Say GoodBye to Mss MaryJane...

I'm sorry to announce Kansas City that due to the discovery that i have cancer I will be leaving the hobby. I love what i do but will be undergoing major treatment... And want to enjoying being a mother. I will always have my memories though and might return one day. Due to the fact i dont think ill ever lose my super freak in me This game is filled with haters... you can give me a call if youd like to clear up any rumors going around i'd appreciate it and stay safe.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wow! Never got to meet you, but you are gorgeous! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Cancer can be beaten, and you can do it!
Best of luck to you! Stay positive and don't ever give up. If you can survive the guys of KC, you can survive anything!
lol. yep. good luck. Cancer sucks.
I'm terribly sorry to hear of this unfortunate news. Best wishes for a speedy recovery babe! Try to stay positive, and know that even while you may have "haters", there are others out there that do give a damn.

Take care,
That is tough news. Find a great support system and stay positive and whip this.
oh wow. I am so sorry to hear your news
Take time and take care of you will always have support from me
keep us posted on your recovery
Hope you beat it and are back to new in no time.... The hobby isent going anywhere
Im sorry to hear that honey...Stay positive..Damn that sucks..xoxoxo
Never met you....but absoultely best wishes in dealing with your health issues

No matter what our day-to-day problems may be.... for all of us, our own health and that of our love ones, is always the great equalizer!!
Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

- Jackie Devlin
dirty dog's Avatar
I hope the best for you and a speedy recovery. I know myself how an illness and healing can be a major drag. Just remember to remain positive and to put your energy into recovery.
KenMonk's Avatar

Might want to remove these if you are leaving. Good luck and I hope you are truly okay.
Topekadude's Avatar
Good luck. Stay positive!
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Good to see you one last time. Get well hun, we'll be here.