What is a polite way to leave after they let you in.

I normally visit amps but I have been venturing out to rubratings and independents.

A lot of the pics are not real. Or they are real and show off a great body and then I arrive and the face is highly unattractive.

I don't want average or below average looking girls. Just dont want it. I'm an attractive guy. I do this to avoid the hassle of having to text and call the girl and put up with drama.

So here is my idea. I get there. Like normal the open the door where I cant see them. I go in. I pull out a 20 and tell them that I'm not feeling it and leave.

Any experiences?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I haven't actually bolted, but I should have 2-3 times.. I heard from Roxy, that a guy did that with her.. showed up, said "I can't do this", and left her a $20.. sounds like a good plan.
Arcane's Avatar
I normally visit amps but I have been venturing out to rubratings and independents.

A lot of the pics are not real. Or they are real and show off a great body and then I arrive and the face is highly unattractive.

I don't want average or below average looking girls. Just dont want it. I'm an attractive guy. I do this to avoid the hassle of having to text and call the girl and put up with drama.

So here is my idea. I get there. Like normal the open the door where I cant see them. I go in. I pull out a 20 and tell them that I'm not feeling it and leave.

Any experiences? Originally Posted by Bbbjlover1
No you're not. At least not attractive enough for them to text and call you or avoid any drama. Also, see if they ever forgo the donation to fuck your attractive ass.
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
bbbj lover----the 20$ is a good idea-
--just don't say the "I'm not feeling it"--
Instead use the old standard line that EVERY guy uses when he wants to avoid meeting with a woman-
-"I just got a call that I have to report to work-- Sorry i have to leave"
that way, no hurt feelings
No you're not. At least not attractive enough for them to text and call you or avoid any drama. Also, see if they ever forgo the donation to fuck your attractive ass. Originally Posted by Arcane
I'm not bragging like I'm a Greek god lol. If I was some fat guy that is balding and 50 years old then that type of guy may feel satisfied having a 5 open the door. When you see the girl and they look great in the ad and in real life you would not want to fuck them for free then I feel like I wasted money after. Probably 80% of america I would not want to fuck for free. This post is all about how to leave nicely not me.

Here is one posting. Check out the girl. The girl looks nothing like that. I should have left.

Ralph Fults's Avatar
If I was some fat guy that is balding and 50 years old then that type of guy may feel satisfied having a 5 open the door.

[] Originally Posted by Bbbjlover1
You'll be 50 some day and maybe even lose some of that hair.
Ty sherry. I'll take your advice. Done with thread before it turns into an episode of dr Phil
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 01-06-2020, 01:47 PM
Her ad comes off as if she is entitled, and looks like the lady in the pics! You have the right to leave, unfortunately the decision isn’t always so cut and dry. Write the review..

It’s a very difficult decision, I usually just stick it out...buyers remorse hits hard!
DunnJackNoff's Avatar
I think we have all been there and I have only baled twice... like others have said probably should have a few other times. I don’t think there is a polite way. I pretended I got an important phone call and had to go take care of something urgent. I’m sure when I never came back they figured it out. But that was better than puking.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Keep your 20$ and just be honest. U should not have to reward someone that purposely wasted your time. Use one of those classic lines if ur too much of a nice guy (I left the donation in car/job called/wife tripping)
Why is it younger fellers think age, hair and/or body type have any effect on a man's game? I suspect many of these ladies' ATFs are 50+ yo, bald, fat guys.
Why is it younger fellers think age, hair and/or body type have any effect on a man's game? I suspect many of these ladies' ATFs are 50+ yo, bald, fat guys. Originally Posted by Billogoods
I'm over 50, not quite as lean as I once was, and my thinning hair is gray. But I'll put my game up against anyone's any day. And the ladies in their mid 30s to early 50s have a great time. Anyhow...

As to the OP's question, there's no polite exit other than to leave without making a big deal. The only reasons for staying are, perhaps, guilt or just a desire to steadfastly push through to a nut.

If her pics are 10-15 years and/or 50+ pounds in the rearview, I would simply say, "I'm sorry. The photos and stats you advertised are way out of date and I just cannot go through with this based on that info." If you want to leave some money as a thank-you-for-scheduling tip, well whatever.

We all know there are variances between glamour shots and real life and that's simply part of the hobby. But those bigger differences don't demand our cash. You wouldn't settle for bait-and-switch at a retail store for a lower-dollar item. Why do so for a more significant amount of hard-earned dollars?

DunnJackNoff's Avatar
True... and maybe if we walked away more often the 10yr old, 50 pounds ago pictures wouldn’t be so prevalent.
But sometimes we just close our eyes, hold our breath, and power through it like the troopers we are.
shooter6.5's Avatar
hair or body style. It has to do with the lady who you visited. I am glad you are young and good looking. I can almost remember those days.
Here is the position I take after a long time in this adventure. If the add the lady posts is clearly false and misleading then that is on her. If she is polite when I say this is not my style situation, then I will give her a fee. If she is not then nothing.

If I have not done my homework and the situation was explained many times in reviews or the locker room then that is my fault and I will leave a fee.

Really pretty basic and certainly not rocket science.
Here's a quick fix to ensure you are seeing the same attractive girl in the ad, which I do all the time. Simply have them send you a selfie real quick holding up 4 fingers, and tell them to include their ENTIRE body and face in the selfie. If they come up with some lame ass excuse as to why they cant do it, then chances are they are NOT the girl in the ad. If it's truly the girl in the ad, she will glady send you the selfie.