Can someone help me?I need to resize an animated gif

Victoriajolie's Avatar
i need to resize to the require format of 60pixels my animated gif..I have look on the internet but so far options doesn't seem to work
Wanna help me please?
thanks VJ
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-21-2015, 08:48 PM
So, you created that GIF by yourself using If you still have the individual images that you merged into that GIF all you need to do is reduce the size of the individual images to the proper size and recreate the GIF as you did before. The following program is great for reducing images as well as converting them from one format to another.


Please let us know how it goes.
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 09-21-2015, 11:28 PM
I got it down to the right size, but it will be extremely difficult to get that down to 97KB.

You will wash out the colors or crop out a lot of the gif.
Ms. Jolie,

I used the utilities at to resize your original animated pic down to the required 97KB size, but it's only about 60 pixels wide:

I'm going to see if I can get a larger image by playing with the number of colors and frame rates.
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 09-21-2015, 11:39 PM
I tried already, the dimensions need to be small for it to be under 97KB.

NO way a animated video gif with that much color in it will be under 97KB
Here's an attempt using medium lossy compression, 100 pixel size and every 3rd frame cut out:

Using either the lossy compression or color reduction only allows me to go so far before the animation gets too many artifacts & noise, unfortunately.

Here's another attempt to get a bigger image size under the file size limit by increasing the lossy compression and cutting out every other frame (I also slowed down the animation speed to try to make up for fewer frames)

..but I think I'm done playing with that for tonight, as I have work in the morning.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Hey thanks all for the infos..So technically not a good idea to use it on my signature as it cannot comply to rule as 60 pixels way too small
Blue_eyed_shy_guy would you mind to tell me how you did it by pm it seem small enough?
Mokoa thanks i found online that most were for pictures not video resizing,i will take a look of the site suggested
Otherwise can mods suggest something,a solution that would comply to rules?Aside of removing it?
thanks i appreciate the input i am far than savy that department
Ms. Jolie, I've sent you a PM with instructions and screen captures to show you how to resize animated GIFs for future reference.

The pic in post #4 is 60 pixels and should work unless the web site requires a smaller file size.

If you wanted an avatar for a board like ECCIE, most have limits of 150x150 pixels and the 97KB file size limit mentioned earlier by YoHou. Either GIF I made in post 6 should upload properly as a board avatar.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Ms. Jolie, I've sent you a PM with instructions and screen captures to show you how to resize animated GIFs for future reference.

The pic in post #4 is 60 pixels and should work unless the web site requires a smaller file size.

If you wanted an avatar for a board like ECCIE, most have limits of 150x150 pixels and the 97KB file size limit mentioned earlier by YoHou. Either GIF I made in post 6 should upload properly as a board avatar. Originally Posted by Blue_eyed_shy_guy
You're awesome thank you so much for the help!!!:t humbup: