question for Trump and Clinton supporters

bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 08-26-2016, 08:14 AM
First off, I am an independent and right now I couldn't vote for either. My question is about how each of you feel about the opposite candidate's supporters. With all this rhetoric from each side, I see hatred for the other like never before. I see hate speech about wanting to hurt or even kill the other candidates and their supporters on many sites. Why? Do some of y'all feel that much hate to want horrible things done to one another? We are all on the same side and all are Americans and it is healthy to have difference of opinions but I'm concerned about how low the level has become. I just can't see Americans vs. Americans as a good thing but of only to our enemies. Seriously, what are some of y'alls view of your political adversaries?
MT Pockets's Avatar
First off, I am an independent and right now I couldn't vote for either. My question is about how each of you feel about the opposite candidate's supporters. With all this rhetoric from each side, I see hatred for the other like never before. I see hate speech about wanting to hurt or even kill the other candidates and their supporters on many sites. Why? Do some of y'all feel that much hate to want horrible things done to one another? We are all on the same side and all are Americans and it is healthy to have difference of opinions but I'm concerned about how low the level has become. I just can't see Americans vs. Americans as a good thing but of only to our enemies. Seriously, what are some of y'alls view of your political adversaries? Originally Posted by bon69
Personally, I think with all the new media outlets we are on the verge of another evolution of how our system works. The two party system was not what was intended for us and over the years has become corrupt on both sides of the isle. The only way the R's and the D's can keep in power is to polarize us. I have not voted for a Dem or a R in the last 6 election cycles. I align more with Dems but agree with quite a bit of the Republican doctrine as well. I do wonder when you see a outlash from either side, who really provoked it. I think both sides are manipulated by impalpable sources.
First off, I am an independent and right now I couldn't vote for either. My question is about how each of you feel about the opposite candidate's supporters. With all this rhetoric from each side, I see hatred for the other like never before. I see hate speech about wanting to hurt or even kill the other candidates and their supporters on many sites. Why? Do some of y'all feel that much hate to want horrible things done to one another? We are all on the same side and all are Americans and it is healthy to have difference of opinions but I'm concerned about how low the level has become. I just can't see Americans vs. Americans as a good thing but of only to our enemies. Seriously, what are some of y'alls view of your political adversaries? Originally Posted by bon69
You're in TX, it's awfully hard to be an independent here. If you say that, you're probably branded a Democrat since the majority of people here are Republican.

I hate Hillary Clinton. Even if I was a Democrat, I can't understand how she got the nomination... until I look at my own party and the clusterfuck it has become. The Democrats are no different. They put up a field of subpar candidates and it just so happened that Hillary had the right things going for her at the right time... the backing of the Dems, and the historical aspect of being the first woman nominated for President. Same type of boost that Obama enjoyed being the first black nominated. So she's already got the party leaders behind her and history on her side, and that was enough to beat out any other candidate, even though everyone hates her.

For the GOP... I just shake my head. As much as I hate Clinton, I hate the GOP for nominating Trump and ruining the party just as much. We're going to pay for it too, George Bush may have been right when he said he may be the last Republican President.

So with all that said... I don't hate your average Democrat. We care about different things. Sometimes, we care about the same things. I for one used to work for several large insurance firms... I am FOR Obamacare. Well, maybe not Obamacare, but a system like it, where people can't be denied coverage or dropped by their insurers when they've been paying their premiums faithfully. I've seen how greedy insurance carriers are, and my opinion is that something like healthcare can't be left entirely to market forces. The latest scandal is this Epi-Pen business of raising the price over 400% in the last few years. We do need a national healthcare plan, to keep these pharmaceutical companies and insurance providers in check with how much they charge. So that's one thing I agree with Democrats, something needed to be done, and Obamacare is what we got. Would have been better if Republicans didn't waste so much damn time trying to kill it vs making it better.

As far as guns go, I have several, I don't agree with curtailing rights of gun owners, but I can concede that changes should be made to existing laws where loopholes exist where they shouldn't. I know a lot of Dems feel the same way, but as a party I think they go too far.

Kind of went off topic a bit. But the point is, it's idiocy to pick a political party and think you have to back ALL of their initiatives. Some of them are just plain stupid, and only serve to combat the other party, even if it's a good idea.

That being said, the people I HATE are the people who are too stupid to realize the point above, or who believe in dubious lies they hear about the other party without bothering to check the facts themselves. There's a lot of those people on this board, on forums all over the internet, these are the people who are constantly creating political threads and they never have anything of substance to say. These are the "fringe" members of each party, and we'd all be a lot better off if they just shut the fuck up rather than doing their part to ruin the country.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Their biggest problem is enemy identification. They're pussies. Always want to cut and run leaving us with another war to fight.

Second is their entitlement mentality and all the taxing and spending that goes with it. They don't have a clue how the real world works. They believe they are entitled to someone Else's hard earned money. They believe that if you have wealth you got it by doing something wrong.

Third..they live an alternate reality. They believe that America is responsible for all the ills of the world.

