Are there any fitness trainers?

SpinnerCindy's Avatar
For years I've been trying to find something to help me gain weight. Thanks to my fast ass metabolism I can't gain for nothing.

I finally found a weight vain produxt that actuality works, and Ive gained 11 lbs in just a week of taking it...

What I'm looking for is some exercises I can do that'll help me gain correctly in the right places.
I already do squats, but that's about all I know to do... lol

I know absolutely nothing about working out. Help a spinner become thick in all my curves I have the hips and big butt, I'm just dreaming to finally be thick !
I would go to any fitness club like 24 hr Fitness and talk to a professional trainer. They should be able to help you.
Frank_The_Tank's Avatar
Hey girl, my advice is to pump the breaks on the weight gainer until you get a solid workout and diet plan in place. I hate to say it, but 11lbs in one week is gonna get you the wrong kinda weight. There is a way to add muscle without looking manly, and add thickness without and unnecessary damage.

The part that kinda sucks is that genetics is what determines how, how much, and where we gain weight. Nobody gets a Kardashian ass without Kardashian like genetics (or the help of a plastic surgeon). That being said, we all have the potential to add some muscle, get thicker, stronger, and feel better about ourselves; it just might look a little different than we envisioned. The absolute most important thing is know how to eat for your goals. Your body, for better or worse, is mostly a result of how you eat. All calories are not created equal. The weight gainer you are drinking is most likely filled with maltodextrin, simple carbs, and the equivalent of coffee creamer (most weight gainers are like that). It turns directly to sugar once it's in your body, and your body will store that excess sugar as fat. Eating the right foods will get you further than just the weight gainer. With the right diet and exercise program you can add sexy muscle and a little "good fat", which is what it sounds like you are looking for. Your body type can be challenging, but once you get the basics down, and form the right habits, it is all pretty easy. Just a matter of time.

I'm not a personal trainer, but I spent almost 8 years in the army, and I do weight training 6 days a week. Over the years I've learned quite a bit about nutrition and training so if you want to discuss further let me know.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Hey girl, my advice is to pump the breaks on the weight gainer until you get a solid workout and diet plan in place. I hate to say it, but 11lbs in one week is gonna get you the wrong kinda weight. There is a way to add muscle without looking manly, and add thickness without and unnecessary damage.

The part that kinda sucks is that genetics is what determines how, how much, and where we gain weight. Nobody gets a Kardashian ass without Kardashian like genetics (or the help of a plastic surgeon). That being said, we all have the potential to add some muscle, get thicker, stronger, and feel better about ourselves; it just might look a little different than we envisioned. The absolute most important thing is know how to eat for your goals. Your body, for better or worse, is mostly a result of how you eat. All calories are not created equal. The weight gainer you are drinking is most likely filled with maltodextrin, simple carbs, and the equivalent of coffee creamer (most weight gainers are like that). It turns directly to sugar once it's in your body, and your body will store that excess sugar as fat. Eating the right foods will get you further than just the weight gainer. With the right diet and exercise program you can add sexy muscle and a little "good fat", which is what it sounds like you are looking for. Your body type can be challenging, but once you get the basics down, and form the right habits, it is all pretty easy. Just a matter of time.

I'm not a personal trainer, but I spent almost 8 years in the army, and I do weight training 6 days a week. Over the years I've learned quite a bit about nutrition and training so if you want to discuss further let me know. Originally Posted by Frank_The_Tank
Good advice
Pappysweets's Avatar
You have an ectomorph body meaning you are naturally thin and less muscle than most. To add shape you will have to lift weights and eat alot. Eat protien rich food such as chicken,tuna,beef and stay away from sugary food and processed food like white bread, pastas and such you want the majority of your carbs from vegetables. I would recommend in doing research on female bodybuilding, and before you freak out and say i dont wanna look like a man the female bodybuilder competitors are on roids. Eat five times a day and lift for about an hour a day five times a week of hard training. Stay away from aerobics and the tread mill you want to keep your gains.
I have the opposite problem. I am naturally muscular without ever going to the gym and I have always wanted a thin body like Cindy. I am very active everyday. I am a dancer and athlete but still I cannot lose weight!!?? I want to lose 20 lbs so I feel lighter when I jump or being lifted in my dancing. Right now I am at 145 lbs.
Dignan's Avatar
Eat a lot – This sounds much easier than it really is, but it’s the truth.

