My "not a retirement" Retirement Notice ;)

Just4Hobby's Avatar
Hello Y'All,

I know times are tough and I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, but, life has never been so good for me.

I started hobbying a little over two years ago in Houston under difficult circumstances in more ways than one. I suspended my hobby life a few months after I started for about a year and returned in full and accelerated force or pace late last year.

It has been a wild and interesting experience for an old man.

I am in a much better place now and am putting my hobby life on hold and starting a "not a retirement" retirement so that I don't have to un-retire if circumstances suggest that.

Ladies who might want to entice my out of this un-retirement state may PM me at your own risk as no promises are suggested or implied here or elsewhere after this post till ... who knows if or when.

Please do not speculate as I will limit my posting to clarification of this post. I will not answer any specific questions on activities or on anyone, period.

I will continue to stop by here but will not post unless absolutely necessary - and no, unfounded allegation don't warrant a response.

I might answer general questions by PM only. I will continue to offer help to ladies in real need - no, rent payments, car payments are not - in technical areas, computers, websites, etc..

It's been a blast!!! Take care and be well, Y'All.

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-13-2012, 07:38 AM
Well honey, no matter what the reason is "I wish you all the best".
Good luck in your endeavors, it was a pleasure to meet you and spend time with you.
LucadeJure's Avatar
Wish you all the best, sir. And if I may quote R. Crumb ... "Keep On Truckin".
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 06-13-2012, 10:09 AM
Well Wishes..
I would like to take this opportunity to announce on behalf of J4H that he has in fact retired, thereby voiding his previous "not a retirement" retirement notice.

And now I would like to announce that J4H has unretired and will be happy to field all questions, even if speculative, irrespective of whether they are general or specific in nature.

J4H has not authorized me to make these announcements, but the foregoing would be completely accurate if he had. Please direct all questions to J4H, who I'm certain will be more than happy to respond while explaining that he will not be responding to any further questions in the future.

Always a good time seeing you... still going to dinner I hope?

See you soon.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
As the sun sets slowly in the west....J4H and AOD ride into the sweet strains of violin music...fade to black...*snif*
pmdelites's Avatar
Wish you all the best, sir. And if I may quote R. Crumb ... "Keep On Truckin". Originally Posted by LucadeJure
and further... "Keep On Truckin" into the next phase of your life.
may the wind be behind you, the sun in your face, and the delites all around!!!
Randy4C, thanks for providing me with the side-splitter of laughs.

You know, everyone loves a good sequel. I envision our fair damsel AOD getting into a precarious and dangerous situation...but Wait!!! Who is that White Night riding that pale horse over the horizon??!! (enter the suspenseful hero music).

That's right!! J4H has returned (/unretired) to save the day!!!

**joking aside, I do wish everyone success in their endeavors, but I also agree with the guy who said when people leave the board, they just leave. If they return, awesome. If they don't, no worries. It's not a big production.
Just4Hobby's Avatar
I want to clarify a thing or two about my post.

I offered to step away from hobbying voluntarily. I am not going to comment who I offered this to and for what reason(s) nor if my offer was accepted or declined at any time. As stated above, I will not respond to any questions or allegations.

To the ladies, please see my posts in ISO.