They create problems, only to distract, where there isn't any. IE. Global warming, war on women, transgender bathrooms etc.

They want you to feel guilty for things that happened 200 years ago and use that to get want they want,

They are evil thiefs.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You're in TX, it's awfully hard to be an independent here. If you say that, you're probably branded a Democrat since the majority of people here are Republican.

I hate Hillary Clinton. Even if I was a Democrat, I can't understand how she got the nomination... until I look at my own party and the clusterfuck it has become. The Democrats are no different. They put up a field of subpar candidates and it just so happened that Hillary had the right things going for her at the right time... the backing of the Dems, and the historical aspect of being the first woman nominated for President. Same type of boost that Obama enjoyed being the first black nominated. So she's already got the party leaders behind her and history on her side, and that was enough to beat out any other candidate, even though everyone hates her.

For the GOP... I just shake my head. As much as I hate Clinton, I hate the GOP for nominating Trump and ruining the party just as much. We're going to pay for it too, George Bush may have been right when he said he may be the last Republican President.

So with all that said... I don't hate your average Democrat. We care about different things. Sometimes, we care about the same things. I for one used to work for several large insurance firms... I am FOR Obamacare. Well, maybe not Obamacare, but a system like it, where people can't be denied coverage or dropped by their insurers when they've been paying their premiums faithfully. I've seen how greedy insurance carriers are, and my opinion is that something like healthcare can't be left entirely to market forces. The latest scandal is this Epi-Pen business of raising the price over 400% in the last few years. We do need a national healthcare plan, to keep these pharmaceutical companies and insurance providers in check with how much they charge. So that's one thing I agree with Democrats, something needed to be done, and Obamacare is what we got. Would have been better if Republicans didn't waste so much damn time trying to kill it vs making it better.

As far as guns go, I have several, I don't agree with curtailing rights of gun owners, but I can concede that changes should be made to existing laws where loopholes exist where they shouldn't. I know a lot of Dems feel the same way, but as a party I think they go too far.

Kind of went off topic a bit. But the point is, it's idiocy to pick a political party and think you have to back ALL of their initiatives. Some of them are just plain stupid, and only serve to combat the other party, even if it's a good idea.

That being said, the people I HATE are the people who are too stupid to realize the point above, or who believe in dubious lies they hear about the other party without bothering to check the facts themselves. There's a lot of those people on this board, on forums all over the internet, these are the people who are constantly creating political threads and they never have anything of substance to say. These are the "fringe" members of each party, and we'd all be a lot better off if they just shut the fuck up rather than doing their part to ruin the country. Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
Best post I have read since joining this forum. Well said!
bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 08-26-2016, 09:44 AM
They are evil thiefs. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

I am not picking on you but I am curious. You seem to be the most angry of the replies. So, who are the evil thieves? How would suggest be the best way to deal with them? I appreciate your honesty. Thanks
bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 08-26-2016, 09:47 AM
You're in TX, it's awfully hard to be an independent here. If you say that, you're probably branded a Democrat since the majority of people here are Republican.

I hate Hillary Clinton. Even if I was a Democrat, I can't understand how she got the nomination... until I look at my own party and the clusterfuck it has become. The Democrats are no different. They put up a field of subpar candidates and it just so happened that Hillary had the right things going for her at the right time... the backing of the Dems, and the historical aspect of being the first woman nominated for President. Same type of boost that Obama enjoyed being the first black nominated. So she's already got the party leaders behind her and history on her side, and that was enough to beat out any other candidate, even though everyone hates her.

For the GOP... I just shake my head. As much as I hate Clinton, I hate the GOP for nominating Trump and ruining the party just as much. We're going to pay for it too, George Bush may have been right when he said he may be the last Republican President.

So with all that said... I don't hate your average Democrat. We care about different things. Sometimes, we care about the same things. I for one used to work for several large insurance firms... I am FOR Obamacare. Well, maybe not Obamacare, but a system like it, where people can't be denied coverage or dropped by their insurers when they've been paying their premiums faithfully. I've seen how greedy insurance carriers are, and my opinion is that something like healthcare can't be left entirely to market forces. The latest scandal is this Epi-Pen business of raising the price over 400% in the last few years. We do need a national healthcare plan, to keep these pharmaceutical companies and insurance providers in check with how much they charge. So that's one thing I agree with Democrats, something needed to be done, and Obamacare is what we got. Would have been better if Republicans didn't waste so much damn time trying to kill it vs making it better.

As far as guns go, I have several, I don't agree with curtailing rights of gun owners, but I can concede that changes should be made to existing laws where loopholes exist where they shouldn't. I know a lot of Dems feel the same way, but as a party I think they go too far.

Kind of went off topic a bit. But the point is, it's idiocy to pick a political party and think you have to back ALL of their initiatives. Some of them are just plain stupid, and only serve to combat the other party, even if it's a good idea.

