Permanent delete

Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Is there a way to permanently delete an account so that you can never log back in to eccie ever again. Like a permanent ban, so that, in case temptations arise, there would be a stronghold preventing me from going back. Sex addiction is ruining my wellbeing.
Duke of G's Avatar
If you disable your account, it's closed. But we don't make judgement or provide barrier to you re-opening it. You'll have to deal with your own issues on that.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
If you disable your account, it's closed. But we don't make judgement or provide barrier to you re-opening it. You'll have to deal with your own issues on that. Originally Posted by Duke of G
How do you turn your account into a guess account?
TinMan's Avatar
The temptation won't go away. If not Eccie, BP or something else.

You can't kick this by yourself. The fact that you've asked to have the site blocked to you says that you know this. Get professional help, SAA, etc.

Best of luck.
Bruce, just give in like I did. Life is so much more fun this way.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Bruce, just give in like I did. Life is so much more fun this way. Originally Posted by OneStarLuck07
@TinMan Thank You, but SAA is essentially paying someone to act like they care about you...sounds too much like hobbying to me
@OSL07 I have no problem with guys who can hobby and maintain their peace, but it's not fun for me anymore, it's a compulsion not a choice, but I haven't done it in a few months and it's the happiest I've been all year...

This permanent ban would just be a preemptive strike because I know how weak I am
TinMan's Avatar
It ain't going to work, though. You're treating the symptom, not the disease.
And what would stop you from creating another account?
Grow a pair of balls, and be responsible for your actions.
And for God's sake do it without another attention seeking look at me thread.