Networking w Albany Ladies

bustybabygirl's Avatar
Hello, all!

The most valuable tool I have in this industry - and in life - is my network. I am super big on networking with other ladies. In Upstate we have really formed a little tribe - I know intimate details about 50 local Upstate ladies - and we are always promoting each other and sending referrals.

My gentlemen friends know that I am reference and referral friendly. And my clients trust my word and opinion. Every week I find myself being asked who I recommend in Albany... I know dozens of ladies who travel through, but only a few local woman

I only send referrals to women I know - if make a recommendation to a client, I need to know what I’m talking about. I would love to connect with other women in the area.

Feel free to reach out. If anyone is on Twitter, please do share your info. If anyone needs help getting started on Twitter, I can help. It is my primary business platform & an amazing place to promote other women.

Thx for reading my long ass post 😘
One of the many reasons I chose to see BBG!! She is a great reference and the key to unlock the screening to many other ladies...That and... oh yeah... great big boobies!!
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Yaaaas reference friendly.

There’s enough to go around.

Girls who bring their A Game can give references all day long without it negatively impacting their bottom line.

And ty for the compliments!
Bentley Jetaun's Avatar
"United We Stand". Thats what I'm talking about. Networking also increases everyones safety on so many different levels and thats my #1 priority.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
"United We Stand". Thats what I'm talking about. Networking also increases everyones safety on so many different levels and thats my #1 priority. Originally Posted by Bentley Jetaun

What areas are you usually in?
GAdirtySouthe's Avatar
I agree sticking together is the best way to be! I do my best to respond to reference request, as I want us all to be safe and have fun!! & I agree with cross promotion.... I think variety is the spice of life and in this hobby my "friends" should experience it all! Especially when I am if you are in Albany Area and you let me know Ill gladly let my hobby friends know! Plus...I honestly respect and appreciate all of Us Beautiful women and want us all to be doing well! Soo.... I agree BBG & Miss Bentley!!
Stay Safe! Have fun!
"Miss Georgia Southe"
If seeking a ref. Text my number as sometimes Im not on Eccie all the time 404-721-4424
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Thank you, love

Ladies are very welcome to text or message 24/7 for anything at all

Buffalo & Rochester are my stomping grounds! Anyone who visits is welcome to reach out - I have visited 1-3x a month for four years now and can run you through the local scene

I essentially live out of hotels. I spent approx 25k on hotels last year. I have Priceline & Hotwire cracked. I am more than happy to offer advice or options w hotels & help you find the best rates

Girls I know well I can be their safe call (share location, start & end time of date - have a plan of what to do if I can’t contact you)

Also share my personal number for 24/7 emergencies or time sensitive inquiries - of course after trust is established

I run with 50 Upstate women and about 25 traveling women - need to connect w some Albany ladies.
So how do you get “verification or in the loop”? Honestly I stick to STG and girls reviewed on here to visit. Love to see you Baby Girl, have no idea how to get verified in a way I’d be willing. Saw one provider wanted a copy of my license or social media profiles. No way I can do that, way to risky. Help?
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I verify in a few ways. I only share my screening details in private, but please feel free to contact me. I have a handful of ways to screen. Yes I can use references, yes I can use employment verification or personal info - but I have a few alternatives as well.

The other part of the question - how to get in the loop? I’m sorry, I don’t understand! Can you please elaborate?
"United We Stand". Thats what I'm talking about. Networking also increases everyones safety on so many different levels and thats my #1 priority. Originally Posted by Bentley Jetaun
Bentley dear, I wanna be your #1 priority!!
Randilyn's Avatar
"United We Stand". Thats what I'm talking about. Networking also increases everyones safety on so many different levels and thats my #1 priority. Originally Posted by Bentley Jetaun
yesssssss bent and bbg!!!!! UNITED WE STAND!!!!
bustybabygirl's Avatar
yesssssss bent and bbg!!!!! UNITED WE STAND!!!! Originally Posted by Randilyn
Randi - I know you already have my back ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Randilyn's Avatar
Randi - I know you already have my back ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
xoxoxox !!!!
Love to see all these lovely beautiful ladies come together and watch out for each other..
Build each other up , not beat each other down..


I always look out for the ladies.. Too many terrible things can happen.. Stay safe lovelies..

Be good to yourselves too !!!

Randi - I know you already have my back ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
Good - I'll take her front and we can surround her!!