Welcome To The Age Of Abundance! Errr... (Big Brother)

bojulay's Avatar
Welcome to the coming age of abundance!

More like the coming age of Big, or should I say Bigger Brother.

You have to listen between the lines though, technology has
been used for good but when has it ever not been used for

Welcome to the dark side!

Knock! Knock! at your front door, it's the suede denim secret police,
they have come for your uncool niece.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Welcome to the coming age of abundance!

More like the coming age of Big, or should I say Bigger Brother.

You have to listen between the lines though, technology has
been used for good but when has it ever not been used for

Welcome to the dark side!

Knock! Knock! at your front door, it's the suede denim secret police,
they have come for your uncool niece.

Originally Posted by bojulay
I'm not going to listen to him prattle for an hour to know that many choices lie ahead. He makes it sound like there are only 2 possible worlds when there will be many worlds for many people.
Knowledge will always equal power. One of the greatest powers that is available to all people is to learn the benefits/threats of any given technology. Dumb asses will always get the short end of the stick.

And as usual, someone is demanding an hour of my time when 10 minutes would have been plenty to read a transcript and ponder any new information. Plus this the wrong presenter for this material.
Lose the brogue.
bojulay's Avatar
Let me paraphrase some of the scary parts for you then.

Information, one of the key components of power.

They talk about the coming ability of cloud based technology
to gather and store all the information about a person, and
the ability to access all of this information in about a nanosecond.

And when they say all the information they mean all, every little bit
of electronic information or written record that exists.

A camera in a pair of glasses, that when you look at someone, will be able
through the video image to access the cloud and tell you exactly who
the person is, and allow you to access whatever information you would
care to know about them, and then display it on a screen inside the glasses.
It is all about gathering information about you. At first it was to sell you something. Now it is to spy on you. Eventually to use this information against you.
jbravo_123's Avatar
First, we steal all the underpants...
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
More like the coming age of Big, or should I say Bigger Brother. Originally Posted by bojulay
When has there ever NOT been big brother when you have some civilzation. What the hell do you think that the King/Emperor/Dictator was 5000 years ago paired with religion and supported by the priests? Hey, you think confession WASN'T just getting you to spy on yourself? Oh, and the King and his Nobles always took at least 50% of everything everyone else made, grew, created unless it was 60, 80 even 90%.

You have to listen between the lines though, technology has been used for good but when has it ever not been used for bad. Originally Posted by bojulay
Uh, well, for a start, to purify water, eliminate Polio, Smallpox, etc.. and feed millions with Hybrid pygmy wheat and corn. There are thousands of examples as technology is always a double edged sword and genocide would not have been possible without the railroad, machine gun and radio.

Welcome to the dark side! Originally Posted by bojulay
Yeah, that is a new thing. Technology must have brought it out because Cain and Able didn't have a dark side. There was no dark side in the Garden of Eden, nuh uh

Just and aside, if you read history you will always find, even 3500 or more years ago someone saying the world is going to hell in a handbasket and it won't last much longer.
bojulay's Avatar
When has there ever NOT been big brother when you have some civilzation. What the hell do you think that the King/Emperor/Dictator was 5000 years ago paired with religion and supported by the priests? Hey, you think confession WASN'T just getting you to spy on yourself? Oh, and the King and his Nobles always took at least 50% of everything everyone else made, grew, created unless it was 60, 80 even 90%.

Uh, well, for a start, to purify water, eliminate Polio, Smallpox, etc.. and feed millions with Hybrid pygmy wheat and corn. There are thousands of examples as technology is always a double edged sword and genocide would not have been possible without the railroad, machine gun and radio.

Yeah, that is a new thing. Technology must have brought it out because Cain and Able didn't have a dark side. There was no dark side in the Garden of Eden, nuh uh

Just and aside, if you read history you will always find, even 3500 or more years ago someone saying the world is going to hell in a handbasket and it won't last much longer. Originally Posted by austxjr

Trying to prove my point for me brother?
Yeah just look at what was accomplished through archaic means.