Photographer flake

  • gin
  • 09-06-2011, 07:25 PM
watch out for raginCajun for doing your pics
regardless what the deal is id wouldnt trust him to my pics again he cant promise you a disc with all you pics on it when your done and then make you wait for them on your time and if you have him email you sum its the one he likes not what you like
and i cant even get him to give me a copy of all the pics we took
Not really Alert worthy. moving to Co-Ed for better exposure
Guest091314's Avatar
I am sorry you had a bad experience gin...did you communicate with him about this? I have had some problems with photographers but not him, I would suggest talking to him a bit more. sexy preggo...I hear you are in my neck of the woods. If you ever need anything just let me know!
berkleigh's Avatar

Make punctuation your friend please.

I would also suggest talking to him AGAIN.

Ragin Cajun is cool people. IMO

Sorry you had a problem from what I gather in that run-on paragraph.
RaginCajun's Avatar
I did a photo shoot for Gin last night. I picked her up at 8:20 and took her back to my place. I shot 375 photos of her in 2 different sets - one set in my living room in front of my fireplace, and another set in the shower (at her request).

After the photos were done, we ended up having about 30 minutes of playtime (which was not done for free) before Gin started getting texts and calls from her boyfriend asking when she was going to be home. I ran her home and dropped her off a little after 10. Apparently her boyfriend expected her to have the disk of photos with her when she got home and was unhappy that she didn't.

After a blizzard of text messages, I emailed her 27 of the pictures at about 11:20 last night. Then tonight I dropped off a DVD with all 375 pics a few minutes before 8 pm (which was before they posted this thread).

I don't want to get into a lot more detail, but I have all of the text messages and e-mails saved which will verify exactly what happened. Unfortunately, the correspondence does not reflect well on Gin, or more precisely, her boyfriend.

But my credibility in this community is very important to me. I'm promise you, if all the correspondence is revealed publicly, I'll come out looking fine. Let's hope that doesn't become necessary.

And thanks to those of you who've showed me a vote of confidence; it's nice to see.

RC, Your reputation for integrity is impeccable in this community. You got nothing to worry about.

I'm guessing the BF is the one who posted this to begin with because no girl who sat through 375 pics and started here with the pic she did would bitch like this.

berkleigh your coolness factor went a gazillion in my book. Ragin Cajun glad you responded in a classy and respectable way without making gin look bad.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I think anyone who has been in this community for any time knows that Ragin is a good guy. Gin made herself look bad with the lack of patience and horrible spelling in her post.

warlock's Avatar
I don't think the problem here is necessarily with Gin and certainly not with Ragin, but with the boyfriend.
How much time and effort did Ragin put in to not only pick her up and run her back, but set up and shoot 375 photos? And he did it all w/o compensation, then had to pay for 30 minutes of "play time". Not to mention it takes a lot longer than 30 minutes once they were done shooting to edit and burn 375 photos onto disks.
Seems to me a decent guy was taken advantage of. First the boyfriend is blowing up her phone, then his phone making demands. Sounds to me like the boyfriend needs to be reigned in, and/or she needs to dump him for being a controlling asshole.
Getting a disk on completion of a photo shoot is fine if you're only taking 20-30 shots, but he went and did 375 on his own dime, and they expected them immediately? A bit unrealistic.

Just noticed Gin's showcase. Looks like she and the boyfriend felt the pics were good enough to update her showcase with.
Ragin is good people and there are many more that can vouch for that. I noticed your profile says you just joined. I am not sure if you have had very much experience outside of the hobby with photo-shoots. As far as professional photographers go it is very common for it to take a couple days up to a week or so to get your photos in full in my experience. If you just recently did your photo-shoot then patience is the next step. I did noticed you seem to have some pretty good ones up in your showcase now.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Even if all that's done is converting from RAW to jpeg and cropping it takes some time. They also have to be re-sized for posting, and burning a disc at slow speed (best for accuracy) takes time.

What RC describes is remarkably quick turn around. Far faster than mine and I'm really into photography.
As one of the other photogs on the board and also someone who has known Ragin for years... You really need to rethink having your BF access to your account...
375 pics takes a little while to just download from Camera to Computer... Waiting for a CD is an option, But Magical Faries just don't shit photos onto a CD in seconds...
Editing takes time , 27 pics edited and e-mailed in 3 hours? And Your bitching ? WTF.. and a CD the next day.. WTF... You don't really expect us to belive your the victim here are you ? Sorry.. I just don't see it...
Im so lost.

She has the photos in her showcase. so im assuming she got her photos. So what is this thread about?
needingmilking's Avatar
I don't think the problem here is necessarily with Gin and certainly not with Ragin, but with the boyfriend. Originally Posted by warlock
+1, Absolutely, in a reasonable world...

But then again, this is EXACTLY what one should expect from a guy that has his preggo girlfriend doing photo shoots and providing.

I am not saying the BF is the scum of the earth, but it certainly looks like that.

RC, no good deed goes unpunished (or did she pay for the photo shoot?)
I think I could have taken 375 photos and burned them to a disc in less time than it took me to decipher that first post. Talk about tired head.