That being said, the people I HATE are the people who are too stupid to realize the point above, or who believe in dubious lies they hear about the other party without bothering to check the facts themselves. There's a lot of those people on this board, on forums all over the internet, these are the people who are constantly creating political threads and they never have anything of substance to say. These are the "fringe" members of each party, and we'd all be a lot better off if they just shut the fuck up rather than doing their part to ruin the country. Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie

Very well written and enlightening. Thank you.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I am not picking on you but I am curious. You seem to be the most angry of the replies. So, who are the evil thieves? How would suggest be the best way to deal with them? I appreciate your honesty. Thanks Originally Posted by bon69

I'm not angry at all. Every one in my family is a Liberal. I love them all. That's just a get to the point answer,

Evil thieves? Socialists...which is what they are. They can rationalize taking money for themselves and even rationalize immorality to suit their agenda. They can't see themselves when they look in a mirror. They have no soul.

Then there are those people who are so depraved that they think it ok to kill their unborn children yet want me to make a moral and ethical decision as to what kind of car I drive.

Then there are those people with good intentions. They are brain washed minions for the most part. They are are driven my emotion rather than rational thought. Thus the bleeding heart liberal, who thinks he/she can solve a problem by doing something totally irrelevant without think of the the consequences which only serves to create another problems.
I'm not angry at all. Every one in my family is a Liberal. I love them all. That's just a get to the point answer,

Evil thieves? Socialists...which is what they are. They can rationalize taking money for themselves and even rationalize immorality to suit their agenda. They can't see themselves when they look in a mirror. They have no soul.

Then there are those people who are so depraved that they think it ok to kill their unborn children yet want me to make a moral and ethical decision as to what kind of car I drive.

Then there are those people with good intentions. They are brain washed minions for the most part. They are are driven my emotion rather than rational thought. Thus the bleeding heart liberal, who thinks he/she can solve a problem by doing something totally irrelevant without think of the the consequences which only serves to create another problems. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
So you're the only one in your family with a soul, huh?
bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 08-26-2016, 10:40 AM
I'm not angry at all. Every one in my family is a Liberal. I love them all. That's just a get to the point answer,

Evil thieves? Socialists...which is what they are. They can rationalize taking money for themselves and even rationalize immorality to suit their agenda. They can't see themselves when they look in a mirror. They have no soul.

Then there are those people who are so depraved that they think it ok to kill their unborn children yet want me to make a moral and ethical decision as to what kind of car I drive.

Then there are those people with good intentions. They are brain washed minions for the most part. They are are driven my emotion rather than rational thought. Thus the bleeding heart liberal, who thinks he/she can solve a problem by doing something totally irrelevant without think of the the consequences which only serves to create another problems. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Thank you sir for your honest reply. I am glad that you hold no ill will because someone has a different political view. Also, I get your aversion to socialism and I believe most Americans know that it does not work. I, myself, am more of a centrist that has voted and worked on local campaigns from both parties over the last 35+ years. I tend to lean left on some social issues but right on fiscal responsibility issues.

I gotta say I love the line "They can't see themselves when they look in a mirror" made me laugh. I am probably one of the most hated types when it comes to climate change. I believe it as I respect science, I do not believe in the politically charged solutions. Plus, I love my non-climate friendly vehicles. One of my vehicles being my avatar.

Thank you for your time.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
So you're the only one in your family with a soul, huh? Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
No, my family fits into the category of my last paragraph. The bleeding heart.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Thank you sir for your honest reply. I am glad that you hold no ill will because someone has a different political view. Also, I get your aversion to socialism and I believe most Americans know that it does not work. I, myself, am more of a centrist that has voted and worked on local campaigns from both parties over the last 35+ years. I tend to lean left on some social issues but right on fiscal responsibility issues.

I gotta say I love the line "They can't see themselves when they look in a mirror" made me laugh. I am probably one of the most hated types when it comes to climate change. I believe it as I respect science, I do not believe in the politically charged solutions. Plus, I love my non-climate friendly vehicles. One of my vehicles being my avatar.

Thank you for your time. Originally Posted by bon69
I love the rancor and debate but in the proper place. I don't ever talk politics in a social setting. I'd rather like someone and enjoy a beer over some fun topic.
bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 08-26-2016, 11:08 AM
So you're the only one in your family with a soul, huh? Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
There is a difference between Liberalism and Socialism.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
There is a difference between Liberalism and Socialism. Originally Posted by bon69
Let's hear it. Hillary doesn't know.
Relaxationjunkie very well written and it mirrors exactly what I been saying since I joined this forum, but I get attacked and called names by immature people. I don't like Clinton, but I feel far better with a Clinton Presidency than a Trump Presidency. I believe Clinton can be held in check, but Trump is a ticking time bomb and an egotistical prick that believes he has all the answers. Many who know him, personally said Trump requires a lot of Yes men and women to soothe his ego- sorry that doesn't work in politics.
For much of my life I have been a life long republican, but in the past decade I have seen my once beloved party sink into chaos. I still can't phantom the fact that of all the candidates we elected a reality TV star with no political experience. I initially planned to vote for Gary Johnson, but my vote needs to assure that Trump doesn't get elected.