The People's Convoy

berryberry's Avatar
Thousands of truck drivers are expected to take part in the coast-to-coast "People's Convoy" to protest government COVID-19 mandates starting February 23rd, organizer Maureen Steele tells Newsmax.

Thousands of semitruck drivers are expected to take part in the coast-to-coast "People's Convoy" to protest government COVID-19 mandates starting Wednesday, Feb. 23, says organizer Maureen Steele.

"We have well over 1,000 truckers. I've lost count right now and I know it's going to grow," Steele told Newsmax's "Eric Bolling: The Balance."

"Our support staff is enormous. We have the Unity Project and they have hundreds of nonprofits that are under them so they literally have thousands of people helping pull this event off. So, it's a huge undertaking, as you can imagine, getting all these trucks and all these people across the country and managing safety and logistics and comms. It's an enormous group of people. I know Canada had hundreds. We have thousands," she added.

Steele says the protest will depart on Interstate 40 heading east from Barstow, California.

Truckers are demanding an end to the Emergency Powers Act concerning the pandemic, and to "restore our nation's constitution."

berryberry's Avatar
What a bunch of crybabies. Fucking over the citizens of this country for their “freedoms”. If you think the supply chain is fucked and stuff is expensive now, just wait. Better stock up. They do realize there’s no national mandate, right? And that they’re free to change jobs if they don’t like the rules of their current employer? God knows there are enough trucking jobs out there that they shouldn’t have a problem.

Funny how on the other side of the coin, it was “DoN’t ThEy HaVe JoBs To Go To?” This whole society is going down the shitter and the assholes in charge have us right where they want us, doing stupid shit like this and fighting each other while they rob us blind.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Awesome, but I fear the Nazi administration in Washington will put up roadblocks far outside of DC. There’s no way they want these guys rolling down Pennsylvania Ave, the optics are horrible.
I’m donating $100.00. The Peoples Convoy has a website you can donate.

The liberals will have conservatives arrested for peaceful protest then bail out liberals that riot, loot and burn peoples businesses.

F the liberals trying to ruin the country.
berryberry's Avatar
Awesome, but I fear the Nazi administration in Washington will put up roadblocks far outside of DC. There’s no way they want these guys rolling down Pennsylvania Ave, the optics are horrible. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You are correct - they have already started blocking their own streets so the truckers don't have a chance to

chizzy's Avatar
What a bunch of crybabies. Fucking over the citizens of this country for their “freedoms”. If you think the supply chain is fucked and stuff is expensive now, just wait. Better stock up. They do realize there’s no national mandate, right? And that they’re free to change jobs if they don’t like the rules of their current employer? God knows there are enough trucking jobs out there that they shouldn’t have a problem.

Funny how on the other side of the coin, it was “DoN’t ThEy HaVe JoBs To Go To?” This whole society is going down the shitter and the assholes in charge have us right where they want us, doing stupid shit like this and fighting each other while they rob us blind. Originally Posted by swpa1706
when the president asks private companies to enforce his views on mask and vaccines.... i'd say thats attempting a national mandate

te liberals say follow the science but they dont. paper and cloth masks as perthe cdc are only 8 to 12% efeective. ever go into a school and see 8 year old wearing masks? I have, its absolutely stupid, lucky if one is wearing it properly

the current regime in power is fucking this country
chizzy's Avatar
by the way, if truckers want to really have a protest, dont try to block dc

the liberals will set a trap and cause violence to try to say it was the right wing

just take a full week and shut your trucks off, period.
Oh yea, we can bank on that.

On The Peoples Convoy website they tout not giving out the exact route at this time to help prevent the liberals infiltrating the convoy for the liberal media to abuse.
The liberals will do it anyway then the media will play it as another insurrection.

Us Americans have to sick together and support the convoys and also not allow Washington and the liberals to abuse them.

Us Americans have to sick together and support the convoys and also not allow Washington and the liberals to abuse them. Originally Posted by Chase7
And suffer the consequences of this bullshit, like even higher prices and more supply chain problems?

Let’s face it, these clowns aren’t fucking the government, they’re fucking us- the American people. Nothing will change as far as mandates but we’ll suffer. Bank on that.

My position on government vaccine mandates, just so we’re clear, is that they shouldn’t be a thing. At this point everyone knows the risks and benefits and can make their own decisions… but screwing over the working class by fucking up the already fucked-up supply chain isn’t the way to do it.
... But it's a solid effective way to get the government to listen.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
And suffer the consequences of this bullshit, like even higher prices and more supply chain problems?

Let’s face it, these clowns aren’t fucking the government, they’re fucking us- the American people. Nothing will change as far as mandates but we’ll suffer. Bank on that.

My position on government vaccine mandates, just so we’re clear, is that they shouldn’t be a thing. At this point everyone knows the risks and benefits and can make their own decisions… but screwing over the working class by fucking up the already fucked-up supply chain isn’t the way to do it. Originally Posted by swpa1706
This is about standing up for basic human rights and freedom and against Government power/control/overreach.

If you get a little inconvenienced, who cares. Freedom is not free. You on the left fail to see this. Freedom is worth fighting for. In a true democracy it is the duty of the public to restrain political power and overreach
This is about standing up for basic human rights and freedom and against Government power/control/overreach.

If you get a little inconvenienced, who cares. Freedom is not free. You on the left fail to see this. Freedom is worth fighting for. In a true democracy it is the duty of the public to restrain political power and overreach Originally Posted by berryberry
Why do you assume I’m “on the left”? Because I don’t 100% agree with you?

Sorry, but I guarantee this will change nothing from a government standpoint. Them and the billionaires who control them won’t be affected, only us. Like always.
berryberry's Avatar
Why do you assume I’m “on the left”? Because I don’t 100% agree with you? Originally Posted by swpa1706
Based on your posts in this forum. As the old saying goes - if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, you can deduce with a fair amount of certainty that it is a duck.
berryberry's Avatar