How comfortable are you knowing that a forum on ECCIE has completely different rules?

LazurusLong's Avatar
Does anyone else find it alarming that this site hosts at least one private forum where the board rules are not enforced and even worse, according to this post, the Mods cannot even do anything if what were thought to be board rules such as posting ROS, is violated?

Check this thread in the National Forum:

Funny how people get banned for even mentioning or alluding to another website where things such as ROS get posted yet the ownership of this site apparently are profiting from a private forum that appears to be doing the exact same thing.

Want to guess the monthly cost of having a private forum on ECCIE these days where the rules do not apply to any posts made in your "own" forum?

100/month? 120/month?

I think I found it under paid subscriptions, $350 for 3 months. Wow, nice. Couple providers could get together and share whatever they want including the allegations of actual names and personal information according to this the thread linked here and would not face any sanctions at all.

A few points of clarification before we all get things a bit cris-crossed......

First: its Jusanotherdude..... no T

Second: that content was all posted in a place called the Spider Hole, which is a part of this board.... while also a VERY different part of this board with its very own set of rules.... Neither I, nor any other Mod has any power whatsoever in there..... Nor can we use any information from within there towards moderating the boards we are in charge of.... as per the RULES laid out by St.C himself and the Mods of that particular part of the board.

Third: Once you sent your request to get in there OP, you also received a PM explaining in detail the rules and the fact that that particular corner of the board is much different than anywhere else here.... it has some rules..... but they different from the globla rules of the public boards.....

Fourth: the "review" in question that I have posted the ROS on was a review of a restaurant that Wakeup posted...... so the ladies got to see how he likes his steaks cooked...... just so we're clear on that front......

Keep in mind that you will no doubt have a PM coming your way...... because those rules you got about the Spider Hole you obviously did not take the time to read, have been broken by you with this thread........

Feel free to ask any questions you like about the spider hole...... or if you want to see how it works, there are a few people you can PM to gain access to that place..... but it is not a place for everyone......

Hope that helps......

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I could care less.
anyone visiting this site MUST realize that any information transmitted, either in forums, chat or PMs is viewable by the owners and probably many moderators. Additionally, we all know there are ways around "access levels" such as Premium Access. If you aren't aware of it, then you're ignorant. Ignorance isn't an insult. It simply means you lack knowledge so don't get your panties or boxers in a twist over my usage of that word. The bottom line is, if you don't want someone to find out something you said/typed/communicated through hand signals, simply do not say/type/hand signal any information you want kept private. THERE ARE NO REAL EXPECTATIONS of privacy on a privately owned for profit website. Deal with the reality you're in, not the fantasy you wish you were in.

Lastly, if you don't like the way things are run around here, complain once. If nothing changes and you still feel strongly about what you have a gripe with your wallet...set up a competing website and run it the way you think it should be run.
So I'm not imagining the unmarked black helicopters overhead every time I log in?
Boltfan's Avatar
You are reaching Laz, really reaching. You have no clue so you speculate.

And that member who was banned is not some innocent.

Just walk away.
Jason Gideon's Avatar
I could care less. Originally Posted by steviewinwood
cubsoxbull's Avatar
So I'm not imagining the unmarked black helicopters overhead every time I log in? Originally Posted by phildo

That was great, thanks.
dearhunter's Avatar
You are reaching Laz, really reaching. You have no clue so you speculate.

And that member who was banned is not some innocent.

Just walk away. Originally Posted by Boltfan

If your man-nipples ache from the need to know the rules of the superdupertiptopmegasecret forum........just fucking ask.
boardman's Avatar
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Funny how people get banned for even mentioning or alluding to another website where things such as ROS get posted yet the ownership of this site apparently are profiting from a private forum that appears to be doing the exact same thing.

Want to guess the monthly cost of having a private forum on ECCIE these days where the rules do not apply to any posts made in your "own" forum?

100/month? 120/month?

I think I found it under paid subscriptions, $350 for 3 months. Wow, nice. Couple providers could get together and share whatever they want including the allegations of actual names and personal information according to this the thread linked here and would not face any sanctions at all. Originally Posted by LazurusLong

First.... notice how the OP of that thread is banned for leaking info from that forum..... just a point of clarity......

Second..... the "cost" of having your own forum is what you put above.... the Forum in question was not bought by anyone.... it is the owner's..... Any other clubhouse forum MUST adhere to all the rules of the board......

There is a method to the madness that is there...... and it is not all what you think and see there...... ijs.....

I will add one more thing sure would be big of the owners to at least admit to what most of us already know is going on with respects to this particular issue and leaks in general. Trying to ignore the problem by "banning" violators is a never ending flood of babysitting that they will eventually lose. The truth always seems to find its way out into the open.
dearhunter's Avatar
jlc, if you consider the large picture, the Owners position is simple and logical.

They cannot control what is said elsewhere. They can control what is said here......control what you can, and don't worry about what you can't.

It makes the other site irrelevant to this site.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I will add one more thing sure would be big of the owners to at least admit to what most of us already know is going on with respects to this particular issue and leaks in general. Trying to ignore the problem by "banning" violators is a never ending flood of babysitting that they will eventually lose. The truth always seems to find its way out into the open. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
If you already know about it, why do you need them to admit anything?
If you already know about it, why do you need them to admit anything? Originally Posted by still-asleep
I don't believe I said I "needed" them to admit anything. I said it would be "big of them." If you're unfamiliar with the meaning of that colloquialism, I refer you to the following google search results for examples in context.
jlc, if you consider the large picture, the Owners position is simple and logical.

They cannot control what is said elsewhere. They can control what is said here......control what you can, and don't worry about what you can't.

It makes the other site irrelevant to this site. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I have no problems with how the owners are running this site. It's their intellectual property and their financial resources and rewards. I just state what I believe to be obvious truths relevant to the various parties discussing any given topic. Hence the general philosophy behind what I said: Deal with the reality you're in, not the fantasy you wish you were in.

The owners have the reality of dealing with this and similar issues constantly being an annoyance in their ears. If they wish to not deal with it constantly, they need to change their business model. If they are comfortable with their current levels of moderation and mediation, status quo for them is good to go. In any event, I am neither an owner nor a substantive contributor to this board or hobby. I just enjoy the entertaining discussions and fictional stories of each others exploits.