B3 Salute


A salute to B3 for her work on this forum. Some of you want more action, some do not (mainly the offenders) - but be happy some action is happening and encourage her for more. This will be a forum for male and female sharing again.

Anyway, she is a volunteer reading all the shit and whinny RTMS so appreciate her.

Thank you B3.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I concur.
You post way too much for a retread
The sun is out,go spend some time outside
B3 is hot! Also, rtm is for bitches.
winn dixie's Avatar
You post way too much for a retread
The sun is out,go spend some time outside Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
Are you capable of being cordial? Or even Humane? B3 gets things done.
boardman's Avatar
Thank you, all.

Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Champagne Brown's Avatar

B3 is awesome, and yes even with your lovely approach with warnings...

One of the most"respected admins" on this board from "Houston"

Keep up the great work
Thanks, Love.
jonfor4's Avatar
I've never met B3 but I sure like her. 👍
boardman's Avatar
There's a forest behind that tree...
Let's all raise our glass to B3!
  • pxmcc
  • 03-15-2019, 06:03 PM
+1 sir. b3 rox!
pyramider's Avatar
Without taint photos how would anyone know?