I might stand alone... but DAMN IT I'm standing up for what I think is right!

Still Looking's Avatar
Most recently a hobbyist posted a review of Caroline Davenport a new ECCIE provider. His review was a NO review. I fully appreciate his insight and that he was willing to share. Whether I agree with the Intel or not he is sharing and that’s what this board is all about. My complaint is very simple. If you book with a young lady and show up and something just doesn't work for you and you decide to walk, well post in the ML. If its bait and switch, old pictures, pimps etc. post an alert. Slapping down a few bucks and writing a shitty review that will follow a new provider is BULL SHIT! I'm sure the provider would rather you keep your few bucks and just move your ass on down the road.

With that being said, Caroline I feel you are owed an apology. So I apologize to you sweetie! I'm sorry you had to go through this. Rest assured there are many of hobbyist here at ECCIE that are NOT like this and are gentleman. Please don't let this one bad experience tarnish your opinion about others here! You’re a beautiful young lady and rest assured I'll be seeing you again.

I'd post a poem, but I'm just to fucking pissed!
She appears to be a very beautiful woman. I hope she keeps her head up and does not let one person bring her down.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-18-2012, 05:12 PM
I'll write a poem for you SL...I ain't pissed at anybody right now...

SL's Ode to Caroline

Oh Caroline, yo so fine, serpentine, DATY I want to dine...
You is all that, not an ounce of fat, little SL I like when you pat...
Mandingo, Mandango, you like the Slamdango...

Alas, a bad review, its not you, you're a grade "A" screw...
I'll take up for your honor, I'll take up & say WHAT?
Because young lady, you have an incredible twat...

A Tshirt you've earned, in fact maybe two...
Has my poem earned at least one cut rate screw?

You couldn't just pm her a note or better yet just book her again? You actually started a thread over the fact that you're pissed that someone wrote a bad review about a provider you like? Alrighty then.
Most recently a hobbyist posted a review of Caroline Davenport a new ECCIE provider. His review was a NO review. I fully appreciate his insight and that he was willing to share. Whether I agree with the Intel or not he is sharing and that’s what this board is all about. My complaint is very simple. If you book with a young lady and show up and something just doesn't work for you and you decide to walk, well post in the ML. If its bait and switch, old pictures, pimps etc. post an alert. Slapping down a few bucks and writing a shitty review that will follow a new provider is BULL SHIT! I'm sure the provider would rather you keep your few bucks and just move your ass on down the road.

With that being said, Caroline I feel you are owed an apology. So I apologize to you sweetie! I'm sorry you had to go through this. Rest assured there are many of hobbyist here at ECCIE that are NOT like this and are gentleman. Please don't let this one bad experience tarnish your opinion about others here! You’re a beautiful young lady and rest assured I'll be seeing you again.

I'd post a poem, but I'm just to fucking pissed! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Agreed, it was a poor choice by a small minded child not worthy of being called a man. Now he's elsewhere defending the honor and beauty of his ATF who he didn't like being called less then a 10. Funny how children like to play. Glad you enjoyed your time with her.
Still Looking's Avatar
You couldn't just pm her a note or better yet just book her again? You actually started a thread over the fact that you're pissed that someone wrote a bad review about a provider you like? Alrighty then. Originally Posted by Codybeast
No Sir, I started a thread to share that I think this is BULL SHIT! And I don't care who does it! The ML more than gives an opportunity for guys to share personal opinions. We need MORE ladies here NOT LESS! If a hobbyist doesn't have a session it just shouldn't be a review! Sorry that’s just how I feel. The players are irrelevant!

sixxbach's Avatar
Being a gentleman has nothing to do with anything. I don't need someone on an internet board to consider me a gentleman. The people in my life who matter are the ones that I want to feel that way about me.

With that being said, I think this thread is BS. Sorry dude, I appreciate like many the intel, humor, entertainment you provide. How is ONE that we know of review, etc going to follow her? I saw a provider is very well thought of that I have a "no" to. Her world didn't end. It was my experience plain and simple.

