Why do minorities vote Democratic

I do not understand why minorities vote for the Democratic Party. Biden has said he will give citizenship to the 11 million plus illegals now in country. His assistant told the thousands in migrant caravan not to come now but "help is coming their way". I take that to be an open border is soon coming. Popular lie is the USA is wealthy. Fact is we are pretty much broke with huge debt. What is not a lie is minorities make up a huge number of the poorest of Americans. Not rocket science that the migrants coming from Mexico and Central America are the poorest of the poor. They are most part unskilled and uneducated. They will require substantial public assistance to survive in this country. The more assistance absorbed by them, the more unskilled jobs taken by them is less available for Americans. Seems to me the Republicans would be a better choice for minorities.
It maybe Because they are not clueless ignorant racist rednecks. Also they are smart enough to know that the gop is the party of the wealthy that own the gop party.

Gee that was easy
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 11:28 AM
It be because DPST/CCP pay the 'minority identity political groups" every four years to vote for them.

and then ignore the people until the next election.

My goodness, that was 'easier'!
I've got a question too.

Why do the "globalists" want these people out of their country and into America? If they were really "globalists" Brazilains would stay (mainly) in Brazil, Cubans in Cuban, Hungarians in Hungary...you get the idea.

We know why.
It maybe Because they are not clueless ignorant racist rednecks. Also they are smart enough to know that the gop is the party of the wealthy that own the gop party.

Gee that was easy Originally Posted by Tsmokies

easy and wrong

its a canard and has been for some long time that conservatives are the party of the rich

dimocrats are full of the rich

with only a few, comparatively speaking, exceptions

conservatives, for the most part are the small business owners and normal everyday working middle and lower middle class and those lower than the middle class aspiring to succeed through initiative and work

many minorities have come here for the very reasons conservatives love America, freedom and liberty and a chance to succeed, they've lived in and escaped from socialist and leftist hell holes and they want no part of them

i've said this in here for a number of years, that the rich see the dimocrat party as a bulwark of protection for them


a better expression of reality would be to say a fundamental core of democrat coalition is the managerial class, also known as the elite. these are the people who run the media, hollywood and the entertainment industry, the big corporations, the universities and schools, the investment banks, and wall street. They populate the upper levels of government bureaucracies. These are the East and West Coasters.

forty-one out of the fifty wealthiest congressional districts are represented by Democrats.


in the age of entitlement: america since the sixties, christopher caldwell notes that rich americans think themselves to be as vulnerable as blacks. they are a relatively small minority of the population. they fear being resented for their wealth and power and of having much of that taken from them. Accordingly, the wealthy seek to protect what is theirs by preventing strong majorities from forming by using the divide and conquer principle.

r.r. reno when reviewing caldwell's book: "therefore, the richest and most powerful people in america have strong incentives to support an anti-majoritarian political system." he adds: "wealthy individuals shovel donations into elite institutions that incubate identity politics, which further fragments the nation and prevents the formation of majorities."

some of the rotten fruit of the wealthy taking this approach include multiculturalism, massive immigration of diverse people, resistance to encouraging assimilation, racial strife, trying to turn white males into pariahs, and the promotion of gender confusion. through it all, society is bombarded with the orwellian mantra that "diversity is strength," as if repeating it often enough can make it so. it is also why patriotism and a common american culture are so disparaged today. those from the upper strata of society project the idea that if you're a flag-waving American, you must be some kind of retrograde mouth-breathing yokel.
adav8s28's Avatar
I do not understand why minorities vote for the Democratic Party. Biden has said he will give citizenship to the 11 million plus illegals now in country. His assistant told the thousands in migrant caravan not to come now but "help is coming their way". I take that to be an open border is soon coming. Popular lie is the USA is wealthy. Fact is we are pretty much broke with huge debt. What is not a lie is minorities make up a huge number of the poorest of Americans. Not rocket science that the migrants coming from Mexico and Central America are the poorest of the poor. They are most part unskilled and uneducated. They will require substantial public assistance to survive in this country. The more assistance absorbed by them, the more unskilled jobs taken by them is less available for Americans. Seems to me the Republicans would be a better choice for minorities. Originally Posted by bill sins
Why would a minority want to vote for a party that is infiltrated with the KKK. For example David Duke the former grand dragon of Louisiana klan is Republican. Why would a minority want to vote for a party that has people who think like the late Strom Thurmond the segregationist who had a child with a black woman.

Do you realize the arm twisting LBJ had to do with republicans to get his civil rights bill passed. Most republicans did not support the bill, until LBJ cut deals with them.

  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 03:06 PM
Thank you 'a'
the KKK is mostly FBI and other government undercover agencies - a shadow of its former s elf - and rightfully so
But still - a bugaboo of Fear for the DPST/CCP held up to terrorize uninformed individuals into compliance with the DPST/CCP party beholden to Chariman Xi!

Best learn chinese - you will be required to very soon!
adav8s28's Avatar

Best learn chinese - you will be required to very soon! Originally Posted by oeb11
A theory of yours that will never become true.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Thank you 'a'
the KKK is mostly FBI and other government undercover agencies - a shadow of its former s elf - and rightfully so
But still - a bugaboo of Fear for the DPST/CCP held up to terrorize uninformed individuals into compliance with the DPST/CCP party beholden to Chariman Xi!

Best learn chinese - you will be required to very soon! Originally Posted by oeb11

More deranged fear mongering.
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 03:21 PM
none so blind as those who will not SEE!
adav8s28's Avatar
Thank you 'a'
the KKK is mostly FBI and other government undercover agencies - a shadow of its former s elf - and rightfully so Originally Posted by oeb11
When was David Duke ever in the FBI?
Ripmany's Avatar
Because don't want to vote for a not for you party.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Brainwash ( like others ) by the elitists media
Why do racists vote republican?
Why do xenophobes vote republican?

Those are actually more important questions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Notice today’s “fresh” threads.

Proof enough.