sex and your life and relationships

pmdelites's Avatar
according to Time magazine reporters ... [smilies are my addition]

For a Happier Life, Have Sex Once a Week -
Belinda Luscombe
Nov 18, 2015


Here’s How Much Sex You Should Have Every Week -
Markham Heid
Mar 07, 2017

cant find the link now, but there was another article on another news website talking about how kinky/bdsm-type sex was good at lowering your stress levels.

hmmmmm, where's that SNATCH thread?
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Frequent sex keeps you looking younger. ;-)

But also, 5 hugs are needed daily. It lets those feel good chemicals flow in the brain and helps prevent depression. Reminds me of that "cuddle session" trend that happened a few years ago. People would pay to just cuddle for an hour.

And DFK was in the news recently. Daily dfk is extremely beneficial to your health. While it too will release those feel good chemicals, you get the bonus of a boost to your immune system.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I guess 3 x a year ( with so ) is bad , good thing there's the hobby once a month with the AFT keeps me good
corona's Avatar
Frequent sex keeps you looking younger. ;-)

But also, 5 hugs are needed daily. It lets those feel good chemicals flow in the brain and helps prevent depression. Reminds me of that "cuddle session" trend that happened a few years ago. People would pay to just cuddle for an hour.

And DFK was in the news recently. Daily dfk is extremely beneficial to your health. While it too will release those feel good chemicals, you get the bonus of a boost to your immune system. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
For our health, I propose we meet daily to hug and DFK. Together we shall be healthier and happier!
pmdelites's Avatar
Frequent sex keeps you looking younger. ;-)

But also, 5 hugs are needed daily. It lets those feel good chemicals flow in the brain and helps prevent depression. Reminds me of that "cuddle session" trend that happened a few years ago. People would pay to just cuddle for an hour.

And DFK was in the news recently. Daily dfk is extremely beneficial to your health. While it too will release those feel good chemicals, you get the bonus of a boost to your immune system. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
thanks for the first hand data points!!

hmmmm, if one were to make an appt w/ you and your ATF squeeze Kendall, imagine how much physically, mentally, and emotionally better one would be!!!

now, where is my appt book....
HoustonRiley's Avatar
sounds good to me...
billw1032's Avatar
And DFK was in the news recently. Daily dfk is extremely beneficial to your health. While it too will release those feel good chemicals, you get the bonus of a boost to your immune system. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Hmmm.... Are you on my Health Insurance Provider Network?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I didn't check the links. Hopefully, a second person isn't required?