Your 1st "TURN OUT" dollar!!!

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Many questions on why providers do what they do?
Money? Control? Pleasure? Filling a Void?

So Providers tells us. Who Turned You Out? Who Introduced You to the Industry? Your first "turn out" dollar? Was you a stripper before you chose to become a provider? Have you always been a Indy? Cause most haven't, someone had to show you the ropes. Tell us your stories!!!

Many questions on why hobbyist do what they do? I mean come on has been paying for pussy from day
We all know that we have wined,dinned and said cheesy lines for it.
Tell us your stories!!!

I started at a young age...form elementary recces I had a sign that said a kiss for 25 cents.. I know wow cheap huh.. well this was back in the penny candy days.. so I had come up with a way to get my sweet tooth From that day forward my motto has been "Never give it away Make them pay for it"
Not exactly a "teaching me the ropes" story but my "break" into the hobby goes like this-I met an older wealthy man here in San Antonio, He invited me to come over to his house, I said I would love to, later that night I showed up and we hit it off immediatly-we got in the hottub, ordered takeout, talked about the future, cars, working out ect....then he asked me if I would like to get more comfortable-I said yes.......anyway we messed around in the living room for a while then took our "playing" into the bedroom after an awesome amazing experience we fell asleep.....I woke up the next morning happy and upbeat-but kinda embarressed-lol-He asked me if I wanted breakfast-I told him I was goodwe started chatting on the couch and soon enough we were starting up again-after we both had nothing more to give(so I thought) I asked to shower-so I showered, dressed, got my things together, as I was getting ready to leave he gave me a envelope and with that I got in my car and left from his place-I was curious about this thick "package" he gave me-so I pulled over at a movie theater near his house and opened it-I was shocked-when I opened up the envelope it was a card with $$$$$$$$ in it-I was speechless-I thought he gave it to me because we were talking about my life and stuff I was having problems with-I thought he was trying to help-In the note he wrote "you almost forgot this" I didn't get what he meant(I guess I was kinda stupid and didn't know alot about stuff back then)but after about 3 years I figured it out-I actually ran across that same guy while hobbing-he did not reconize my voice or my name-but I did his-he gave the exact same one and he gave me the address-I turned it down(I deceided I couldn't see him after that weird "envelope"-There is alot more to this story lol but that was my "1st "TURN OUT" dollar" story
GotCondomz's Avatar
Great Story Karla....We all have to have our first rodeo at some point in our lives....We tend to be a little green, starting off.. then we don't look back and keep striving for the ultimate goals in life's twisted journey..

I didn't get what he meant(I guess I was kinda stupid and didn't know alot about stuff back then)but after about 3 years I figured it out-There is alot more to this story lol but that was my "1st "TURN OUT" dollar" story Originally Posted by **Karla**
London Rayne's Avatar
I guess I turned myself out being I ran an agency for 2 years, before I ever took the plunge.

Why? Beats trying to work a 9-5 and attend school. I have something that allows me to work around MY schedule, meet (mostly) great people, make a ton of cash, and travel. I also did not want to put my child in daycare 5 days a week, so luckily I am only without her when I travel...even then she is with my parents, not strangers.

If I had a job making this kind of money would I still do this? Probably not, as I don't think it would be the best option for me many years down the road. It is not what I consider a normal life for myself, and it has prevented me from having a loving relationship because I won't lie to or cheat on a man I love.

Like anything it has its ups and downs, but at least with this job you can simply quit when you have had your fill.
GotCondomz's Avatar
Thanks London.... Yes very hard to imagine working a "square job" once you've taken the industry plunge. I did finish my degree that was one goal I had to accomplish for myself. Travel is always a plus as long as your taking in and enjoying what the city has to offer. I know I have been to some great destinations, and even went back on my own leisure time. I would definitely agree that trying to have a relationship outside the industry is a difficult one, you just have to find the right person that would accept what you do? Hell I know many people in the porn industry and they have boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and husbands so it can be done..

Beats trying to work a 9-5 and attend school. I have something that allows me to work around MY schedule, meet (mostly) great people, make a ton of cash, and travel.It has prevented me from having a loving relationship because I won't lie to or cheat on a man I love. Originally Posted by London Rayne
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't want to date a guy who would accept his woman sucking strange d5ck all day if you get my meaning lol. My relationships are sacred to me, and there is no room for that.

I agree that getting that education is imperative. Wish I had not quit after a Bachelors and went all the way when I was 22, but live and learn. Marriage, a baby, a real working gig for a while, then decided it was time to go back for more. Still, by the time I am done with all of it, I will only be 31...plenty of time to climb the ladder.

My initial degree pays less than 65k which is decent, but not enough to get by on after taxes...not to mention the student loans lol.

5 years ago, that was a good living for a single mom but not least not where I live.
GotCondomz's Avatar
Hahaha!!!! I get your meaning but do you think someone is more likely to accept your past? Or are you going to chose not to tell that person after you retire. Hmmm plenty of square women that suck and fuck strange dyck.. they just choose or dumb not to get paid for

You'll never be to old to go back...Keep setting goals for your daughter and yourself and everything will prosper in front of your eyes.

I don't want to date a guy who would accept his woman sucking strange d5ck all day if you get my meaning lol. My relationships are sacred to me, and there is no room for that. Still, by the time I am done with all of it, I will only be 31...plenty of time to climb the ladder Originally Posted by London Rayne
London Rayne's Avatar
Yes, I have found many men who can accept what you did long before you met them especially knowing lust was not the number one factor. It's harder for a woman to forgive because it's about a nut for a guy...most of the time anyway.

I doubt I would get into the exact numbers or details, but I would illude to the fact that I dated wealthy men to get my Masters lol. The way I see it, is when you meet someone there is no more past. You start anew and both agree to act as such.
GotCondomz's Avatar
Yes, Very well put..... I'm a firm believer that the past stays where it is the past..You shouldnt have to go into detail.. no need!!! Yes, agreed start with a clean slate and together you'll make your own future!!!

I doubt I would get into the exact numbers or details, but I would illude to the fact that I dated wealthy men to get my Masters lol. The way I see it, is when you meet someone there is no more past. You start anew and both agree to act as such. Originally Posted by London Rayne