What does bottle service mean?

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
So, when I got my VIP last year, it supposedly came with one "bottle service." No one ever elaborated, and I haven't taken whatever advantages may have accrued. What does that mean, and how does one claim it? Sounds like a scam to me: You negotiate a rate with a dancer, and then she upcharges you at the end because you took so much of her time while both of you were enjoying the bottle. The few times I have managed to convince a dancer to go back to VIP while my membership has been active, the last thing I would have wanted was a waitress interrupting our activities to ask if we needed anything.
billw1032's Avatar
Which club are you talking about? VIP differs at every club. Maybe others can infer where you were, but I'm lost.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
BFW. My VIP expires soon, I'm not going to renew, and I wonder of there's something I have missed out on.
  • KFB
  • 07-20-2019, 07:27 PM
Assume it's a free bottle of your choice from a list. As far as getting upcharged from your dancer after you negotiate a set fee, you nicely but firmly remind her what you agreed to. Have the manager you bought your membership from setup your free bottle and you shouldn't get interrupted.

Or they may even setup your bottle at your table and you can share it with whatever dancers you want. It would probably be best to just ask the manager you bought your VIP from.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
A friend negotiated a joint deal/split with the door girl a year ago. Taking it up with a manager who had no part in the deal probably would go nowhere. So NM. Thanks.
  • KFB
  • 07-20-2019, 07:38 PM
No harm in asking whatever manager you have rapport with now to see if they will honor it, especially if they think you might renew your VIP with him.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Sounds like BS they gave you to convince you to buy the VIP. If you didn't get it in writing, you can pretty much kiss getting that bottle service goodbye. If you had a deal with some manager a year ago, good luck. Strip clubs constantly change their managers more often than a woman changes the color of her fingernails and hair.
Boomstick's Avatar
you have a bottle for free, its on the computer under your account. Its around $200-250 for the bottle. I used mine last week in the cabana and bucks provided us with our own waitress for our 7 people. its not a scam, you must have seen dozens of girls delivering bottles as much as you go. BTW , when you renew or negotiate a membership they will add bottles until you say yes. I got 3 bottles and 2 years for $1000. In my small brain I justify the bottle $ amount into the membership fee. Not to mention all my group get is free for those 2 years.
Bottle service, a bottle of liquor and a personal waitress.