It all about camouflaged operation to rob, these people followed us from CONDO P1 CLEANER 409 had wood eating termite/ant problems to house here 21 camouflage army. ROBBER SCAM SEPARATE + [(BUCK4 LE2)]
It all about camouflaged operation to rob, these people followed us from CONDO P1 CLEANER MULTIPURPOSE CLEANER 409 had wood eating termite/ant problems to house here 21 camouflage army. NOT MEX/SPANARD(IMPASTA SCAM BUT ASIAN).
better away from my back yard, tresspassing
Your state still running that scam who is she/he LA -> MISS->AL AL->MISS->LA SCAM called the female hold the money scam to rob from the brady bunch in a rumor spying 2012 movie at AIRPORT con indeed.
btw did you flood own city?