No notification that I have pm's in my inbox.

syeira pink's Avatar
I have not been getting any kind of notifation telling me that I have new pm's . What am I doing wrong?
Hermosa's Avatar
Did you get one now?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-30-2015, 02:28 PM
Have you tried looking to see if they are in your Spam Folder or Junk Mail Folder?
Have you tried placing the email address in the Contact List of your email app?
I have the same problem. I'm not getting email notifications that I have new PM's. And I don't have a spam box. Email is correct on my profile. Any ideas?
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 09-13-2015, 04:11 PM
I'm getting no notifications either.

And yes, I've tried everything (not a newb to technology as evident by my posts in tech support).
Go to your settings, then to your email, click on "allow notifications" (iPhone)
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 10-01-2015, 08:38 PM
Go to your settings, then to your email, click on "allow notifications" (iPhone) Originally Posted by Cougar4Hire
That's like troubleshooting 101, no?


It's fixed now, but that really wasn't the problem. It was something wrong with eccie because around that same time we started seeing the 503 error. Both have been remedied so it's no longer a problem.