Points, Bans, Supreme Directives, oh my.....

I was going to ask this in the Questions for the Staff area, but figured it would benefit more people here.

There are Rules, Guidelines, Stickies, etc. scattered all around on ECCIE but for the life of me, I can't find any solid information on the subject of this thread. So can someone in the know, preferably a Mod or Admin, please post a link or links where we can find:

1. What are the point penalties for various infractions?

2. How many points can someone accumulate before they're banned? And what is the length of the ban? 90 days as some would say, or in some cases is it a perma-ban?

3. Where are the site guidelines for a Supreme Directive?

Lastly where are points shown in our profiles? Or how do we know how many we've accumulated for infractions?

For 1-3, please post links, not opinions.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
^+1. I've wondered as well & the only info I have been able to find is hear-say.
Admin and mods do not like to explain themselves. They govern when they feel like it. One gets her fweewings hurt and runs and cries.
It's all subjective. They try to enforce "rules" but it's quite clear that they just do as they feel.

They let 3 dudes who like each other and not women run amok on a site for heteros. They let another dude who likes TS abuse the ladies here

They make rules on the go.
boardman's Avatar
I was going to ask this in the Questions for the Staff area, but figured it would benefit more people here.

There are Rules, Guidelines, Stickies, etc. scattered all around on ECCIE but for the life of me, I can't find any solid information on the subject of this thread. So can someone in the know, preferably a Mod or Admin, please post a link or links where we can find:

1. What are the point penalties for various infractions? Seems to be up to the one issuing the points.

2. How many points can someone accumulate before they're banned? And what is the length of the ban? 90 days as some would say, or in some cases is it a perma-ban? I believe 25 points is an automatic ban. I believe bans start at a few days and get progressively longer. I don't believe there is a hard and fast rule how long a first ban is to be. Again up to the mod(s).

3. Where are the site guidelines for a Supreme Directive? Supreme Directives in my experience were handed down from on high both via PM and email. The supreme directive I received years ago was to stop any communication with particular parties, do not post on their threads, do no quote them in other threads, do not comment on their comments. Basically I was given the choice to completely ignore the bitch and her minion or be banned. All parties were given the same directive. If this wasn't done privately it would create a shit storm of Supreme Directives.

Lastly where are points shown in our profiles? Or how do we know how many we've accumulated for infractions? In your profile there are some tabs, "about me", "statistics" etc. If you have infractions it will probably be the third tab. If you don't have infraction that tab may not be there so you don't have anything to worry about.

For 1-3, please post links, not opinions. Originally Posted by Oldrogue
This is all from my personal experience.
I doubt you get a staff comment.
If you would really like an answer to this question, post in questions for staff. Send it to a staff member via private message. Posting it here in coed is fuel for flame from those who earn points and bans and continues to type of discord that many here have been endeavoring to remove from this forum. I imagine that was not your intent, however that would be the result.

The truth and fact is, ownership of this website owe you and I absolutely nothing. We use this website at their discretion and pleasure. Their appointed leadership is able to operate as they deem fit so that they don't have to, with some oversight. This is not a publicly owned entity that requires complete transparency. There is a systems of warnings, infractions and banning. Minor occurrences are left to the interpretation of the individual moderator, major occurrences, conflicts or disagreements between levied discipline by a user and moderator are then often discussed and determined by Committee in the moderation Channel. This moderation Channel is website wide, meaning input can be weighed and measured by a great number thoughts feelings and opinions. Clearly one infraction is different from another with regards to severity of threat to the existence of this website and that is the real purpose for all moderation. Protection of this website. If it's just two monkeys flinging shit at each other, then they will be pointed for their name-calling Etc whatever. But if it's the use of terms, images or subject matter that could lead to legal action against the actual websites existence and ownership, and that will be more heavily dealt with and deleted with cute little red astrix. That is my unofficial answer to your unofficial question.

Private is always better than public.
notanewbie's Avatar
most of my points came from a mod(s) who is(are) white knighting his free pussy.

No stickies for that one
LexusLover's Avatar
Pussy is NOT "free"!
boardman's Avatar
most of my points came from a mod(s) who is(are) white knighting his free pussy.

No stickies for that one Originally Posted by notanewbie
Don't post shit and you shall be alright.
  • mj850
  • 04-07-2019, 03:39 AM
Don't post shit and you shall be alright. Originally Posted by climaxman
You have serious issues. This handle like your over a hundred others will soon be banned. This hobby is not for you. Freaking wierdo. Not even amp girls want to see you. The only reason you post when everyone is sleeping is so you can insult as many people as possible before you are banned.
You are one weird little dude.
Little guy syndrome' at play here.
elchapo's Avatar
The question posed by Oldrogue was answered by an Administrator in the Questions for the Staff forum for any member who needs clarification.


Additionally, if you accumulate 25 points you will automatically be banned for 90 days. The amount of points per infration are not at the discretion of the Moderator, as was suggested earlier.

Points do expire after a certain time period and they can also be reversed.
...***Points do expire after a certain time period and they can also be reversed. Originally Posted by elchapo
MOST points do expire. Some can last a handletime.
I got pointed once.
There was a thread asking about a lady, I'll call her Lady A.
A Hobbyist said she was ok, but try another lady, Lady B.
I said I agreed that the other lady, Lady B, was better.
I got pointed because I went off subject, which was Lady A,