Reviews Assigned to Wrong Provider!

Dear Moderator,
I'm having the same issue again with a review. I'm not sure who solved the problem last time.. but I would greatly appreciate the help again!
This review is assigned to the wrong provider.
That's supposed to be assigned to this Stacy Addams in Dallas, Tejas. Also, how can I prevent this issue from happening in the future??!

Preventing the review from being assigned to the wrong lady is probably not a simple solution.

However, quickest way to get it fixed is to go to the review and hit that little underneath the reviewer's handle and let the mods know.

And just how do you know where it is assigned? I can see it was not assigned to you by checking your reviews. It may be possible that the mods have not checked out that review yet and thus have assigned it to no one yet.
?? Its posted under a different provider... not me

I have reassigned the review to your profile.

To answer your question: This is not an easy solution. In our review assignment queue we choose the Dallas Independent Reviews pending assignment.

As I ( and every other mod ) get to your review, I read the title Review: First plunge with Stacy Adams and immediately go to assigning it. As I type in Stacy , the auto-fill feature presents me with these options at the top:

Stacy Adams
Stacy Brock
Stacy Chase , etc.

The natural instinct is for the moderator working on assigning reviews to select the handle that matches the name on the title of the review, and that would be Stacy Adams , which is NOT your handle/account. Your handle is not given at the top as an option to assign until I type in the next letter, Stacya. Unfortunately we don't get to that next letter on your handle because a Stacy Adams has already been presented to us for assignment.

Possible solution could be:

1.-) Ask your clients to use your handle Stacyadams04 as part of the title of the review. They could also add name in parentheses.

2.-) Request a name change. This may or may not be something that appeals to you, but it could help alleviate this issue for you.

3.-) Do nothing and just keep an eye out for your reviews and report it to staff as tigercat pointed out.

We try to be careful with this issue, but with so many members and similar to almost identical handles, it is easy for misplaced assignments to happen.

@ tigercat,

If you visit the review link, and scroll down to the bottom, just past the quick reply box, look to the left. On the blue ribbon you will see this text on white colored font View Provider Profile. Just below it, it shows a link to the profile that the review has been assigned to. If you click the link, it takes you directly to the review tab for the provider.

trynagetlaid's Avatar
Looks like there was more than enough info to identify her correctly in the review Mat:

Provider: Stacy Adams (staceyadams04)
Phone: 214-861-5059
Email Address:
URL / Website:
If the moderator who assigned the review to the other handle were a paid employee I might take the initiative to go and bitch at him a little. As a volunteer, I can't criticize him for trying to lend a helping hand, or how many hours he can dedicate to the site and the many things that staff members deal with behind the scenes.

It's very easy for a member to take the time to break down all the details of this review because he/she has the ONE review to look at. Moderators in the other hand do not have that luxury. There is always a very high number of reviews pending assignment. With all the workload to handle, I don't know who has the time to be meticulous and detail-oriented when assigning reviews. I'm not making excuses for the guy, I am just saying it is hard to fault anyone for assigning the review when the name of a provider matches the title of the review.

An important thing to note is, the review assignment queue is different from the review approval queue. We actually read the ones in the approval queue, but can't assign it from that field. The review approval queue is worked on by local moderators only. The review assignment queue is a site-wide workload. You have moderators from all different cities assigning reviews in regions that they don't help to moderate. This is done to assist areas where the load of new reviews is much heavier than in other regions.

I wish I could offer a more pleasant answer, but with the reality of guys volunteering the time and the many instances of similar names, mistakes will be made. As long as we are made aware of them, we will continue to correct them as time allows us to take care of things.


Thanks for the explanations. I always assumed the assignment of a review to a provider profile took place when the review was analyzed. (Silly, logic thing with me. Pick up an item, touch it once, complete the entire task, then move on to the next. Project engineering in me.)

With that process for assigning reviews to providers, and the number of similar provider names, no wonder there is some confusion at times.

trynagetlaid's Avatar
I appreciate the detailed explanation Mat and I also have to agree with tigercat.

It makes more sense for one mod to process the entire review, preferably a local mod.

If it takes two or three days, then so be it.

Better to get it right the first time than waste valuable mod time on do-overs.

What happens when the reviewer doesn't put the provider's name in the title, as we have all seen many times?
Duke of G's Avatar
If it takes two or three days, then so be it. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
This one is funny! When you start seeing the RTMs from impatient providers on review associations, you will understand a bit of the fatalistic humor the mods have.

Better to get it right the first time than waste valuable mod time on do-overs.

What happens when the reviewer doesn't put the provider's name in the title, as we have all seen many times? Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
We have to hope that it's in the review somewhere. There is a preview option in the tool that we use, but we are completely reliant on the REVIEWER to do a good job at identifying the lady.

Honestly, names in the title are good. But you know what's BEST? A link to the provider's profile. Sure, include websites, and P411...but a LINK to an ECCIE profile is the #1 way we assign the review to the person it's written about. That way, there is zero question, and we can simply copy/paste the exact user name. (Especially important when things like no spaces, underscores, tildes, or other special characters are part of a provider name)
trynagetlaid's Avatar

This one is funny! When you start seeing the RTMs from impatient providers on review associations, you will understand a bit of the fatalistic humor the mods have.
Originally Posted by Duke of G
Pardon me Duke but I had to chuckle a little when I read that. Do providers really think they are judged by their latest review, not the entire volume of work?

Kind of reminds me of a lot of bosses I've had - they don't care how good you've done your job this year or this month - they're only interested in what you've done recently.
Duke of G's Avatar
In the time it took me to post and you to respond, there have been at least four requested review assignments from providers.

At the time of this message, there are 156 reviews pending assignment, ECCIE-wide.

And yes, some ladies seem convinced that getting that latest review up is a key to their success. It may very well be. Just like the ladies that fight over the 9:00 p.m. posting on the weekend line up, or those that add tons of stuff to their signature lines.

New reviews do tend to generate more calls, but who knows if the assignment matters, when/if the person reading them knows who the lady is anyway. I would bet that less than 10% of male members know about the link at the bottom of the reviews, but most do review the overall review history of a lady prior to booking.