Guest032213's Avatar
I Want to wish EVERYONE on ECCIE A wonderful Thanksgiving Day & and I hope everyone get's a fulll tummy's!!! I know many on this day are not as blessed as other's , so everyone be sure you you say Grcae and pray for your next piece of !!!!! Yall have a good one & remember good sex is best after a full tummy DONT forget to bite the big one!!!

Blessing's From Mine To Your's!!!
Texasquest's Avatar
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope everyone is as blessed as I am today to be able to spend a day with friends and loved ones. Make some time today to let someone know how thankful you are fir having them as friends. Take the time to hug someone that is close to you just to let them know your thankful for them. Then most of all remember our service men and women and their family's who aren't able to be together today. And say a lil prayer for them. Remember the Thanksgiving motto today. EAT A BIG ONE !!!! Happy Thanksgiving All !!!!