If you’re not getting bigger, you’re not eating enough' Eat a lot of good things – You need to eat a larger amount of calories use a fitness app to figure that out. If the app has you put in the metrics plug in the weight you want to be and follow those calorie suggestion, but you want to make sure most of those calories are GOOD calories. You could easily get 3500 calories eating Taco Bell and Twinkies, and drinking Mountain Dew, but your body will hate you and that’s not a good long term solution. If you want to build muscle, you want to eat healthy calories that are loaded with good protein, good carbs, and healthy fats, and plenty of vegetables to help move all that food through your internal plumbing…which brings me to my next point:

Protein = building block for your muscles. Chicken, fish, meat, eggs, milk, almonds. Aim for .8-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. You don’t need to overdo it with 300+ grams of protein like you’ll read in fitness magazines – they say that so you buy their protein powders and go through it quickly.

Carbs are your friend when you need to put on weight – rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, etc. will help you put on weight. You can also eat a lot of it to get your calorie goals. If you’re younger or have a lot of weight to put on, you can get away with eating less healthy things like bread, pasta, even snack food, but try to avoid those things these days. Also, as previously stated, every meal should have vegetables when possible so your body can properly manage all those calories as they move through your body and come out.
In addition to carbs, eating lots of nuts (high calorie, high fat) can help you reach your calorie goals. Peanuts are NOT nuts BTW.

Keep track of everything you eat – Sign up for an app, like mentioned above, like MyFitnessPal (it’s free), input your stats and start to track every one of your meals. It will tell you if you’re eating enough calories, enough protein, and enough carbs. Once you start to get a good feel for how many calories you eat each day, try to eat the same meals to keep it easy. If the scale is moving up, keep doing what you’re doing. If the scale isn’t moving. EAT MORE.
If you’re ever unsure if you’ve eaten enough that day, eat more.
You can always scale back the calories later and thanks to your fast metabolism you’ll lose that weight quickly. YOU WILL NOT GET TOO BULKY. Trust me. That should not even be a concern in your mind. Remove “I don’t want to get too bulky” from your vocabulary.

Compound exercises are your friend – Up until this point, we’ve only talked about the weight gain portion. Do the above, and you’ll put on weight. HOWEVER, if you’re not also training properly, you’ll just be getting fat, and not building muscle.
And that’s where training comes in! Concentrate on complex, compound exercises that recruit as many muscles as possible: bench presses dumbbell presses, squats, deadlifts, pull ups, chin ups, and dips. Do these exercises, and concentrate on lifting as much weight as possible.

Don’t worry about triceps extensions, shoulder shrugs, bicep curls or crunches. All of the compound exercises listed here use every muscle in your body, and when you overload your body with calories and protein, those muscles will grow.

When exercising, keep your rest between sets to a minute or less, and don’t do more than 12 reps in a set – Keep your range of reps between 6 and 12, and try to keep the time you rest between sets to a minute or less. Example: incline dumbbell chest press – 12 reps of 50 lbs, wait a minute, 10 reps of 55lbs, wait a minute, 8 reps of 60 lbs.

Let your muscles rest – never exercise the same muscle two days in a row. Your muscles get rebuilt during your days off, so never exercise the same muscle before it’s ready. Training 3-4 days a week with a day off in between each (and plenty of calories) is plenty of training. Skinny people often don’t need to train more, they need to eat and rest more!

Sleep – you need to be getting at least 7 hours of sleep, but 8-9 hours of sleep every night for maximum gains. Your body is doing nothing but lying there and building muscle while you’re sleeping. If you are only getting 6 hours or less, you’re not going to get all the benefits of your exercising and diet. I know it’s tough, but those 3AM raids on Runnyeye need to be put on hold for a few months. SLEEP.

Cardio is your enemy – Running long distances isn’t going to help you. If you’re going to run, do sprints or run up a hill. Think about it: would you rather look like a sprinter or a marathon runner? Keep your distance cardio to a minimum if you want to put on some pounds.

