World AIDS Day - 12/01/10

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 12-01-2010, 08:01 AM
On December 1, CDC and its partners observe World AIDS Day to raise awareness of the global impact of HIV/AIDS. We recognize the success to date of global and domestic programs and commit to more lives saved.

In 1988, the General Assembly expressed deep concern at the pandemic proportions of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Noting that the World Health Organization had declared 1 December 1988 World AIDS Day, the Assembly stressed the importance of observing that occasion (resolution 43/15). Today, over 41 million people are living with HIV/AIDS. To combat HIV/AIDS , malaria and other diseases is one of the Millennium Development Goals which all 191 United Nations Member States have pledged to meet by the year 2015.
Well, if that doesn't make you want to hobby today....
I just came back from the health department, they are doing free rapid HIV screening today.

2377 N. Stemmons Freeway. Dallas, Tx 75207

Go in and up the elevator to the 3rd floor, turn left.

I was in there a total of about 30 mins. They do a rapid test with results back in 20ish minutes. They also send it to the lab along with a syphilis test and the results will be in on Monday. You just call for those results. They did ask for ID but a few people in there I overheard saying they did not have an ID but they took them anyways.

YAY!!! for being negative and healthy!! There is not a better feeling than knowing you are healthy in this hobby.

Stay safe boys and girls and get checked out! Take the test, it is FREE!!
hulkewok1's Avatar
I agree cpi i was going to see a provider today but i decided to stay home and pull my pork not as much fun but oh well.
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 12-01-2010, 07:19 PM
Know your status people, even if you dont want to it can change your life!

Dallas is the hightest city in Texas with infected persons with HIV.. This is just the ones that went and got tested!

Ladies & Gents PLEASE be safe and wrap it up! Even if I dont know you I want you to be around for years to come. I;ve had someone very close to me die from aids and its not fun to watch hem through it, And worse once there gone..

As before just be safe and smart.