Guys prefer bargain shopping over quality products?

Hey everyone,
I notice alot of you gentleman prefer to have the best bargain. If its not a deal you dont have feel! I understand this when it comes to cars, shoes, lawn mowers, ect...But is it really safe to bargain shop for people to trade bodily fluids with?

You have a date set with a provider, she is well known and often requested. She is ALWAYS at a bargain rate so you return consistantly. AS DO MANY OTHER INDIVIUALS. Only you booked a 10 o'clock PM appointment and her schedule on her profile says she starts at 10AM. Lets just say she had 6 before you...YOU "MUST HAVE" DATY???*

My question to you boys is....Is it really bright to go with the BARGAIN? Save a little now spend alot later at the doctors???*QUANTITY AND ECONOMICS OVER QUALITY???

They aren't easy to find, but high-quality bargains can be found. Someone who offers low-quality at a high price is also possible.

I see your point about daty, but I don't daty, whether it's a bargain or not. Even if I'm the first client of the day, I have no idea if there's an SO with splooge privileges in the picture.

If you're making the price/volume argument, I concede there is probably a correlation there, but there are no guarantees that high-priced providers are low volume.

Finally, I won't ever tell a provider to lower her prices, and I won't ever stop looking for bargains.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-14-2013, 12:45 PM
Dear lady, I think you over generalize. There are many different priorities guys hsve when deciding who to call. For some price is very important. For others is is gres tly outweighed by other factors.

I also agree with the view that DATY is a different question.

Personally I have a pretty good confidence that most ladies I see have not seen anywhere near 5 or 6 other clients that week, much less that day.
Beagle's Avatar
They aren't easy to find, but high-quality bargains can be found. Someone who offers low-quality at a high price is also possible.

I see your point about daty, but I don't daty, whether it's a bargain or not. Even if I'm the first client of the day, I have no idea if there's an SO with splooge privileges in the picture.

If you're making the price/volume argument, I concede there is probably a correlation there, but there are no guarantees that high-priced providers are low volume.

Finally, I won't ever tell a provider to lower her prices, and I won't ever stop looking for bargains. Originally Posted by emptywallet
...or that lower priced ladies have HIGH volume. You'd be surprised that I often hear crickets when I run 1/2 off specials or BOGO specials - or sometimes I see absolutely no change in interest at all. For some gents, its all about the hunt for a great rate AND quality service. And others just don't care - the cheaper the better.
Mr.Crowley's Avatar
But is it really safe to bargain shop for people to trade bodily fluids with? Originally Posted by jeri.bliss
Ever hear of a condom, cuts down on the exchange of body fluids, might want to give one a try?
Cpalmson's Avatar
As a guy, I think you can get both a bargain as well as quality at the same time. One has to be willing to do the research as well as be willing to go on the hunt. I search for UTR girls. If done correctly, you can find girls that will do clock free dates with an open menu and be under 300 if not closer to 200. With these girls, you also get the added benefit of one who is not a pro and really is low volume. Then again there are times when a quality , proven provider might fill the bill. BTW, I love DATY, but I always do a freshness check before going down. Doesn't matter if she is a 1client a day girl or I'm probably #5 of the day.
miketokc's Avatar
Just my opinion but in OKC nothing gets more attention than the new girl on the block especially if she is a BP find at a bargain price. There are a few guys who tend to find someone they like and stick with them but I'd say 95% of the guys are always looking for something new and the younger and cheaper the better. Obviously these girls aren't stupid (some aren't anyway) and the price goes up quickly within a few days. For some of the new guys (older too) finding a diamond in the rough is all part of the thrill of the game.
Satyrrical's Avatar
Of my top 5 most disappointing encounters, 4 were in the 350/hr or more range. Of my top 5 greatest encounters, 3 were in the 200/hr or less range.

My experience is that high rates relate directly to appearance and native market more so than high quality (which to me means skills) or low volume.

As to volume, the three Rs of learning are repetition, repetition, repetition.
My experience is that high rates relate directly to appearance and native market more so than high quality (which to me means skills) or low volume. Originally Posted by Satyrrical
100% agree. I would only add "and attitude" to your definition of high quality.
Same topic posted in other forums:

South Texas

In case anyone's interested in comparing notes.....

Originally Posted by Beagle
So, you're saying I have participated in a threAD bombardment. I feel cheap and used. On the plus side, I usually have to pay extra for that, so...

Bargain found!!
Will the real Jeri Bliss Please stand up?

I'm doing like the OP and posting this in multiples of her threads!

I found this showcase on P411 IN PORTLAND - hmmmm And, judging from this girl's number she's been around awhile!

I do find this thread amusing especially considering the OP has been a member here less than two weeks! I wonder what her P411 number is?
Budlight_Mike's Avatar
Check P126891 for her P411 profile.
Check P126891 for her P411 profile. Originally Posted by oceannodak
ID 64680 vs 126891 - I don't know but I'd say the former has been around longer than the later.
universalenergy's Avatar
So, you're saying I have participated in a threAD bombardment. I feel cheap and used. On the plus side, I usually have to pay extra for that, so...

Bargain found!!
WINNING! Originally Posted by emptywallet
Yea she sure is stirring the pot in Texas. Check out the response in Austin.
This is not going good for you sugar.
You asked where is the southern hospitality and we were taking it all wrong.
Let me explain what southern hospitality is. We will give you the benefit of the doubt when we first meet you and show you a welcome but when you start insulting us and especially the women folk your welcome has run out and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. You have came across as rude and very condescending.
I would seriously rethink your marketing strategy and try and come back later with a better attitude.