Realize you will put on some fat – with all of this eating, you are going to be putting on some fat along with your muscle. That’s okay! Figure out what your goal weight is, and then add another 5-10 lbs on top of it. Once you get to that weight, cut back on the carbs in your diet, do more sprints, and keep exercising: you’ll shed the fat quickly and be left with a killer figure. Eat all the vegetables you want, but cut back on breads, pasta, rice, and oatmeal.
Dignan's Avatar
Ms. Thom,

IMO your physique is absolute perfection.

I will not post a long dissertation like previous. To keep it short and simple, only eat carbs at breakfast. The rest of your meals eat zero carbs.

In looking at your showcase it's obvious that you exercise extensively.

Before you workout/play tennis I would drink a strong cup of coffee with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in it. It will give you more energy.

I was close to 300 lbs and now around 220 heading for 200. I am not a Personal Trainer per se but I do have extensive fitness and nutrition knowledge. If you want any other tips please PM me.
SpinnerCindy's Avatar
Hey girl, my advice is to pump the breaks on the weight gainer until you get a solid workout and diet plan in place. I hate to say it, but 11lbs in one week is gonna get you the wrong kinda weight. There is a way to add muscle without looking manly, and add thickness without and unnecessary damage.

The part that kinda sucks is that genetics is what determines how, how much, and where we gain weight. Nobody gets a Kardashian ass without Kardashian like genetics (or the help of a plastic surgeon). That being said, we all have the potential to add some muscle, get thicker, stronger, and feel better about ourselves; it just might look a little different than we envisioned. The absolute most important thing is know how to eat for your goals. Your body, for better or worse, is mostly a result of how you eat. All calories are not created equal. The weight gainer you are drinking is most likely filled with maltodextrin, simple carbs, and the equivalent of coffee creamer (most weight gainers are like that). It turns directly to sugar once it's in your body, and your body will store that excess sugar as fat. Eating the right foods will get you further than just the weight gainer. With the right diet and exercise program you can add sexy muscle and a little "good fat", which is what it sounds like you are looking for. Your body type can be challenging, but once you get the basics down, and form the right habits, it is all pretty easy. Just a matter of time.

I'm not a personal trainer, but I spent almost 8 years in the army, and I do weight training 6 days a week. Over the years I've learned quite a bit about nutrition and training so if you want to discuss further let me know. Originally Posted by Frank_The_Tank

Amazing advice! The weight gain I'm taking is a pill. 3xs a day. When I take it, I always feel when it sets in because it makes me super hungry instantly.

I eat a lot, believe it or not. The way I eat, I shouldnt be this thin, but thank my metabolism for that.

I eat a lot of protein. I drink a protein shake daily that came with my weight gain.

What kind of diet can I go on to gain?
  • grean
  • 12-22-2016, 12:44 PM
When you say you eat a lot what is alot?

Frank or some one that knows will correct me, but I think you need at least 1 gram of protein every day for every pound of muscle you want to maintain.

So if you want to way 125 and have a heathly 19-25 body fat % for a woman, you need somewhere between 90 and 100 grams of protein a day broken out over 3 or more meals.

Also you gotta get proper rest. Keep the alcohol to a minimum as well because it affects the way your body processes the protein.

Big Firm Sexy Asses means squats and lots of them.....
theonean's Avatar
Lift heavy, the weight will come. How? Eat a lot of Fish....Don't like fish? That's why you're skinny.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Squats, leg curls/extensions, hip ab/adductors and lunges... It's all connected. Google "leg and ass workout"

Getting a trainer is good, at least until you learn your way around the gym and figure out what works for you.

Edit: because... reasons
whitechocolate's Avatar
If you truly want success in your goal of a sexxxy healthy body change combining nutrition with a working out, you need a certified personal trainer who has good nutrition expertise!!!!! Everything needs to be individualized to you!!!
Babe, your body is perfection!
1. Texas Star Pharmacy in Plano has a nutritionist on staff named Christina Reiter. Call and make an appointment with her, she is an EXPERT
(this is a compounding pharmacy which is different than Walgreens/CVS)
2.Lifestyle changes....go to bed at 10pm, get up at 6am
3.drink 3 liters of water a day, room temperature
4. Give up smoking and drinking
5. Ask yourself....HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?