not felt a connection either. So I would assume he was disappointed too with the session, then asked to cut it short instead of trying to turn it around.

Your resolution almost sounds fair until I think about if he were the one to try to shorten the time in the middle. Most people would assume he would have to pay the full hour as agreed upon. At least that seems to be what people have mostly argued in the past.

You have a good enough reputation to overcome this hiccup even if he were to come out guns blazing in the thread, but to me it seems like the person getting rejected should have the situation work out in their favor instead of paying the regular half hour rate.