Why does this issue with this particular provider piss you off? Is it because she has your seal of approval? Where have you been when other ladies have had the same thing happen to them? Where was this thread then? Surely Ms. Davenport isn't the first to have this happen to them.

So the gentleman thing to do is go to the ML and talk "smack." Hmmmm where I come from, I call that something else. You know as well as anyone that the info there is leaked by a WK, etc. There might as well not even be private areas IMHO. A very well known retired provider had posted a rant going off on supposed hobby friends who are all nice posters in the open but talk behind your back in the ML.

Anyway, I am very surprised you posted this thread. I am pretty good friends with a couple of providers here and would never post this type of thread nor would I want them to defend me either and I actually care about them as people. I am scratching my head on this one....

AcesHigh's Avatar
Two things:

SL, I await your review of this very lovely lady. I submitted one that won't hold a candle to anything you submit. Hustle, now, and get it done.

The lady who is the reviewer in question's ATF, is, in fact a 10 and a wonderful time as well. I would love a double with them. That said, it ain't gonna happen.

Still Looking's Avatar
Agreed, it was a poor choice by a small minded child not worthy of being called a man. Now he's elsewhere defending the honor and beauty of his ATF who he didn't like being called less then a 10. Funny how children like to play. So SL have you had the pleasure of said ladies company yet. We all eagerly await your review and pics. Originally Posted by homer13
Homer, Caroline has a NO PICTURE policy. Wouldn't be fair to the many others that have requested pictures. I can certainly respect that! Pictures & TEAM SL T-Shirts are all just fun and certainly NOT a prerequisite to a session!

Review is posted!

AcesHigh's Avatar
Thanks, SL!
Being a gentleman has nothing to do with anything. I don't need someone on an internet board to consider me a gentleman. The people in my life who matter are the ones that I want to feel that way about me.

With that being said, I think this thread is BS. Sorry dude, I appreciate like many the intel, humor, entertainment you provide. How is ONE that we know of review, etc going to follow her? I saw a provider is very well thought of that I have a "no" to. Her world didn't end. It was my experience plain and simple.

Why does this issue with this particular provider piss you off? Is it because she has your seal of approval? Where have you been when other ladies have had the same thing happen to them? Where was this thread then? Surely Ms. Davenport isn't the first to have this happen to them.

So the gentleman thing to do is go to the ML and talk "smack." Hmmmm where I come from, I call that something else. You know as well as anyone that the info there is leaked by a WK, etc. There might as well not even be private areas IMHO. A very well known retired provider had posted a rant going off on supposed hobby friends who are all nice posters in the open but talk behind your back in the ML.

Anyway, I am very surprised you posted this thread. I am pretty good friends with a couple of providers here and would never post this type of thread nor would I want them to defend me either and I actually care about them as people. I am scratching my head on this one....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
He does it more often then you think. This is the third lady in question that SL has taken upon himself to go see and give us honest feedback on that I know of and I'm sure there are more. If you have a session and are unhappy do a review. If you just go look at a lady and change your mind there's no session so there shouldn't be a review. I agree that the MLR is a better place to report on this. The dude found a loophole by dropping a few bucks, insulting the lady and then posting a review, since he dropped a few bucks money was paid and he was able to report. If this was an isolated incident I'd say ok it's a pass like we did for his first two but this is his MO. He has his few favorite girls that he supposedly see's and the rest he just walks in, insults them and drops a few bucks so he can insult them more in a review. Again these are the actions of a small minded child and not those of a intelligent hobbying gentleman and I think his total lack of support in any thread including his own review show's what the hobby community thinks of him and his actions. Plus you should see how he responded when the tables were turned and one of his ladies was given less then a 10 hottest thing in the world comment. He's been belligerent and ballistic in at least 3 threads for that little indiscretion.
Still Looking's Avatar
Being a gentleman has nothing to do with anything. I don't need someone on an internet board to consider me a gentleman. The people in my life who matter are the ones that I want to feel that way about me.

With that being said, I think this thread is BS. Sorry dude, I appreciate like many the intel, humor, entertainment you provide. How is ONE that we know of review, etc going to follow her? I saw a provider is very well thought of that I have a "no" to. Her world didn't end. It was my experience plain and simple.

