Brown nosers, Snitches, Haters....

Gotta love them! .... But seriously, has business been that bad for some of the female providers on here?? My business is fine so thank u ladies...Ur only helping me become more perfect. After all, it is my imperfections that make me perfect! So keep hitting that RTM button girls!
btw...My 4 yr old son doesnt even tattle. Just sad that ur in comparison to a child because ur behaving like this on an adult board.
not really sure what this is about, but nope... My business is just dandy in KC! I LOVE my gents in KC and look forward to being there full time soon!

Let's keep spreading the business around, that's what makes em come on back!

if u arent hitting that rtm button on me and other ladies then it probably doesnt apply to u, unless u r also getting stupid warnings due to someone hitting that rtm button on u. Im just saying who has that much free time to go thru peoples signature lines, find a problem with it and then tattle???
Some people have nothing better to do. Im sorry youre dealing with them
Some people have nothing better to do. Im sorry youre dealing with them Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
Thank u Devon....No biggie, I just wanted to vent! Lol
I totally understand that girl.
bartipero's Avatar
Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you were starting a thread on the conservative wing of the Republican Party in Kansas and Missouri.
Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you were starting a thread on the conservative wing of the Republican Party in Kansas and Missouri. Originally Posted by bartipero
Ha! I bet that would be a much better topic! lol
novacain's Avatar
Here you go,
Two mods and an owner weighed in on this, seems according to them the haters are doing it right. So if you don't break the rules, you'll have nothing to "vent" about or are you so special that the rules need not apply to you?
Here you go,
Two mods and an owner weighed in on this, seems according to them the haters are doing it right. So if you don't break the rules, you'll have nothing to "vent" about or are you so special that the rules need not apply to you? Originally Posted by novacain
Pretty sure i can vent about whatever i see fit and quite sure this is my thread, who are you?? And i am that special, thank u very much. However, if my signature line was a problem today, then why wasnt it 9 months ago??? If it was really that serious of a 'rule' then it should have been brought to my attn 9 months ago.... But thank u for clearing up and confirming that i do have haters following me around. I am a provider, not a f'n mod so, no, i am not measuring the dam pixels in my signature pic, but if it was wrong size then why does it even allow it to be done?
Where is the RTM button?
Where is the RTM button? Originally Posted by stacy in kc
my point exactly girl.... I have never reported anything that wasnt beneficial to everyone on this board.... and i never will, im more worried about the 'real' law, not a stupid picture size rule here on ECCIE....
Gemma, very seldom do I respond to a thread outside of my assigned forums, but in this case I feel I must.

In the case of your remark on this thread

Yes, you were the one pointed out on it. Your reply to my request via PM was quick and compliant with the request. For that I do thank you.

That you seem to have a problem with it, which is demonstrated by your starting of this thread, is understandable.

Now one point you have to understand is that, when you joined ECCIE and agreed to the Terms of Service, you did agree to help all of us to make sure that all posts that you make are in compliance with the guidelines put forth by the owners of ECCIE.
Terms of Service:

Forum Guidelines:

The stated purpose of ECCIE is to exchange information within the hobby world, but to also stay within the guidelines that the owners have put forth. To make sure that the guidelines are followed is only one of the reasons for moderator intervention. There are many other things that take place behind the scenes that are within our realm of responsibility.

Please, do not feel you are being singled out, because you are not!

Many times, things seem to slip under the radar, so to speak, only to be caught a few days, or in your case a few months, after the fact.

We all depend on each other to make ECCIE a safe and dependable place. If someone notices something that they believe is not in compliance of the guidelines, please, by all means, use the RTM button and report it! It does, on occasion, mean a false report, but we all feel better having 100 things reported that are in compliance than the one thing that is not reported.

Thank you all for your time this afternoon

The Colonel
You are correct Colonel, my apologies...I definitely need to ensure i thoroughly read the rules... but thank u for taking the time to respond, which essentially did help clear this up for me!