Posting a Review

s2000's Avatar
  • s2000
  • 03-30-2010, 04:38 PM
Hello Mods.

I am not sure if I posted the review correctly. The format? The procedure?


auknowho's Avatar
You have to send a email to with your handle and link to your review for approval.
Sarcastro's Avatar
s2000--did you use the "New Review" button to begin writing your review, or the "New Thread" button? The former would bring up a template that would include a space for "The Rest of the Story" in which you would place the salacious details of your encounter with Morgan Renee. For examples on writing that portion of the review please take a look at:

Sample Reviews

The lack of a space for the ROS (which should follow the Physical Description) would suggest that you either began your review with the "New Thread" button or edited out the ROS after posting. Please try again.
s2000's Avatar
  • s2000
  • 03-30-2010, 06:51 PM

I believed you are correct. I used the New Thread instead of New Review for my report. How do I edit the Existing review? Do I need to write a new version and re-post than delete the old version?

Sarcastro's Avatar
With your permission I will lock the existing review and you can write a new one. Remember to work at the ROS!
s2000's Avatar
  • s2000
  • 03-30-2010, 07:19 PM
Please lock the Existing review Sir. I will re-write the review using the correct format. Thanks.