Why does this issue with this particular provider piss you off? Is it because she has your seal of approval? Where have you been when other ladies have had the same thing happen to them? Where was this thread then? Surely Ms. Davenport isn't the first to have this happen to them.

So the gentleman thing to do is go to the ML and talk "smack." Hmmmm where I come from, I call that something else. You know as well as anyone that the info there is leaked by a WK, etc. There might as well not even be private areas IMHO. A very well known retired provider had posted a rant going off on supposed hobby friends who are all nice posters in the open but talk behind your back in the ML.

Anyway, I am very surprised you posted this thread. I am pretty good friends with a couple of providers here and would never post this type of thread nor would I want them to defend me either and I actually care about them as people. I am scratching my head on this one....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Well SIXX my knee jerk reaction is this.... the very first words were, "I might stand alone..." You didn't read, gee I wonder if I should check with some veteran hobbyist before I post this! I'm entitled to my opinion just like the guy who posted the negative review whom you have already openly praised for doing so. I think all three of us are entitled to our opinions. Heard his, heard yours, now you’re reading mine!
Still Looking's Avatar
I'll let SIXX answer you Homer, but I couldn't agree with you more when you say Hobby Loop Hole! Its just BULL SHIT!
He does it more often then you think. This is the third lady in question that SL has taken upon himself to go see and give us honest feedback on that I know of and I'm sure there are more. If you have a session and are unhappy do a review. If you just go look at a lady and change your mind there's no session so there shouldn't be a review. I agree that the MLR is a better place to report on this. The dude found a loophole by dropping a few bucks, insulting the lady and then posting a review, since he dropped a few bucks money was paid and he was able to report. If this was an isolated incident I'd say ok it's a pass like we did for his first two but this is his MO. He has his few favorite girls that he supposedly see's and the rest he just walks in, insults them and drops a few bucks so he can insult them more in a review. Again these are the actions of a small minded child and not those of a intelligent hobbying gentleman and I think his total lack of support in any thread including his own review show's what the hobby community thinks of him and his actions. Plus you should see how he responded when the tables were turned and one of his ladies was given less then a 10 hottest thing in the world comment. He's been belligerent and ballistic in at least 3 threads for that little indiscretion. Originally Posted by homer13
Oh I guess I missed the scoop in the whole situation. That's what happens when you don't keep up on the boards. I thought this was just some typical white knight ranting going on. If this character has an MO of this repeated behavior then I'd have to agree it is indeed thread worthy. Three times is a pattern. Call him on it and let the games begin.
I don't normally involve myself in this sort of crap - I guess I had one too many glasses of wine with dinner tonight. And I rarely find myself in agreement with Sixx. But I do this time.

I've never met Caroline. And I've seen enough of Joey's posts that I don't put much stock in his opinion. But he is entitled to his opinion. And he is entitled to post it in a review. Might the ML be a better place for it? Perhaps. But why, exactly? The rules about what constitutes a valid review are made by the owners, not by SL, Homer13 or anyone else. When Joey saw these girls and decided not to proceed with the session, he left them each some cash presumably because he felt, and I agree, that having booked their time it was the right thing to do in the circumstance, not so that he could exploit a loophole to post a review.

And there is no rule that says that you have to post positive reviews in order to post negative ones. Joey has paid for lifetime premium access. He doesn't need to post any reviews. Positive reviews are a dime a dozen around here. When you have a provider with a bunch of positive reviews, another yes doesn't add a lot of new information - I'll admit that I'm guilty of doing that. Everyone bitches about "ECCIE grade inflation". Then when someone comes along with a higher standard (even if you don't agree with it), you all pile on. Its the "no's" that actually add new information to the system - even if the real information you glean is that Joey's opinion isn't to be trusted.

Sixx is also correct that a single 'no' review isn't going to harm a girl's business when her reviews are otherwise positive. Those reviews generally serve to call out the asshat hobbyist rather than the provider. My guess is that Caroline's business is doing just fine.

Thats my opinion.