StandinStraight's Avatar
I posted this in response to a comment in another post but thought it important enough to repost. You Trump supporters need to know and understand the facts, Trump has lied so frequently telling the same falsehoods over and over that you idiots blindly believe him. Trump has repeated these lies so many times he believes them! Last nights speech was lie after lie and none of you realize it, wake up!
tttalinky's Avatar
The sky is falling!!!

Hillary never lied......she just could not remember.
I posted this in response to a comment in another post but thought it important enough to repost. You Trump supporters need to know and understand the facts, Trump has lied so frequently telling the same falsehoods over and over that you idiots blindly believe him. Trump has repeated these lies so many times he believes them! Last nights speech was lie after lie and none of you realize it, wake up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Here's what this forum needs: eliminate the spammers.

I posted this in response to a comment in another post but thought it important enough to repost. You Trump supporters need to know and understand the facts, Trump has lied so frequently telling the same falsehoods over and over that you idiots blindly believe him. Trump has repeated these lies so many times he believes them! Last nights speech was lie after lie and none of you realize it, wake up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
For the last eight years you were asleep. Now you're all bright eyed and bushy tailed, lol. Nobody cares dude. Nobody should. You act like Obama never lied. Here's
some news for ya, Obama perfected the art of lying.
StandinStraight's Avatar
For the last eight years you were asleep. Now you're all bright eyed and bushy tailed, lol. Nobody cares dude. Nobody should. You act like Obama never lied. Here's
some news for ya, Obama perfected the art of lying.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Your wrong Jim, you said, nobody cares that he is lying, that's not true most people do care, only his closest supporters don't care, they are idiots that care about nothing but themselves.
Your wrong Jim, you said, nobody cares that he is lying, that's not true most people do care, only his closest supporters don't care, they are idiots that care about nothing but themselves. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I don't care. Because I can't change Trump's heart or anyone else's, and neither can you. Control yourself, that should be your main concern. Because if you can do that nothing can harm you. You haven't mastered yourself, yet you think you can influence other people which is laughable. These people crying and carrying on over Trump's victory is a direct sign personal weakness. They don't deserve any credit and their lives are a total shambles no matter who would be president.

get the message Stan-the-Stupid
I think the OP got up this morning after listening to The President's speech and realized.......HILLARY IS NOT THE PRESIDENT?
StandinStraight's Avatar
I don't care. Because I can't change Trump's heart or anyone else's, and neither can you. Control yourself, that should be your main concern. Because if you can do that nothing can harm you. You haven't mastered yourself, yet you think you can influence other people which is laughable. These people crying and carrying on over Trump's victory is a direct sign personal weakness. They don't deserve any credit and their lives are a total shambles no matter who would be president.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jim I keep thinking you might have a brain but then you keep saying stupid stuff, how pathetic is it to say that no one should care and they should only worry about themselves! You are a sad little man if you think that way.
Jim I keep thinking you might have a brain but then you keep saying stupid stuff, how pathetic is it to say that no one should care and they should only worry about themselves! You are a sad little man if you think that way. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Well you sort of missed the point, but that's your trademark. You'll spend the next eight years bitching about everything Trump does and passing judgement on everyone who doesn't agree with you. Now that's no way to live. I don't think of myself exclusively. I just know what's in my circle of control and what isn't. You're just all talk and no action. You won't take any action to make anyone's life better in the face of this terrible president that will kill our constitution, destroy Obama's flimsy legacy and make your life a complete living hell. No, you'll just complain about it. In the process you'll fuck your own life up even more.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
So, after 8 years of being lied to, you now have become an expert lie detector.
That is HUUUUGE, really GREAT.

Why didn't you tell us about Obama and his lies before now?
Why did you not come and tell us of all of Hillary's lies before now?
Why were you not here telling us how Hillary and the DNC fucked over Bernie?

You are the expert in all things lies, so tell us.

Come on, either you are a female or you are gay, really.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Well you sort of missed the point, but that's your trademark. You'll spend the next eight years bitching about everything Trump does and passing judgement on everyone who doesn't agree with you. Now that's no way to live. I don't think of myself exclusively. I just know what's in my circle of control and what isn't. You're just all talk and no action. You won't take any action to make anyone's life better in the face of this terrible president that will kill our constitution, destroy Obama's flimsy legacy and make your life a complete living hell. No, you'll just complain about it. In the process you'll fuck your own life up even more.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It was people that were not silent and protested that brought a end to the Vietnam War! We have a madman in office now that might be compromised by the Russians, now is not the time to be silent. Jim, watch the MSNBC show tonight at 9 about the Trump Putin connection, people don't realize how big a story this is, it will amaze you!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So, after 8 years of being lied to, you now have become an expert lie detector.
That is HUUUUGE, really GREAT.

Why didn't you tell us about Obama and his lies before now?
Why did you not come and tell us of all of Hillary's lies before now?
Why were you not here telling us how Hillary and the DNC fucked over Bernie?

You are the expert in all things lies, so tell us.

Come on, either you are a female or you are gay, really. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

don't be so hard on the Beaver, Ward! u might stunt his development! bahhaaa

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It was people that were not silent and protested that brought a end to the Vietnam War! We have a madman in office now that might be compromised by the Russians, now is not the time to be silent. Jim, watch the MSNBC show tonight at 9 about the Trump Putin connection, people don't realize how big a story this is, it will amaze you! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
good grief. if u weren't an idiot i'd be convinced you're just a troll. maybe u are an idiot troll? bahhaa

Madman? bahaaaaaaa ... bahhaaaaaa!!!! nope but he's certainly a nightmare for U!

would u get your fake news straight?? last week you bloviated like a retard he was a Russian agent now he "might be"?? bhaaaa

so you are saying that msnbc, that Bastian of fair and unbiased reporting has the big story that will bring Trump down eh?


do u really think anything u ever post will change anyone's minds? u are either a troll, an idiot or an idiot troll. there is no other option.
It was people that were not silent and protested that brought a end to the Vietnam War! We have a madman in office now that might be compromised by the Russians, now is not the time to be silent. Jim, watch the MSNBC show tonight at 9 about the Trump Putin connection, people don't realize how big a story this is, it will amaze you! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Yeah, that's it. Everybody ought to get the straight scoop from MSNBC. What an objective media outlet.

You and that other annoying spamster, Sistine Chapel, are cut from the same cloth. We need to run you two fucking assholes out of this place, like we did to Womb Raider last year. You two idiots are just as annoying as he was, and even more stupid.