Any mechanics out there? I NEED Help! ( No smarta$$ comments lol)

I parked my 2003 Hyuandai Sonata for 6 months when I got a new vehicle, there was nothing wrong with it, but I haven't driven it since then, I went to start it up today, had my brother replace the battery, went to drive it and had to floor it to get it to go a few feet, then it would stop completely for a few more. It seemed to do a little better after I drove it for a few mins but not much. My brother said more than likely it just needs transmission fluid (stupid me didn't check the fluids all winter either) If there is anyone out there who knows a little about cars please call or feel free to post here. Also, brother said to start the car before putting in the fluid (let it run for a little while), put on the emergency break and put in neutral then put the car in each gear for a few mins to let the fluid circulate thru the gears again. Does this sound right? PLEASE help a mechanically challenged lady here all you big burly mechanical studs!!
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Your brother is right about transmission fluid is probably low. I would probably start with a quart of fluid, start the car and go thru the gears as its running. Then check the level if its got a dipstick(No not with your mouth)LOL. If it doesn't then just it around to see if its better. Also, might want to put some fuel stablizier in gas tank. Gas could have moisture in it. Hope this helps.